HATING Office Life Right Now

Jaffsa Posts: 93 Member
Just wanted to vent..
- Some dude in the cubicle next to me has been trying to swallow the same loogie for 4 months now. He sucks air into his nose to get all the phlegm into his throat then swallows.. .but it hasn't helped because ever since he "moved in" he's been doing it. Anyone know that sound I'm talking about... "ssnnuuugggjjnnnnnttttt" (best way I could think to spell it)
- Someone's lunch smells REALLY bad.
- Its freezing in here. I have my space heater on full blast inches from me and I'm wearing a blanket (with long sleeves and pants)
- There's like 3 people that have consistently been coughing all day.
- I've had to change the water bubbler jug twice today because people keep leaving it empty. (those things are HEAVY)
- This woman that sits in an office near me keeps talking wicked loud into the phone.

If anyone else has worked in an office, I know you can relate to most of these things- if not all of them.

Someone come kidnap me. Please.


  • Rob_in_MI
    Rob_in_MI Posts: 393 Member
    Have you seen "Office Space"? Everything about it is true....and funny.
  • Jaffsa
    Jaffsa Posts: 93 Member
    Rob_in_MI wrote: »
    Have you seen "Office Space"? Everything about it is true....and funny.
    hahahah YES. All. Too. Real.

  • Rob_in_MI
    Rob_in_MI Posts: 393 Member
    I totally want to do the copy machine thing to our group printer!
  • Jaffsa
    Jaffsa Posts: 93 Member
    Rob_in_MI wrote: »
    I totally want to do the copy machine thing to our group printer!

    haha oh man, that would be fun!
    There's a lot of things in that movie I wouldn't mind doing. Pretty much living Peter Gibbons's life. Knocking down my cubicle walls, telling my boss to pretty much eff off... etc... :wink:

  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    Why are offices always so cold?? My space heater is on summer, winter, fall and spring. I can't believe that whoever is supposed to control it, can't freaking get the thermostat right (we're not allowed to touch it).
  • Rob_in_MI
    Rob_in_MI Posts: 393 Member
    Why are offices always so cold?? My space heater is on summer, winter, fall and spring. I can't believe that whoever is supposed to control it, can't freaking get the thermostat right (we're not allowed to touch it).
    The old folks are broiling while the young ones freeze. I'm in the middle and humored by all of it.

  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
    I have an ongoing argument with my employer regarding heating/temperature. FOR EIGHT YEARS NOW!
    I'm waiting for my " Falling Down" Moment............
  • Jaffsa
    Jaffsa Posts: 93 Member
    Rob_in_MI wrote: »
    Why are offices always so cold?? My space heater is on summer, winter, fall and spring. I can't believe that whoever is supposed to control it, can't freaking get the thermostat right (we're not allowed to touch it).
    The old folks are broiling while the young ones freeze. I'm in the middle and humored by all of it.

    Hey now... I'm not old!! And i'm ALWAYS freezing in here!
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    I feel for you, time to ask for your own office
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    Rob_in_MI wrote: »
    Why are offices always so cold?? My space heater is on summer, winter, fall and spring. I can't believe that whoever is supposed to control it, can't freaking get the thermostat right (we're not allowed to touch it).
    The old folks are broiling while the young ones freeze. I'm in the middle and humored by all of it.

    One of my coworkers, 50'ish and going through menopause has two fans hitting on her from all sides. Half the time she can't hear people talking to her because of how loud her fans are. Ridiculous.

    Edited-Went to go count her fans. Changed from three to two.
    Ha!! I'm just amuzed that you actually got up to go count them @Non_Stop!
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    **grabs burlap bag and duct tape**

    ok! i'm on my way!!
  • Fitwarrior7_Round_2
    Fitwarrior7_Round_2 Posts: 453 Member

    When the printer always be jammin!
  • JEE2015
    JEE2015 Posts: 146 Member
    edited October 2015
    My department is ALL guys. Great for the most part but trying to stay focused on my diet is a challenge when they bring in crap every other day and the damn 'food cube/desk' is right next to mine. Our office is a meat locker too, I wear my sweater a lot. I'll admit, I'm 52 and facing the big 'M' too but I never let them know if I'm hot/cold or whatever. I have a very small fan (it's super quiet) on my desk and if I get hot, I slam my ice water and turn my fan on. Yeah, the whole luggie swallowing thing is freaking disgusting!!! There's a few people that float around this office who think its a sport!!!!.

    Hang in there kid! At least we have jobs 'to' complain about.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I've printed that ^ and stuck it on our plotter. It REALLY pissed off the tech guy. :D
  • Fitwarrior7_Round_2
    Fitwarrior7_Round_2 Posts: 453 Member
    I've printed that ^ and stuck it on our plotter. It REALLY pissed off the tech guy. :D

    BRB doing this right now.
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    lol, my office is a smidge too warm. It's perfect in the morning and into midday. By late afternoon I'm broiling.
    I'm sure the women of the office think it's too cold but they can always throw on another layer. It wouldn't be 'appropriate behavior' if I removed mine...

  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    I have the day off !!!!!
  • Nicki_G724
    Nicki_G724 Posts: 629 Member
    My office is pretty chill...however there are some days where we get people just randomly walk into our office and ask about the other offices/businesses in the building. I walk out and take a peak at the name on our door and think, "huh...I thought maybe our name was now Information Center. But nope still the same ol same ol."

  • Nicki_G724
    Nicki_G724 Posts: 629 Member
    ejinvt wrote: »
    Raise your hand if you think it's DISGUSTING to clip your nails at your desk. I certainly do, but several of the people in my office apparently did not get this memo. Gross...

    Oh, and we're including a cover sheet with all TPS reports now. Did you get the memo?

    Yeah....my sup does it...It's just like....WTH?
  • Rob_in_MI
    Rob_in_MI Posts: 393 Member
    ejinvt wrote: »
    Raise your hand if you think it's DISGUSTING to clip your nails at your desk. I certainly do, but several of the people in my office apparently did not get this memo. Gross...

    Oh, and we're including a cover sheet with all TPS reports now. Did you get the memo?

    If they end up in the garbage....maybe. If they clip them and the little *kitten* fly all over the place? GROSS.