Losing a loved one and a newer diet

shorty458 Posts: 163 Member
edited October 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I recently restarted my diet at the end of August.(lost 16lbs so far!) Last week my grandma passed away, and it's been rough on me. You never realize how much you love someone until they are gone! Tuesday was the wake and yesterday was the funeral. I've still been logging, but my eating has not been the greatest. I really seek "comfort foods" I don't overeat - but I eat foods w/ high calories which has been my struggle. (and why I weight what I weigh!)

Does anyone have any advice? Anyone else been through this?



  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Sorry for your loss. It is a hard time, I am sure, but try to be aware of what you eat, try to exercise, it may let you let out some of your frustration and pain. Give yourself a few days, and get back on the program.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Sorry for your loss. Grieve as you need to and try to be conscientious and use moderation.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    So sorry to hear about your Grandma. ♥ You're already on the right track simply by looking into coping methods. Maybe start with simply logging and then making small, gradual changes to tweak your calories and nutrition. You can try moderating amounts of your favorite foods, and if that is too difficult, consider eliminating certain things for awhile, until you can maybe reintroduce them in measured quantities. Sometimes "moderation" is really hard, since usually it is a lack of moderation that gets a lot of us into trouble in the first place. Getting healthy is a really wonderful and important thing to do for yourself and even for your loved ones, too. Hang in there. ♥
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    I wasn't trying to lose weight last year when I lost my Dad, and don't remember my eating patterns, but probably did hit the Ben & Jerry's. I do remember not especially wanting to garden (what I do for exercise), but forcing myself to get out there, crying while pruning, and feeling better afterwards.

    {{{{{{{{{{ hugs }}}}}}}}}}
  • ShashayLee
    ShashayLee Posts: 178 Member
    I lost my dog in June 2009, My mom in Sept 2009 & my granda in Oct 2009. I was a total mess, ate my way to a higher weight :( lost a bit but gained back all & more. Lost my uncle at Christmas 2012 & again up & down with the weight
    My stepdad passed away this past April & at his funeral i had a health issue & kinda was a wake up call & i started eating properly within a month. so far so good, down 57 pounds :)
    It will pass, sucks but it will get better
  • dredremeg
    dredremeg Posts: 202 Member
    Sorry for your lost. My nephew died at the end of August, so I understand. I am still hurting. I have been crying at the gym sometimes, and have to go into the locker room to get myself together then go back out to continue my work. Now, I think about all the good times we had together and the funny things he use to do and it has been helping me a lot. I was the opposite, I couldn't hardly eat. Then when I started eating again my appetite was ravenous. I started back planning my meals and pre logging in MFP. Take comfort in the good times with her not comfort food.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Do what you want. Grieving is horribly hard without worrying about whether you're doing things right. Cut yourself some slack. It's a very difficult time.

    Whatever you're doing, it's fine.

    I'm really sorry about your grandma. I will say a prayer for you.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    So sorry to hear about your loss.

    I lost my Nana last year and naturally, the logging and tracking took a backseat. You're only human and you need to let yourself grieve and heal. When you are ready to pick up the tracking again, we'll be here to support you - but allow yourself time and space to handle this tragic event.

    I gained around 20 lbs after losing my Nana - but once I was ready, I got back in to it and lost the 20 lbs. At that time, I wasn't ready to start considering my weight as well as trying to come to terms with my loss.

    Take care
  • katieboo93_
    katieboo93_ Posts: 57 Member
    dredremeg wrote: »
    Sorry for your lost. My nephew died at the end of August, so I understand. I am still hurting. I have been crying at the gym sometimes, and have to go into the locker room to get myself together then go back out to continue my work. Now, I think about all the good times we had together and the funny things he use to do and it has been helping me a lot. I was the opposite, I couldn't hardly eat. Then when I started eating again my appetite was ravenous. I started back planning my meals and pre logging in MFP. Take comfort in the good times with her not comfort food.

    I love what you said - "Take comfort in the good times with her and not in comfort food". Great advice. My sister passed away last November whilst I was at my last year of University. I didn't tell any of my tutors because I just "wanted to get on with it" (Typical British behaviour!) but I wish I had reached out. I think we all need to be kinder to ourselves.
  • Russandol
    Russandol Posts: 71 Member
    So sorry for your loss. :hugs: It's always tough to lose someone you've loved so much.

    I lost my grandma in July (it was very sudden), and my eating patterns got thrown out of whack for weeks. At first, I didn't have any appetite at all (I was exhausted from crying and didn't care about anything), then it seemed to return and spike (mainly with junk food, too) before leveling out. All I can offer in the way of suggestions is this: be kind to yourself. Remember to eat, but don't stress yourself out about logging/eating right right now. Take care of yourself and remember the good times you had with her.
  • shorty458
    shorty458 Posts: 163 Member
    Wow, thank you so much everyone for the kind words and advice. I appreciate it!
  • vinbar1
    vinbar1 Posts: 40 Member
    Just last week my Brother in law passed. I am going threw the same thing, comfort eating and eating with family. But I am still tracking and once life gets back on track I will pick up where I left off. Right now my weight gain or loss is just an afterthought. My family is my forethought. Take the time to grieve and remember your Grandma. God Bless you and your family.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,339 Member
    My heart breaks for everyone on here. I understand all too well. My best friend died last Monday, and my stepmom the week before. I was a complete mess....my workouts suffered, and I could hardly eat all week. The best advice I can give to the OP is to give it a bit of time. It doesn't go away, doesn't get better....but maybe we learn to deal. This sounds nuts, but the support from a few MFP friends has gone a long way to helping me to "deal". Good luck to you, I pray your memories will comfort you xoxo
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Sometimes eating is easier than feeling.
    I've seen people stop eating in grief too, I think a kind of mini death. That is another kind of suppressed grief.

    Please allow yourself the freedom to feel, and there won't be a need for disordered eating.

    Now there is a loosening of habits when under stress, when there are more than your usual number of buffets about. I would not worry so much about that. The casseroles and the buffets will go away soon enough.