Dealing with cravings

MzNayGriffin Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Are there any healthy alternatives for chocolate and salt cravings that you personally prefer? Also, how do you work on curving cravings? I get them bad when Mother Nature is approaching.


  • OutdoorCamoGirl
    OutdoorCamoGirl Posts: 67 Member
    I don't know about "healthy" chocolate, but I believe moderation is the key. That being said, you could always get the "mini's" and just budget a piece or two into your day. Have to have willpower though not to eat more, but it's a great way to curb the craving and not go overboard. Most of the time it's just the taste we want anyway. So by only having a piece or two, then most likely your taste will be satisfied.

    Can't really help on the salt one though, as I'm definitely not a salt lover. 1 salt shaker in my house could last 50 years for me lol
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I make them fit into my allowance. Make sure you're getting enough protein and fats for satiety.
  • dinosaurparty
    dinosaurparty Posts: 185 Member
    I've always found that pickles stop my cravings. To be honest, it's probably because they have massive amounts of salt in them, but they're also crunchy and flavorful, and only have like 10 calories each.
  • I'd just eat chocolate covered potato chips and call it good.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I find out how much a listed portion is and then fit it into my calories for the day. Yes, it less than I would like to eat, but by dishing out a SINGLE portion and putting it away, I get enough satisfy the craving and don't feel like getting up to get more.
  • LokiDokiArtichoki
    LokiDokiArtichoki Posts: 36 Member
    I like eating a big salad and/or an apple before I have my Reese's minis (2-4 of them). I usually still want chocolate but once I've eaten something I feel like I'm not going to down an entire bag.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I eat the 85% cocoa one. and keep it to max 2 squares. I have now got a new thing going to appease Mother Nature though. There is usually one day just before she hits where I get "bottomless pit" syndrome and cravy cakey-type goodness. So now, once a month I eat a whole piece of whatever (eg caramel slice) - this month it's going to be a cronut - I'm now planning out what goodie I'm going to eat. So it's just the one, savoured slowly - then it makes me feel like *kitten* (in terms of sugar gross - not guilty) and then I won't do it again until the next month.
  • LokiDokiArtichoki
    LokiDokiArtichoki Posts: 36 Member
    Oh as for the salt I have green olives w/pimentos or banana peppers in my salads
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    No need to give up food you enjoy, just eat it in moderation - make it fit within your calories :)
  • exantus74
    exantus74 Posts: 3 Member
    a little bit of the dark,awchocolate always go for the dark chocolate
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    I eat salt when I crave it, but I do cook for myself, so I get very little. Maybe you need something that is in the chocolate. Doesn't good chocolate have magnesium in it?

    Salt, magnesium, potassium. Have you been working out a lot or in the heat sweating or not eating enough foods with these in them?

    I find coconut water helpful when I let myself dehydrate because it has all three. Delicious cold, too. Of course, there are always the good old monthly chocolate cravings. The simpler explanation.
  • exantus74
    exantus74 Posts: 3 Member
    always go for the dark chocolate*
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    make it fit.

    im not giving up my chocolate or cookies or beer LOLOLOL
  • MzNayGriffin
    MzNayGriffin Posts: 7 Member
    I've always found that pickles stop my cravings. To be honest, it's probably because they have massive amounts of salt in them, but they're also crunchy and flavorful, and only have like 10 calories each.

    Never thought of pickle. Thanks!!!
  • MzNayGriffin
    MzNayGriffin Posts: 7 Member
    exantus74 wrote: »
    always go for the dark chocolate*

    Hmmm, thanks!!!
  • MzNayGriffin
    MzNayGriffin Posts: 7 Member
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    I eat salt when I crave it, but I do cook for myself, so I get very little. Maybe you need something that is in the chocolate. Doesn't good chocolate have magnesium in it?

    Salt, magnesium, potassium. Have you been working out a lot or in the heat sweating or not eating enough foods with these in them?

    I find coconut water helpful when I let myself dehydrate because it has all three. Delicious cold, too. Of course, there are always the good old monthly chocolate cravings. The simpler explanation.

    I just started back working out. I've been doing a lot of cardio (walking & jogging some) this week.
  • MzNayGriffin
    MzNayGriffin Posts: 7 Member
    No need to give up food you enjoy, just eat it in moderation - make it fit within your calories :)

  • MzNayGriffin
    MzNayGriffin Posts: 7 Member
    Oh as for the salt I have green olives w/pimentos or banana peppers in my salads

    Ok I love banana peppers. Thanks!!!
  • MzNayGriffin
    MzNayGriffin Posts: 7 Member
    Are there any healthy alternatives for chocolate and salt cravings that you personally prefer? Also, how do you work on curving cravings? I get them bad when Mother Nature is approaching.

    Thanks for the replies. I'm taking notes
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Air popped popcorn with salt is tasty and low cal. Skinny pop popcorn is also tasty - about 150 calories per serving.

    I like the Ghiradelli minis - just one is about 40 calories. (I like the almond and sea salt). Trader Joes also makes delicious dark chocolate triangles that come in a tin. Just one is very satisfying. They also have 100 calorie chocolate bars, which are regular chocolate just portioned.

    I have also been known to mix chocolate protein powder into milk for a treat if I want chocolate and have not met my protein for the day. You can also mix it in a blender with ice for a shake.

    Other options might be sugar free chocolate pudding or chocolate yogurts (I can't say I have tried them, but I see them at the store).