How do I tighten my inner thighs, and angel wing arms?

ojell Posts: 749 Member
I understand that you can't spot train and lose weight in a specific area, but I'm wondering what types of exercises and the best and most effective for tightening the inner thighs and arms. I've been doing squats and lunges, and I'm seeing some results in my overall thigh. I think I need to find something that will target my inner thighs and give me some noticeable results.

And I'd like to tone up my angel wings. The arm flap thing. Grrr.

Thanks guys!


  • frenchielover
    Run like hell
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    Run like hell

    I just started to this wkend. LoL I'm sooooooo sore!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I soooo have both of these problems!!! I was doing Zumba today and my inner thighs were jiggling like mad and my 6 yr old starts in "mom....your legs look like...." I stopped her and said "be nice"!!! Not pretty...and it seems the more I lose the more jiggly they get....want to wear shorts and tanks this summer!! I have also been doing squats and lifting small hand weights in various moves....I know it will take a while to tighten up.....but any other suggestions much appreciated!!
  • mmensah
    mmensah Posts: 42 Member
    get some 5lbs weight and work on arms or if you go to the gym try the bicep machine and they also have a thigh machine at the gym it not lay on your side and lift legs in the air about 90 degrees 15 times 4 sets..they helped mine and i did lots of step areorobic
  • paloma1182
    paloma1182 Posts: 68 Member
    good question!!! do you have a gym that you workout at? there are machines at some of the gyms that target those areas they are ususally listed on the machines what works best in what area. maybe you can join a local gym and during orientaion they show you how to work everything i bet you could ask what is the best for those areas.

    I can tell you what i've been doing is at home workouts and i just use resistance bands on my arms- but my legs i do aerobics... i dont even know what im working-- but i know im working out! :)
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I started running 4 months ago and I have noticed a huge improvement in my thighs! I took a Jillian Micheals challenge (if you like her on facebook, every once in a while she will issue a challenge) to do 100 push ups in a day, not all at once but break it up through the day, and I have noticed a big improvement on my "wings"! I usually run 3 days a week and do the challenge 2-3 times! Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Time, patience, dedication and consistancy are the keys.

    We can't choose our genetic structure nor can we choose where we lose fat from or which body parts might be tighter than others.

    You mentioned you're already seeing results in your overall thigh so keep at it and it'll continue. Just as people don't fall out of shape overnight....we don't become beach bodies overnight either.

    Keep working and it'll come. :-)

    That being said, if you're already seeing some results with your squats and lunges, try using some stand variations:

    The Sumo Squat with your legs in a wide stance place more stress on the adductor muscles. As well, side (lateral) lunges will target around the various inner and outer stabilizers while adding in some some core challenges to hold your balance throughout.

    Keep your body guessing and the results continue.

  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    For inner thighs, seriously ladies, start horseback riding! Nothing better than learning to play polo or jumping to tighten up your thighs fast. No joke. If you can't do those sports, remember the thigh master didn't work, it's STATIC intensity that tightens thigh muscles, not crunching motions. You are better off squeezing a ball between your knees than doing a thigh master type of workout. But horseback riding is seriously the best exersize out there for that. Take riding lessons.

    For arms: Start swimming! Nothing better than swimming 3x a week to tighten up your arms and your lats. If you won't do that, then weight lift.
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    For inner thigh: plier/ballerina squats
    side-to-side lunges
    lay flat on your back with your legs straight in the air and open and close

    For 'bat wings': triceps curl
    triceps kick back
    pushups (works chest but also triceps and core)

    If you have any specific questions about these feel free to message me. You'll definitely find picturers/video if you google the exercises.

    Good luck!
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    Another thing to do that is supposed to help. rub in some moisturizing lotion to the jiggly arms and thighs... usually within a few minutes of getting out of the shower. This is supposed to help tighten up the skin.

  • mmensah
    mmensah Posts: 42 Member
    you can also wear ankle weight while you are walking for atleast 30 min.. you can also do leg lifts or do bicycling
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    If you want to be slim and trim, running is the way to go. You'll need to lift weights about three times a week and increase your running. On the days that you don't run, you'll need to do something like the elliptical or something like that. We're talking about toning. Meanwhile, make sure you're only taking in the amount of calories required by the program. Losing weight is the quickest way to firm up that body.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    For inner thighs, seriously ladies, start horseback riding! Nothing better than learning to play polo or jumping to tighten up your thighs fast. No joke. If you can't do those sports, remember the thigh master didn't work, it's STATIC intensity that tightens thigh muscles, not crunching motions. You are better off squeezing a ball between your knees than doing a thigh master type of workout. But horseback riding is seriously the best exersize out there for that. Take riding lessons.

    For arms: Start swimming! Nothing better than swimming 3x a week to tighten up your arms and your lats. If you won't do that, then weight lift.

    Wow REALLY? Hmmm...Neat! Never thought about horse back riding before.
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Run like hell

    I just started to this wkend. LoL I'm sooooooo sore!

    Don't forget to stretch!
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    Another thing to do that is supposed to help. rub in some moisturizing lotion to the jiggly arms and thighs... usually within a few minutes of getting out of the shower. This is supposed to help tighten up the skin.


  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    Can't remember where I heard this, and I'm not sure I can explain it well, but for the arms.... start on your hands and knees, but bring one arm up so it's straight along your side. Bend that elbow to 90 degrees so the shoulder-to-elbow part is still next to your side, but the elbow-to-hand part is pointing straight down at the ground. Then bring it back up to the starting straight position. Even without weights, you can feel it after a few reps, but light weights can also be added for extra resistance.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    Run like hell

    I just started to this wkend. LoL I'm sooooooo sore!

    Don't forget to stretch!

    I did, but I don't think I did enough. I went to the pool yesterday, and was stretching in the pool cause it felt sooo good. LOL
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    Can't remember where I heard this, and I'm not sure I can explain it well, but for the arms.... start on your hands and knees, but bring one arm up so it's straight along your side. Bend that elbow to 90 degrees so the shoulder-to-elbow part is still next to your side, but the elbow-to-hand part is pointing straight down at the ground. Then bring it back up to the starting straight position. Even without weights, you can feel it after a few reps, but light weights can also be added for extra resistance.

    I understand. :)
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    Thanks everyone! These are great ideas! Off to try them! ;)
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    For inner thighs, seriously ladies, start horseback riding! Nothing better than learning to play polo or jumping to tighten up your thighs fast. No joke. If you can't do those sports, remember the thigh master didn't work, it's STATIC intensity that tightens thigh muscles, not crunching motions. You are better off squeezing a ball between your knees than doing a thigh master type of workout. But horseback riding is seriously the best exersize out there for that. Take riding lessons.

    For arms: Start swimming! Nothing better than swimming 3x a week to tighten up your arms and your lats. If you won't do that, then weight lift.

    My gym doesn't let me bring horses into the weight room. They said it was a hygeine issue...not to mention it was chewing on the bench pads. ;-)