Postpartum mommies!

Looking for moms who understand that raising a newborn and healthy eating isn't easyas it seems. Every few hours they eat and while they eat you're looking at your little one saying "I love you, after we're done I'll burp you, change your diaper, play a little, you can take a nap afterwards, then I can clean, pump, try and eat something then maybe I can get a nap."

But it never works that way.Sometimes I get to make it to nap. But once I lay down the baby wakes up. And I've skipped eating because well....Im too tired to cook. So I just took a couple gummy snacks and chugged some water so I don't pass out from dehydrating and take my *kitten* to bed. To hear a minute later "waaah waaah"

Point is, I'm looking for moms who get me. Who won't judge and will understand why I have logged in jellybeans 5 times in a row. Breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack, dinner.


  • yumirox
    yumirox Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in your boat. I've got a 12 week old, a toddler, school and things to do. Ain't no one got time to cook sometimes. So I get you. Totally get you
  • Watch_Me_Shine416
    Watch_Me_Shine416 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm a new mom too but my daughter is 5 months old. I know how you feel though I felt the same way when she was younger. It does get easier though hang in there girl! Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Crockpot meals come in handy. If you can have someone help you out for a few hours 1 day a week, you can make a large freezer stash of meals for the week. All you have to do then is take it out of the freezer and pop it in the microwave.
    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • NFOM16
    NFOM16 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi I've got a 2 year old and 6 week old sometimes I don't eat anything till around 3pm! Or late like tonight eatijg dinmer at 9pm ! at this rate I'll never loose weight (healthily at least)

    Definitely needs other mums who understand :)
  • scuba_suzy
    scuba_suzy Posts: 6 Member
    I get you, although mine is now 4 and 1/2 months now. The slow cooker is your friend :)
  • anewday23
    anewday23 Posts: 16 Member
    Two under two here. Little one is three months this week and wants to be held constantly. Pantry and freezer food helps a lot, I have been eating a lot of protein bars and apples. Now I have to reign it in so I can lose weight....
  • alexf728
    alexf728 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a 4 month old and I totally get you! It still seems so difficult to have healthy foods to eat! I am already tired of carrying my extra weight from before pregnancy and the additional post pregnancy weight! Let's get it done girls!
  • clynessteph1
    clynessteph1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I've got a 7 month old and i completely understand, sometimes I just eat cake or biscuits because I don't get time to cook. I weighed myself today and need to lose 4 stone to be a healthy weight I put on so much weight when pregnant. I'm hoping that I can start to eat healthy and lose the weight to be a good role model for my son in the future.
  • KMPinkney
    KMPinkney Posts: 1 Member
    I have a busy 3 year old, an almost 10 month old, a husband who golfs and works every weekend. Needless to say I'm doing this thing alone. I make sure the boys are clean, fed and having fun. Outside of that I work full time and at times have to take work home. When it comes to making a meal I cringe. I used to love cooking. Now I have no appetite. When I comes to working out I have no energy because my youngest STILL Isn't sleeping through the night. So yeah. I get ya.
    So I applaud you for logging jelly beans. I applaud you for being realistic.
  • DarlingNikki999
    DarlingNikki999 Posts: 5 Member
    Mom of a 6 year old and a 8 week old. My weakness...fresh baked chocolate chip cookies! Looking for support and fast healthy meal recipes.
  • deisylomeli
    deisylomeli Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! Can you please tell me if I should try to lose weight while breastfeeding or if I should just stick to my calories Inwas eating before Ingot pregnant? I'm a new mom and have no idea of what to eat or if Inshould try losing the pregnancy weight now. Please share any tips you may have.
  • gutznglory
    gutznglory Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, amazing how their schedules become your own, whether you like it or not. I have three under the age of 4, with an 11 mo old now, and it took until they turned about 9 months before I felt like I could start things about my schedule again and my habits. May I add you as a friend? We mothers of babies need to stick together!
  • boriluvlumps
    boriluvlumps Posts: 19 Member
    I was told you need to eat an extra 300 calories. But they need to be healthy calories.

    I'm trying to figure out healthy meals I can just freeze and throw in the oven.
    Hello! Can you please tell me if I should try to lose weight while breastfeeding or if I should just stick to my calories Inwas eating before Ingot pregnant? I'm a new mom and have no idea of what to eat or if Inshould try losing the pregnancy weight now. Please share any tips you may have.

  • klhp
    klhp Posts: 5 Member
    Ahh I love this thread so much! I have a newly turned 2 year old and a 2 month old, 3 businesses to run, and a husband who works at said businesses day and night. The kids are solely my responsibility, which is out of necessity, but still hard. I totally get how hard it can be to cook. I end up taking the kids to one of our stores over dinner time most nights, and it is so hard to plan and cook a healthy meal. Planning ahead is the only way it works, but even then we either eat at 4 or 9. Better than not eating, I guess:) Cooking meat in larger batches and freezing works for quick stir frys and pastas. Fried rice with frozen vegetables is our go to when we have almost no time. Takes about 10 minutes. Anyway, I love this supportive thread. Everyone remember it gets easier!

    By the way, if you are exclusively breastfeeding (baby has not started on solids yet) you should have 500 extra calories. Mmmmm....donuts. Just kidding...sort of.
  • boriluvlumps
    boriluvlumps Posts: 19 Member
    It's complicated finding time to cook. My favorite thing I get told is "nap when the baby naps." Oh OK so when my baby is up I'll ignore him to clean, run errands, pump, try to eat. There is no need to play with him or anything. Pfft. Not like they are developing.

    He takes 3 naps. An hour each. Through the whole day. First hour I try to eat breakfast and do dishes, plus pump. 2nd nap clean, laundry, pump. 3rd nap clean, rest of the dishes, hubby comes home, cook dinner (frozen meals that are filled with who knows what) or take out, pump. The hours in between I'm playing with him, feeding, changing (diapers and slobber clothes.), dealing with crying, spit (saliva and milk. Mostly milk.)

    FINALLY he's asleep at night. I get a chance to shower, then I have to give hubby some conversation time lol. By the time I'm done being able to sit it's 10-11 pm and I'm done. I go to bed and wake up at 2 am for a diaper change and feed. Then I'm able to go back to bed by 3-3:30. Then up again at 6:30-7.

  • boriluvlumps
    boriluvlumps Posts: 19 Member
    Are there any recipes you ladies know of that is safe to freeze?

    I read that some things aren't safe to freeze. Like sauces.... sauces yeah that's all I got.
  • ragenhay1
    ragenhay1 Posts: 158 Member
    I have a two month old and five year old. I find protein shakes are great for that quick meal while juggling baby and dropping everyone of to work and school. It gets something into me. Before I started having shakes I would just miss meals and be starving later and make poor food choices. Also prepping healthy snacks while my husband is gone makes it easier during the week to snack healthy.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    It's complicated finding time to cook. My favorite thing I get told is "nap when the baby naps." Oh OK so when my baby is up I'll ignore him to clean, run errands, pump, try to eat. There is no need to play with him or anything. Pfft. Not like they are developing.

    He takes 3 naps. An hour each. Through the whole day. First hour I try to eat breakfast and do dishes, plus pump. 2nd nap clean, laundry, pump. 3rd nap clean, rest of the dishes, hubby comes home, cook dinner (frozen meals that are filled with who knows what) or take out, pump. The hours in between I'm playing with him, feeding, changing (diapers and slobber clothes.), dealing with crying, spit (saliva and milk. Mostly milk.)

    FINALLY he's asleep at night. I get a chance to shower, then I have to give hubby some conversation time lol. By the time I'm done being able to sit it's 10-11 pm and I'm done. I go to bed and wake up at 2 am for a diaper change and feed. Then I'm able to go back to bed by 3-3:30. Then up again at 6:30-7.

    Get a carrier if you do not have one. It will help you do things while practically holding the baby. So you can rest when the baby is resting. Sleeping is important, do not underestimate it. You could also look into safe cosleeping for naps. It might help prolong the naps and let you both get some much needed rest.
    If your baby is still young and there is no medical reason preventing it, I would talk with a lactation consultant about nursing again if you are only pumping now. It is more time consuming and definitely more hard the first weeks, but then it gets much simpler and faster (have done both and really the difference is amazing after the first weeks). If you are nursing and pumping on top, I would either skip pumping completely or just limit it to once per day. it might also solve the spitting problem.
  • thakandy
    thakandy Posts: 2 Member
    I know the feeling.. my baby seems to be constantly on the boob, and when hes not im trying to get things done around the house. . I tend to eat what ever i can grab.. ive gained weight recently cause i seem to be constantly hungry.. today is the start of me trying to gain some balance with my food choices
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    I keep lots of healthy things around. Protien shakes, Protein bars, fresh fruit and veggies...also I keep sandwich meat handy and wrap it around sliced avacado and lettuce for a fast lunch ;) I am breastfeeding so I know its important for me to eat :P and zero naps for me cause I have a toddler as well haha its been hard but my little one is 5 months now and sleeping 6 hours at night sooo it will get better! Add me as a friend if you want :)