The Things We Do For Love

I wanted to put up a positive thread to oppose the "Things We Do to Annoy our Spouse" thread. Not one of us is perfect, and we do things that annoy our spouses, partners, significant other. What are the things you do for your spouse to show them you love them.

I make homemade buttermilk blueberry pancakes on Sunday mornings, i make and pack his lunch for him everyday, i get up in the mornings to pour his coffee for him on the days that i don't go to work, i touch and kiss him at every chance i get, i tell him i love him first thing in the morning and last thing at night, as we drift to sleep.

No, we are not a new couple or newlyweds, etc. We have been together for 10 years and married for 5 in September. I am sure there are other things I do to show my love, but these are the ones that come to mind immediately


  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    This is a beautiful it.

  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I set my alarm to go off 36 minutes before I need to get up and snuggle with my husband through 4 rounds of hitting the snooze button.
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    Your spouse is lucky to have you!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I will buy him cards and write something sweet in them, I leave little notes around the house, I make sure I always kiss him and tell him I love him before we leave for work and go to sleep, try to cook a favorite meal or something I know he will like (we both work full time btw and I always do the cooking). I let him have me time whether its sitting on the patio drinking a beer etc atleast once a week (once again we both have full time jobs and we have an infant as well) I have done alot of things that I rather not say because it might be up for contraversy on here job etc :) I have known the love of my life for almost 12 years (we met in boot camp) but have dated for almost two years and married for only 10 months but honestly I dont consider us newlyweds cause I have been in love with this man almost half of my life.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    I recently drove 30 minutes to >cough< "sneak" through a window into my BF's house (he's a Cop, so that makes it funnier) to make dinner for him when he texted me & told me he was having a really bad day at work.

    I made him a nice roast beef dinner cooked with mushrooms, onions, & garlic, mashed potatoes, & that Club House Mushroom Gravy Mix (I LOVE gravy, so I'm SO glad I found that stuff! It's Calorie CHEAP!!!). He came home... & was so happy to see me!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Like you, I pack my husband's lunch when he is working. He works a split swing shift, so that means getting up at 3:30 am when he is on day shift, or packing it in the morning before I leave for work when he is on nights.
    I try to make sure there is always sweet tea in the refrigerator, because that is his favorite drink - even though I don't drink it at all. I pour his coffee and take it to him before I leave for work on his days off.
    I notice and appreciate the things he does for me and around our home to keep things nice.
    I make sure to tell him constantly that I love him, his sense of humor, how hard he works and how amazing I think he is.
    I never leave the house without a kiss and I love you, usually more than one.

    We are not a new couple either. We celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary in April.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I loved making my ex breakfast in bed on Sundays.
  • swenard
    swenard Posts: 101
    You all have very lucky husbands!
  • Vkoons3
    Vkoons3 Posts: 122 Member
    My bf is out of town 6 days a week and we don't live together but I always make sure he comes home to all clean laundry, clean sheets, and that I stock all his favorite drinks and snacks so that when he is home he doesn't have to worry about all the little things. Course it benefits me too cause it's more time and attention I get from him but I do it to make things easier on him and just the little things I think show the most love!
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    I cook him dinner every night and give him back massages :)<3
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    I wanted to put up a positive thread to oppose the "Things We Do to Annoy our Spouse" thread. Not one of us is perfect, and we do things that annoy our spouses, partners, significant other. What are the things you do for your spouse to show them you love them.

    I make homemade buttermilk blueberry pancakes on Sunday mornings, i make and pack his lunch for him everyday, i get up in the mornings to pour his coffee for him on the days that i don't go to work, i touch and kiss him at every chance i get, i tell him i love him first thing in the morning and last thing at night, as we drift to sleep.

    No, we are not a new couple or newlyweds, etc. We have been together for 10 years and married for 5 in September. I am sure there are other things I do to show my love, but these are the ones that come to mind immediately

    this made me smile... and completely miss my husband. you know when they're away its the little things you miss the most.

    when we were working normal shifts i would get up and pack his lunch for him too.. when he went to the crappy shift i would make sure he had his favorite lunch things available. and i would stop by on my way home from work and bring him a fru fru coffee or bring the shop some ice cream sandwiches (his favorite kind of course).
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    I make homemade buttermilk blueberry pancakes on Sunday mornings, i make and pack his lunch for him everyday, i get up in the mornings to pour his coffee for him on the days that i don't go to work, i touch and kiss him at every chance i get, i tell him i love him first thing in the morning and last thing at night, as we drift to sleep.

    I think I love you!!!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm carrying our second child? Lol.

    I make sure dinner is done when he gets home from work and I make his plate for him. I try and make sure the house is some what picked up and clean every day but that isn't always easy with an 18 month old. I make him cheesecakes from scratch even though I don't even really like cheesecake. (This last one had coconut on it which I'm allergic to.) I kiss him good night and tell him I love him every night before we go to bed.

    ...I'm not really sure what else. Other than putting up with his crazy *kitten*. :laugh:
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    I get him coffee and a fritter on weekend mornings - exactly as he likes them.

    He is excellent at cleaning the house and I take care of the yard work - it's a great combination!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    neither of us leave the house without a matter if we're fighting or not. We both say I love you before going to sleep, I bring him coffee every night on my way home from work. I get a back rub every single night before I fall asleep. We love to hold hands in the truck. He loves it when I'm the big spoon, although he's 6'2 and 275lbs lol when I come home in the evening from the gym, we sit outside on the back step and talk about our day. He truly is my best friend.
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    I recently drove 30 minutes to >cough< "sneak" through a window into my BF's house (he's a Cop, so that makes it funnier) to make dinner for him when he texted me & told me he was having a really bad day at work.

    I made him a nice roast beef dinner cooked with mushrooms, onions, & garlic, mashed potatoes, & that Club House Mushroom Gravy Mix (I LOVE gravy, so I'm SO glad I found that stuff! It's Calorie CHEAP!!!). He came home... & was so happy to see me!

    Thats so sweet!! :flowerforyou:
  • dgrenell
    dgrenell Posts: 6 Member
    I cook dinner for him and I iron his clothes because I know he hates doing it.

    This really made me think, maybe I should do more for him.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    aw i got goose bumps. i hope my relationship will still be like that 9 yrears from now.

    when he was in college i drove an hr away and an hr back every weekend to see him
    i clean his room because i know he hates doing it
    and our bathroom...
    i try very hard not to get upset when its "guys night" and ive gotten pretty good at it :]
    i pick up his snotty tissues when hes sick
    i stay up with him when hes sick with the flu even tho puke groses me out
    i tell him if he has boogers in his nose
    i wipe his mouth for him if he has something on it
    i bought him a pair of work shorts becuase we only had enough money for one pair (its 96 degrees in the kitchen where we work)
    infact anything with money, ill put him first. only money for one meal? goes to him or we split it.
    i drive to work to go on break with him

    he does many things for me too :] <3
    i love my foot rubs. i get about 4-5 a week! :D
    he has done the romantic movie stuff like run after me after we have said goodbye and kiss me one last time (even after dating for over a yr)
    he makes me breakfast every morning after we drink because he never gets hungover
    he made me a mp3 of him saying how much he loves me so i can listen to it when hes gone
    he buys me flowers, lotto tickets, and sour patch kids to work on random days because they are 3 things that i LOOOVE
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I cook dinner every night
    I make a family breakfast every Sunday morning
    I rub her back nearly every night
    If she worked really late the night before, I'll make her a mocha frap in the morning.