Back at it AGAIN...

Hello all,
My name is Lacie. I just turned 32 and am a mother of one.... back in 2012... I lost 55 pounds .... I was down to 151! That was a proud and confident moment for myself...

Over the last year and a half... I have put that 55 PLUS more back on.... I had a rough year last year in my marriage , friendships, and family life... I lost a lot of people and gained a select few in my life. While I was going through everything.. I was so stressed I couldn't eat... I lost a good amount of the weight I had gained back... but in the wrong way... since last august, I probably gained 40 lbs.

I have been so depressed and disgusted when I look in the mirror. I dont even want to look anymore... i barely have any clothes that fit and REFUSE to buy bugger cloyhes because i am determined to get back to my happy self!

I went to the doctors to change my meds and in July I weighed in at 212 lbs. That is considered severely obese for my height (5'5"). I have high blood pressure which causes massive migraines. The doc said I needed to change my lifestyle or I was going to put on BP meds...

That began my journey to lose the weight again, but this time, the healthy way! Since July, I have lost 20 lbs and still have a ways to go. My 1st goal is to get to 165. Following that goal I want to end at 150. I have been working hard on counting calories and exercising 5 days a week. Currently I am just walking/jogging on my treadmill and hopefully around 155/160, I'll start the toning process. My doctor has given me until April to come back to her office a much lighter person . If all goes well... I would lose a total of 62 lbs.

Any suggestions, support, or motivation you can share ... would be very much appreciated!

Thanks for hearing my story and taking the time to read and follow up if you choose too. I'm looking for "friends" to add to keep me going!


  • joone_9
    joone_9 Posts: 152 Member
    Congrats to atleast getting down to that weight even once! We have almost identical goals except I am restarting from a heavier weight as I re-gained 20lbs since spring and I'm a bit taller at 5'8. You did it can totally do it again. I sent u a friend request:)
  • LC8304
    LC8304 Posts: 17 Member
    ThankS so much for your kind words. . I accepted your request! Let's help each other! :) nice to meet you!
  • LisaC1202
    LisaC1202 Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats keep striving for success.
  • LC8304
    LC8304 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks so much!
  • LC8304
    LC8304 Posts: 17 Member
    Ugh... the daily struggle sucks! I want to snack during work and it's so hard not to. I do have hard candy I try to rely on but some days it is so hard!
  • joone_9
    joone_9 Posts: 152 Member
    I was just talking about this today! It is literally a daily struggle for me and everyday I find myself having to recommit to stick with it and tell myself that it will be worth it. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I feel like I'm an addict with food. Try drinking tea or water at work whenever you want to snack. My weakness is at night. I ALWAYS want to snack in front of tv- it's unfortunetly how I've learned to relax. Stay have been doing so good. Feel free to message me when you are struggling and I will try to talk you out of it:)
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    Me too. It's very frustrating to lose weight slowly as its boring and I find it hard to avoid the yummy stuff! It's a constant battle. I guess that shows I haven't mastered a healthy relationship with food. I could eat ten cookies at once- arrgggghhhh!!