Knee-Sensitive Alternative to Squat & Lunge?

lulusmom Posts: 71
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I injured my knee over 3 weeks ago. I have been babying it ever since, but even now the hint of a squat or lunge leaves me sore and swollen the next day. (even with immediate post-workout ice-ing)

I don't want to totally skip leg workouts and I'm at home with nothing more than dumbells. If I were at the gym I would be able to use machines, but that is not an option.

Help! Are there any alternatives to the squat and lunge that will have less impact on my knee? I am currently able to deadlifts without issue, but I need more than that.



  • you can try pilates/ballet-type leg exercises. The Method pilates has some good does the Fluidity Fitness Bar.
  • OrganicGal
    OrganicGal Posts: 15
    I hear ya, and I feel ya! I'm awaiting knee surgery for a torn miniscus with a possible lateral release. So I'm interested in seeing what people post as well. I'm allowed to walk (thank goodness), but no running right now. :0( I had to stay away from my beloved cardio dance and Zumba too.

    As far as leg exercises you can do without a gym, my Dr. recommends leg lifts with ankle weights (if you have them) to keep the quads tight. Small lifts while sitting on the floor...multiple reps. If you have access to a pool, that's an excellent way to keep everything in motion without pain.

    You may need to bite the bullet and see an Ortho like I did. I didn't want to, but when the pain continued to worse, it was time. Good luck to you!!
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    If your knee is still swelling, it hasn't finished healing. Skip the squats and lunges altogether. Do what doesn't hurt. Try again in a week. Your muscle memory is such that you will be back to where you were from the squats and lunges in a week or so. But, if you don't allow yourself to properly heal, that injury could haunt you for a lifetime.
  • lulusmom
    lulusmom Posts: 71
    You may need to bite the bullet and see an Ortho like I did. I didn't want to, but when the pain continued to worse, it was time. Good luck to you!!

    I hope you aren't right. I'm giving myself a month of no running/elliptical to see how it feels.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    What about some of those leg exercises from the old 80s videos - ya know, where ya laid on the floor on your side and lifted your left leg fifty times, then rolled over and did the right one? And a couple years ago, I was in a class where she made us lay on our stomachs with our arms straight over our heads, then we had to lift our arms and legs off the floor and hold - it was a good butt workout.
  • I had a knee injury also. It's so frustrating. But there are other exercises you can do. They told me no weights. Leg lifts are good. Try 50 each leg, 50 up laying on your back, 50 on your side, then inner thigh. My trainer said the trick is to exercise the muscles around your knee for support. It was a good start for me. Hopefully that helps.
  • lulusmom
    lulusmom Posts: 71
    If your knee is still swelling, it hasn't finished healing. Skip the squats and lunges altogether. Do what doesn't hurt. Try again in a week. Your muscle memory is such that you will be back to where you were from the squats and lunges in a week or so. But, if you don't allow yourself to properly heal, that injury could haunt you for a lifetime.

    That is why I asked about potential alternatives to the squat and lunge. :)
  • lulusmom
    lulusmom Posts: 71
    I had a knee injury also. It's so frustrating. But there are other exercises you can do. They told me no weights. Leg lifts are good. Try 50 each leg, 50 up laying on your back, 50 on your side, then inner thigh. My trainer said the trick is to exercise the muscles around your knee for support. It was a good start for me. Hopefully that helps.

    Thanks! Time to pull out the old Jane Fonda videos, eh?
  • lulusmom
    lulusmom Posts: 71
  • I suffered a sports injury to my left knee during a game of hockey and I lift weights 5x a week, so having a knee injury has really caused issues for me, so after I had a bit of looking all I have seemed to find in terms of weights is straight leg deadlifts, because they don't require you to bend your knees but they still work the hamstrings, glutes and lower back.

    But if you feel uncomfortable working with barbells just get two light dumbbells and give that a shot, it's what I did and found it was ok for my bad knee.

    But that's how I worked my way around it, so depending on your injury this could inflame the problem.
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