When does this adjust your calorie intake

I have started to use this app however info not know when it changes your calorie in tske if you are eating the same calorie for over 2 weeks uou are misting your weight not losing it weight watcher if you loose 5 pounds it adjust your points intake


  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    ​Please see this article, and search for other helpful articles, on the MFP Help pages...
  • laurenthecarts
    laurenthecarts Posts: 41 Member
    This website can help you do it yourself and you can tweak how many calories you want to cut out of your maintenance allowance


    Hope it helps :)
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    If you haven't changed your goals within the last ten pounds lost, MFP will prompt you to adjust. Otherwise, it's up to you.
  • AndrewWelander
    AndrewWelander Posts: 1 Member
    Instead of using the Check-In go to settings->Update diet/fitness profile and change it there, it will adjust your calories.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Your post is very hard to read - but are you saying you want to lower your calories because it has been 2 weeks and you aren't losing? Before lowering your calories I would look to how accurate your logging is. I know on WW they're a little looser when it comes to logging. If you're counting calories you'll probably have to be a lot more accurate than you're used to. Be sure you're using accurate entries, you're using a food scale, you're using the recipe builder, logging EVERYTHING you eat/drink (including fruits and veggies) etc.
  • psalms91v4
    psalms91v4 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you. Iam logging in everything including water.

    Does this app change your calorie in take automaticly when you loose weight?
  • random5483
    random5483 Posts: 63 Member
    psalms91v4 wrote: »
    Thank you. Iam logging in everything including water.

    Does this app change your calorie in take automaticly when you loose weight?

    Malibu answered the question earlier. If you have lost 10 lbs since the last goal update, it will recalculate your goal net calories.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    psalms91v4 wrote: »
    Thank you. Iam logging in everything including water.

    Does this app change your calorie in take automaticly when you loose weight?

    No. It does not. You have to do it by re-running "goals".
  • psalms91v4
    psalms91v4 Posts: 5 Member
    Redoing the goals ? You mean starting with the weight you are now and how much you want to loose? If so how often do you do this?