No appetite



  • dallas_33
    dallas_33 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I have other things going on and just forget to eat. I learned in my nutrition class that when you don't eat like you should, your body, over time, stops sending those hunger cues. Which may explain the forgetting to eat. Using this app, I'm amazed at how low my intake is. I never realized how much I'm NOT eating. So your not alone. I read in these forums to try drinking more liquids like shakes and such then move on to eating more. Send yourself a reminder every 2-3 hrs to eat/drink something. Eventually your body will respond and get "hungry" again. I dont know. Not there yet either. Baby steps. Try it. Gotta start somewhere. Good luck!
  • hyIianprincess
    hyIianprincess Posts: 302 Member
    I've struggled with an eating disorder for many years and recently started recovery in the beginning of this year. I also had no hunger cues due to restricting so much which wasn't uncommon for my case. My recovery team told me once I start eating at regular times, they should come back. Currently, I have a timer set to remind me to eat every 2-3 hours. I'm not saying you have an eating disorder, (if you were doing it intentionally, that would be different) but maybe that will help you too.

    There's a huge difference between eating disorders and disordered eating.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Same boat here as well. Literally my body doesn't get hungry. When u try to stuff yourself when your not hungry that doesn't help. Psychologically your body denotes the food as something negative. It's easy to say eat small meals or eat specific foods but for girls like you and I that didn't work. Please try apetamine this works!!! There's hundreds of YouTube videos. It's an appetite stimulant. All natural

    Recommending treatments to other posters is very dangerous.