Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • Ann__777
    Ann__777 Posts: 15 Member
    Always love having new friends! Could use the extra motivation ☺️
  • tinabsays
    tinabsays Posts: 20 Member
    I would like to make some friends :smiley:
  • tinabsays
    tinabsays Posts: 20 Member
    I'm just starting my fitness journey again.. will be on the 21day fix program starting Monday 5th October
  • wildsilver91168
    wildsilver91168 Posts: 10 Member
    Need support and encouragement
  • crystalmorgan
    crystalmorgan Posts: 4 Member
    I would love more friends! I am starting all over at 200+ pounds! Quitting is easy but I will NOT stop until I am at my goal this time! Would love to have a much help and motivation as possible! Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Voodoo_Ranger
    Voodoo_Ranger Posts: 4 Member
    Send a friend request my way, anyone, just joined the community and the more support the better
  • Villaine
    Villaine Posts: 3 Member
    Need lots of support. Starting over again..
  • kahuku
    kahuku Posts: 19 Member
    I'd love more fitness pals.
  • raritycat
    raritycat Posts: 2 Member
    So many times I look in the mirror, absorb what I am staring at, and am in confusion whether I should scream or cry, whether I should love myself or hate the person I became at such a young age.

    Hello; my name is Amberlynn and I am here so I can be the person I was meant to be, the person I believe is in me.

    I am a 24 year old, obese woman. I was obese all my life. The lowest I remember stepping on the scale at was 290 at the age of 11. I recently topped the scale at 422 and can't take the pain it's causing me. Between this physical pain and emotional pain, I do not know how much more I can take.

    Our bodies are strong. Our bodies can endure almost anything. Our bodies are creatures that have planted themselves on this Earth with magical powers that we take for granted daily- we breath, walk, are able to transform our bodies into what we see fit, we birth, laugh, fall in love. Everything we do is magic but our bodies are not meant to be over 400 pounds.

    I'm here on Myfitnesspal because my body is crying for mercy every single day. It's tired of the eating disorders it deals with all the time, the lack of strength it shows itself, and it wants to become as healthy as it can be.

    I want to live a long life. I want to go on adventures. I want to wear cute clothes that look good on me. I want to be able to sit in all types of seats. I want to wear jeans again. I want to never feel like a monster again. I want to transform. I want to inspire.
  • ariffianti
    ariffianti Posts: 72 Member
    Hai guys , , am new here , , feel free to add me xx
  • Egbera
    Egbera Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there everyone. I am new here and would love some to have some friends for motivation and support. Will return it back!!
  • atyrone
    atyrone Posts: 120 Member
    New here.add me
  • meenkiez
    meenkiez Posts: 13 Member
    My second attempt at trying to lose weight .I need to make a change this is not the way to live my life .Just turned 20 and i think the best gift i can give myself is health . Im looking for postive people that can help me on my journey :)
  • katie_mun29
    katie_mun29 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm always open to new motivating friends! :) Feel free to add me!
  • The_Invisible_Boy
    The_Invisible_Boy Posts: 568 Member
    Feel free to add me everyone.
  • RhiannonAllan517
    RhiannonAllan517 Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2015
    Just got this. Add me :)
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    hi, looking for friends who play sports for excercise
  • Brimixed
    Brimixed Posts: 186 Member
    This post has been going on for soon long! I'm into yoga and eating organic (as much as possible)
  • mscalard
    mscalard Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I could definitely use a push :)
  • JemimaHx
    JemimaHx Posts: 5 Member
    Only beginning to use this app again and would love to give and receive encouragement!:-)