hubby says he's tired of hearing about it



  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    oh ohhhh I better learn from you. My hubby will be home in July. I already chat him to death about it via email. I can't imagine how I will be when he is home. I guess one thing that is going for me is that he is into exercise being in the military. Maybe it won't be so bad...maybe lol
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    If it was me, I'd negotiate a 5-minute daily update: I get to summarise what was good and bad about today in a short space of time, make it clear that I'm not looking for anything other than a hug at the end of it, and then a promise that we do something comepletely different - go for a walk, play a game, watch some telly, discuss the news, something else we can enjoy together.
  • Tarilynn
    Tarilynn Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for posting about your hubby. My husband is always saying to me that it's the basic calories in and calories out and says it's fine that this is consuming my routine right now, but soon it'll have to change. Ugh!! I guess we expect our husbands to react the way our girlfriends would or mfps would. My husband just has to cut our his cool ranch doritos and jog every other day (for about 1 month) and all of a sudden he has this defined 6 pack . He knows I'm proud of myself but doesn't undersand how hard it is for me to lose my lower baby belly. That's my goal and a little jogging isn't going to clear that up. That's when my mfp fiends step in and give the encouragement I NEED. Although, I must say that my husband does notice the difference, in my energy, in the bedroom, and that makes him VERY happy and verbally supportive. By the way, my boys 8,6 and 2 love watching me do my 30 Day Shred. They know that mommy wants to be healthy and exercise is a big part of a healthy heart, so when they see mommy putting on her running shoes they're right there to grab my weights, fill my water bottle, and press play on the dvd. Good luck on your venture and know that we're all here for you on mfp to keep you going. Hey, and who's to say that you're not going to be a bikini mom. No one knows what the future holds. Best wishes.