Having Midnight Cravings!

Having midnight cravings for cookies, ice cream, gummi bears! Settled for a bag of popcorn and logged it in as a snack! Thankfully I will meet my calorie goals for the day!


  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Mmmmmm popcorn...my favorite. ..good choice lady of the night
  • coachRichie
    coachRichie Posts: 27 Member
    Popcorn is a good snack but do not use those microwave type.. they are laced with all sorts of chemicals. Yes you may be under your calories but you are just putting other bad things in your body..
    Best to go old school and use a pan and corn kernels.
    Even the hot air popcorn machines are a better option.

    My choice for a late night snack these days is cottage cheese.. love this stuff but I know not everyone is a fan plus it is packed with lots of protein.
  • dezilou_2000
    dezilou_2000 Posts: 3 Member
    If you like chocolate milk, I recommend Silk Cashew Chocolate Milk. It is fantastic and fills me up AND cuts the chocolate craving.