Anyone can help ❗️❗️⁉️

What's a good exercise routine to follow for 30 days .?? I've been running alongside the beach on the sidewalks and haven't seen much results .? What are the best exercises to loose belly fat and maintain and gain firm legs and a firm butt.? Any exercise routine to that.?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Why 30 days?

    You lose belly fat by losing fat in general, by eating at a calorie deficit. You cannot spot reduce.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    ^^ What she said.
  • raquelrae478
    raquelrae478 Posts: 12 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm on a 1000 calorie diet. So far I have been keeping up with my diet and doing very well. I just have been having a hard time exercising right . If I had a routine everyday, would be much easier and especially if I was doing the correct exercise to loose belly fat and my whole BODY FAT as well . but I'm mainly focusing on my stomach . ! @arditarose
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    I'm on a 1000 calorie diet. So far I have been keeping up with my diet and doing very well. I just have a hard time exercising right . If I had a routine everyday, would be much easier and especially if I was doing the correct exercise to loose belly fat !

    You can make any exercise into a routine- do what you enjoy. But no exercise is going to specifically help you lose belly fat because you can't spot reduce.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm on a 1000 calorie diet. So far I have been keeping up with my diet and doing very well. I just have a hard time exercising right . If I had a routine everyday, would be much easier and especially if I was doing the correct exercise to loose belly fat ! @arditarose

    1000 calories is too low. Are you losing weight or not? Like I said, you cannot spot reduce belly fat. I don't have belly fat and I have not done a single crunch or "belly fat" exercise. I ate at a deficit, and did full body strength training to maintain muscle.
  • Abby_C2014
    Abby_C2014 Posts: 86 Member
    Arditarose is right. You cannot spot reduce. You have to lose your overall body fat percentage in order to lose the belly fat. When you lose fat, your body decides where it will come off first (it depends from person to person). When I lose weight, I lose it in my face first, second legs, third is arms, fourth is my back, and the last one is my stomach fat.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Also, eating low calorie and running is not the key to a nice stomach. This thread should be helpful to you.

    Moderate deficit, strength training, moderate cardio...and more patience and time than 30 days
  • raquelrae478
    raquelrae478 Posts: 12 Member
    Well before I became lazy , I used to train with a PERSONAL TRAINER . So everything I'm doing now ( as in a meal plan) has worked for me in the past . I then gave up and just didn't care about loosing weight anymore . For the past couple of months I've been just gaining and gaining and decided to try and loose weight again . . BUT I do want to TONE MY body. But right now I'm focusin on loosing body FAT period . And at the same time build muscles and firm certain parts of my body .
  • Abby_C2014
    Abby_C2014 Posts: 86 Member
    Woah! Your calorie is way too low unless your height is close somewhere 4'0". If not then it is way too low Raquel, your body will go in defensive mode. You will lose lean body mass unless that is your goal.
  • raquelrae478
    raquelrae478 Posts: 12 Member
    Ok I understand . Thank you ladies . I just need to find a routine for an everyday base . Just to motivate me and Irvine my workouts and how many I should do a day
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Well before I became lazy , I used to train with a PERSONAL TRAINER . So everything I'm doing now ( as in a meal plan) has worked for me in the past . I then gave up and just didn't care about loosing weight anymore . For the past couple of months I've been just gaining and gaining and decided to try and loose weight again . . BUT I do want to TONE MY body. But right now I'm focusin on loosing body FAT period . And at the same time build muscles and firm certain parts of my body .

    Well establishing realistic goals is the first step. You cannot TONE your body or your muscles. Losing fat IS "toning"...losing fat to reveal the muscle beneath. You don't gain muscle at the same time as losing fat (unless you are an overfat beginner on a heavy lifting program). In fact, when you lose fat you lose muscle too, which is why strength training is recommended in a deficit-eat the proper amount of protein, lift heavy with a progressive overload, and you can save more muscle....therefore, have more muscle to reveal with you lose fat.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    OP, you should read the stickies on the top of both the Weight loss and Fitness boards.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Also, eating low calorie and running is not the key to a nice stomach. This thread should be helpful to you.

    Moderate deficit, strength training, moderate cardio...and more patience and time than 30 days

    ^This is a really good place to start. Definitely read through the first post in this discussion.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I have firmed up my legs and stomach by running at least a mile everyday on hilly terrain, doing some form of strength training twice a week, and eating about 1800 calories a day. I still have weight to lose, but I am losing inches and firming up all over without trying to "spot reduce". People keep telling me that I am losing a ton of weight even though I haven't lost any weight in the last six weeks or so because my diet has been over my calorie goal every day by quite a bit.
  • raquelrae478
    raquelrae478 Posts: 12 Member
    @arditarose thank you . Very helpful . I don't want to accomplish this in 30 days . Just wanted to get in a routine and see if it would workout for me . If I seen Results then I would continue with it , probably my whole life . I know it takes time and patience . . Just wanted to get the correct information . !
  • raquelrae478
    raquelrae478 Posts: 12 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thanks everyone
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    @arditarose thank you . Very helpful . I don't want to accomplish this in 30 days . Just wanted to get in a routine and see if it would workout for me . If I seen Results then I would continue with it , probably my whole life . I know it takes time and patience . . Just wanted to get the correct information . !

    No prob. As far as exercise goes-do what you like. Are you tired of running? You don't have to. There are tons of ways to burn calories and have fun (don't ask me, I don't do cardio), and of course resistance training is a must if you are looking to maintain lbm.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I read what straight training was but Iam still confused . What do I do and how do I do it .?

    You don't know what strength training is at all? Not judging just not sure where to start.
  • raquelrae478
    raquelrae478 Posts: 12 Member
    @arditarose no need to judge . I clicked on a link of another subject and I read something that's why I was confused . I read the wrong thing . . That's why I asked but I know what it is!! Just wanted to make sure ! Thanks