The Things We Do For Love



  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I make dinner every day, always asking if he wants anything special.

    No matter how bad a mood I'm in I don't take it out on him. I rub his back, rub his feet, pluck his eyebrows (without me he'd have a unibrow lol), and pick out his clothes on weekends.

    I always give him the servings of dinner/breakfast that turn out better.

    I make him little cards and notes and am always sure to tell him I love him every morning.

    He makes sure to give me about 10 kisses every morning and tells me he loves me before leaving for work and won't go until I wake up enough to smile at him.

    He refuses to go to sleep without cuddles.

    He takes me out to dinner/breakfast when I'm having a bad week.

    He always asks if I have a headache before turning on loud music in the car (we like our music loud but I oftentimes have migraines)

    He squeezes my butt when I walk past and always holds my hand when we're out and about.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I do a lot of the things everyone else has mentioned, like make his lunch, coffee, etc...

    But also, my hubby LOVES to fish, loves to be on the water, and lots of times loves to go out to the reefs since fishing is so much better out there.
    Well, I get HORRIBLY sea sick any time I am on a boat, no matter if the seas are completely calm. Have tried Dramamine, ginger, nothing seems to work. It is the most awful feeling in the world, and I just want to die...but every weekend, without fail, we go out on the boat, and I do this because I know he loves it so, and I still cherish being out there with him.....even if I am hung over the side for most of the time:ohwell:
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    I set my alarm to go off 36 minutes before I need to get up and snuggle with my husband through 4 rounds of hitting the snooze button.

    That is so cute!!!!
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    Let me just say :) this is amazing. I always feel like everyone makes marriage/long relationships sound like hell on earth. I spend a lot of time thinking that me and my BF must just be different since we spend so much time/effort on making one another happy and enjoy it... but you all give me hope!!!! :-D

    I hope that after 28 years of marriage I will still be whipping up desserts I don't like just for him and writing goofy notes and getting good bye kisses in the morning :)

    :) totally perked up my day!
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    I'm gagging a little bit here Jewel... j/k

    My hubby & I say "I love you" a lot, and mean it. I touch him whenever I have an opportunity, and tease him as often as I can. We have lots of little ways that we're affectionate towards eachother that most people don't understand or even see. And, if I'm feeling really ambitious, I'll bake something for him or cook one of his favorite meals. But, if I did that every day, it would lose its meaning.

    I love this thread, Jewel! I've done some big things (pressuring him to quit his high-paying career to go to school for 2 years and take a lesser paying career doing what makes him happy.) Our little things include setting up the coffee so the other wakes up to hot fresh coffee, swallowing my self-doubt and insecurity to wear sexy costumes (ONLY on special occasions so it's still exciting!) We say "I love you" about a zillion times a day, so when it seems like it's become a pat saying, one of us will say "I love you....the real way" And I melt!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I do a lot of the things everyone else has mentioned, like make his lunch, coffee, etc...

    But also, my hubby LOVES to fish, loves to be on the water, and lots of times loves to go out to the reefs since fishing is so much better out there.
    Well, I get HORRIBLY sea sick any time I am on a boat, no matter if the seas are completely calm. Have tried Dramamine, ginger, nothing seems to work. It is the most awful feeling in the world, and I just want to die...but every weekend, without fail, we go out on the boat, and I do this because I know he loves it so, and I still cherish being out there with him.....even if I am hung over the side for most of the time:ohwell:
    That is adorable. You're so good to him!
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    I try to bring my wife flowers at work for no reason at all at least once a month and I cook a big breakfast on Sunday mornings while she sleeps in.

    She's good to me too though- she gives me back massages when I've had a rough day. :-)
  • jpierce8806
    I make dinner every night. I tell him I love him every morning and every night. I try to find a new thing to compliment him about each day. I kiss and touch him when ever possible. I encourage him. :)
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    I'm carrying our second child? Lol.

    I make sure dinner is done when he gets home from work and I make his plate for him. I try and make sure the house is some what picked up and clean every day but that isn't always easy with an 18 month old. I make him cheesecakes from scratch even though I don't even really like cheesecake. (This last one had coconut on it which I'm allergic to.) I kiss him good night and tell him I love him every night before we go to bed.

    ...I'm not really sure what else. Other than putting up with his crazy *kitten*. :laugh:

    I'm carrying our second too lol!

    I always make him a lunch to take to work the next day, keep the frig stocked with beer and lemonade (his favorite drinks lol). I bake everything from scratch which he loves, his favorite are maple frosted cinnamon rolls. Hugs and kisses when he leaves and when he comes home. I appreciate everything he does for our family!
  • ♥jewel♥
    ♥jewel♥ Posts: 839
    All of your responses make me smile! Thank you for answering, I look forward to many more!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I make dinner every day, always asking if he wants anything special.

    No matter how bad a mood I'm in I don't take it out on him. I rub his back, rub his feet, pluck his eyebrows (without me he'd have a unibrow lol), and pick out his clothes on weekends.

    I always give him the servings of dinner/breakfast that turn out better.

    I make him little cards and notes and am always sure to tell him I love him every morning.

    He makes sure to give me about 10 kisses every morning and tells me he loves me before leaving for work and won't go until I wake up enough to smile at him.

    He refuses to go to sleep without cuddles.

    He takes me out to dinner/breakfast when I'm having a bad week.

    He always asks if I have a headache before turning on loud music in the car (we like our music loud but I oftentimes have migraines)

    He squeezes my butt when I walk past and always holds my hand when we're out and about.

    Jovi! You are awesome....that is all..
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    ^_^ so are you!
    and so is my bf!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I do 99% of the cooking, cleaning, yard work, household repairs: plumbing, electrical, carpentry, painting, drywall, etc. I'm unemployed at the moment (bordering on slightly self-employed), so I feel it's only right that I pull my weight in other ways. I joke that I'm not a housewife... I'm the entire maintenance crew!

    I also make his lunch, including peeling an orange for him because I know otherwise, he wouldn't eat it. :tongue:

    But I think he's most appreciative that I wear cute undies. :laugh:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I make his lunch every day, I always make sure he has clean underwear and matched socks in his dresser and his shirts are always turned right side out because he gets dressed in the dark and I'd hate to have him walking around inside out all day! :) I make sure on taekwondo nights we have something that won't upset his stomach while he's working out even though the rest of us don't have any issues with heartburn. I cut his hair super short (almost clean shaved) because he likes it that way (even though I'd prefer he wear it a little longer). I have hair down to my waist because he loves it long (even though I'd prefer mine short!) I try to give him 30 minutes of "down time" when he gets home where we're just letting him unwind from the day and zone out before I bombard him with whatever issue needs to be addressed. Well, except for yesterday when the neighbors had their pit bulls running loose and my kids were outside playing. He came home to me "all riled up" (as he put it) with my pistol on my hip. Of course he liked that part because he's a gun guy and his wife wearing jeans, a tank top and a handgun is better than any lingerie to him! lol (Please note this isn't to start a discussion about guns or pit bulls. We have personal experience with these dogs that is most unfavorable and while I love dogs and wouldn't want to hurt one if it's a choice between a dog and my kids, my kids will win! And I have had training so I'm not just some deranged lunatic. I'm a trained, deranged lunatic!)
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    I do 99% of the cooking, cleaning, yard work, household repairs: plumbing, electrical, carpentry, painting, drywall, etc. I'm unemployed at the moment (bordering on slightly self-employed), so I feel it's only right that I pull my weight in other ways. I joke that I'm not a housewife... I'm the entire maintenance crew!

    I also make his lunch, including peeling an orange for him because I know otherwise, he wouldn't eat it. :tongue:

    But I think he's most appreciative that I wear cute undies. :laugh:

    LOL that is so cute about peeling the orange!! I usually throw in a fruit for hubby which sometimes remains untouched. I'm going to try and cut and peel them for him :happy:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Gawd I'm such a worm. I should tell him everyday, but I'm usually annoyed at the kids, and therefore annoyed at him for making me have them :laugh:
    Do BJ's count?:smokin:
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    DH works 12 hr shifts, so on the day he works, I get up make his coffee/lunch/breakfast so he can be out the door as quickly as possible - regardless of whether or not I work that day or not. I have always done that. We were just talking the other day about how I have just always adapted to some of his crazy schedules and without grumbling /complaint and how that been one one the things that has helped us stay together for over 21 years.

    Now that we are both working out. I love doing his routine with him, gives us time to tease one another and changes up my routine.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Do BJ's count?:smokin:
    You almost made me snort my sandwich.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Every sunday when we are sitting in church I give him hand masages with lotion. He looks forward to it every sunday. I always make dinner, I give him massages, I wear sexy things for him, I bandage his wounds (he likes being taken care of lol) we have Husband spa day where I give him a manicure and pedicure. I snuggle with him when he has had a bad day he too likes it when I am the big spoon. lol

    I buy him his favorite snacks and make sure he has things in the fridge for breakfast and lunch. I watch Basketball on tv with him even tho I HATE it! (any other sport I will gladly watch except basketball, the gangster tattoos and self riteous attitudes do me in)
    I always tell him I love him a gazillion times a day. I always kiss him good bye in the mornings.

    It is true what they say, by serving someone your love grows for them, The more I serve my husband and take care of him, the more I love him. Doing kind things to and for eachother is sooo important.
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    I make dinner every day, always asking if he wants anything special.

    No matter how bad a mood I'm in I don't take it out on him. I rub his back, rub his feet, pluck his eyebrows (without me he'd have a unibrow lol), and pick out his clothes on weekends.

    I always give him the servings of dinner/breakfast that turn out better.

    I make him little cards and notes and am always sure to tell him I love him every morning.

    He makes sure to give me about 10 kisses every morning and tells me he loves me before leaving for work and won't go until I wake up enough to smile at him.

    He refuses to go to sleep without cuddles.

    He takes me out to dinner/breakfast when I'm having a bad week.

    He always asks if I have a headache before turning on loud music in the car (we like our music loud but I oftentimes have migraines)

    He squeezes my butt when I walk past and always holds my hand when we're out and about.

    "I always give him the servings of dinner/breakfast that turn out better. "

    I had never thought about that, but I do that too! lol How funny.