Thinking of Starting HCG Diet

Hello All,

I have around 100 pounds to lose. I started this journey in January and have only lost 20 pounds. I have not lost a pound or even an inch since April 4, it's so frustrating. I've tried to eat back my workout calories and I've tried to only eat 1200 calories a day even though I will workout for a couple hours, nothing seems to be working. I've been to the doctor and nothing seems out of the ordinary.
Last night I saw a topic about the HCG Diet and thought about maybe trying it. Does anyone have any pros and cons about it?



  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I am just wondering why, if your doctor has confirmed that "nothing seems out of the ordinary" you would consider something that seems (to this admittedly uneducated casual observer) to be so drastic and, ultimately, unsustainable.

    If nothing is out of the ordinary with your health, then just take a good hard look at the work that you are doing and remember that 20 lbs is GREAT progress!! Go back to basics - whole foods, plenty of water, weight training and cardio, eating back your exercise calories (or at least most of them), weighing and measuring all of your food and tracking every little bit of food/beverage that passes your lips.

    Slow and steady wins this race every single time. You CAN be successful at this and have already PROVED that!!! Plateaus are a part of this journey. Keep at it and the results will come.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    don't do it.
    I don't care what kind of crap you hear from the people who have started the diet. It isn't healthy.
    Anyone who has a career in the fitness industry would advise against it.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    When you stop the HCG you appetite will return and then it will just have been a waste of money and health and time. You need to train yourself with new lifestyle choices. Maybe look into a new exercise something fun to help burn more calories. are you doing strength training? It will raise your metabolism.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Plateaus are normal for healthy weight loss. HCG....not so healthy. But who cares about health right, as long as you look great! :wink:
  • Kimcam07
    Kimcam07 Posts: 12 Member
    I have done the HCG diet. It works BUT like Chantal said, once you stop you will probably gain the weight back. At least that is my experience. Also, it is very expensive...the amount of money you will spend on HCG you could sign up for NUTRISYSTEM or one of those pre-packaged food deals. Good luck though.
  • MommyofBoys
    When you stop the HCG you appetite will return and then it will just have been a waste of money and health and time. You need to train yourself with new lifestyle choices. Maybe look into a new exercise something fun to help burn more calories. are you doing strength training? It will raise your metabolism.

    I started a new excercise a month ago and I also added some strength training into my routine as I also heard that that helps your metabolism.
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    I started this journey in January and have only lost 20 pounds.

    That is great! Maybe it isn't what you have hoped for, but appreciate the progress that has been made!!

    What type of exercises are you doing? I have, and many others, have found great success with workout programs like Insanity and TurboJam. Let me know if you want to learn more about those workouts!
    Last night I saw a topic about the HCG Diet and thought about maybe trying it. Does anyone have any pros and cons about it?

    I lived with a girl who did this (and she had family that was doing it with her). Just like everyone else has been saying it isn't safe. You are eating a VERY low amount of calories, which isn't safe! What I also don't like is the fact you are not suppose to exercise when using HCG because you are not taking enough calories. Nutrition and exercise goes hand in hand! When you find programs out there that don't include both, I would be a bit worried!
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I have several friends & co-workers that've done the HCG diet & lost weight initially. I have yet to see ONE keep that weight off several months after their HCG diet. The problem with the quick fixes is that they're only temporary; the weight will just come back.

    Slow & steady will win the race. You don't have to go nuts with exercise (unless you're really aspiring for like fitness competitions) just keep doing something, anything on a consistent basis.

    I think the number one reason for lack of success (when people truly are not losing over a significant period of time) is inaccuracy in calculating cals in or cals out. Do you really measure your food intake? I'd recommend a digital scale. Do you use a heart rate monitor for your exercise? These are things that can make a big difference in getting accurate calorie readings.

    Good luck!
  • MommyofBoys
    I have several friends & co-workers that've done the HCG diet & lost weight initially. I have yet to see ONE keep that weight off several months after their HCG diet. The problem with the quick fixes is that they're only temporary; the weight will just come back.

    Slow & steady will win the race. You don't have to go nuts with exercise (unless you're really aspiring for like fitness competitions) just keep doing something, anything on a consistent basis.

    I think the number one reason for lack of success (when people truly are not losing over a significant period of time) is inaccuracy in calculating cals in or cals out. Do you really measure your food intake? I'd recommend a digital scale. Do you use a heart rate monitor for your exercise? These are things that can make a big difference in getting accurate calorie readings.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the reply. I do measure everything I eat with my digital scale and I got a hrm about a month ago. I thought the same thing that maybe i was doing things and eating things and not measuring them properly.