Dont have time for exercise

Reeree70001 Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi. Im ReeRee.....
I am very busy. I work full time and am in nursing school so all my time is devoted to studying. I also am a single parent with a 12yo active son (sports). I do get a little help from my young adult daughter who is also a college student. She's great with helping with he brother.
Used MFP 3 years ago and lost 55 lbs. I was happy. When I got into the nursing program, the exercising went out the door followed shortly by my good eating habits. It was back to fast food and coffee drinks which are full of sugar and caffeine. You know what happened.... the weight came right back.
Went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and when I stepped on that scale, my heart dropped, eyes bulged and mouth flew open. I was embarrased. All that weight was back and more. Not that I didnt notice it in the mirror or my clothes.
Now.. I am determined to lose that weight again and even more. My plan is to start by eating better. I started that last week just cold turkey. Unfortunately for the exercise, I am at a lost. Not sure how to incoporprate. Just no time. I should be studying now. I even pay gym membership every month because I have intentions of going but can never find the time.
I just need motivators. I need support from others that understand my struggles with food and weight.
Please feel free to respond and add me as your friend.


  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    I've lost 50 pounds this year just with MFP and a sedentary lifestyle. A wise person on the forum said once, "Limiting calories is for losing weight; exercise is for getting fit." It's proven true for me. I'll work on fitness in the spring. :)
  • Reeree70001
    Reeree70001 Posts: 6 Member
    True and thanks for the input. Just didnt consider the fitness vs weight loss doesn't have to happen at the same time.
  • mariefnp0620
    mariefnp0620 Posts: 2 Member
    Referee I just wanted to add good luck in school! I'm a nurse practitioner, I remember my student nurse days!
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    You had time to write this topic.
    You had time to reply to your topic.
    You have time to brush your teeth.
    You have time to do laundry.
    You have time on your lunch break.

    You DO have time to workout.
  • Byronic_Ryu
    Byronic_Ryu Posts: 176 Member
    There are 5 and 10 minute workouts on Popsugar's youtube channel
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You don't need to exercise but if you want to you can fit it in. Gym membership not needed. You tube has loads of fitness channels. Fitness is my favourite. Good luck
  • Reeree70001
    Reeree70001 Posts: 6 Member
  • Reeree70001
    Reeree70001 Posts: 6 Member
    For anyone with any negative comments or smart allic remarks, please stay off my posts. Its not wanted. Your life must miserable. Im looking for positive comments and people. Good luck to you. All negative posts will be ignored from this point on.

    For those who have nice words of encouragements, I thank you and wish you the best. Bless you!

  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited October 2015
    If you are referring to the post saying that you do have time to exercise as being negative, and then suggesting that her life is miserable because she is saying that it could be fit in if you chose to, then I think you should look at it again. You're being fairly judgmental yourself here.

    Others have suggested ways in which you can fit in some exercise. Short workouts fit in during some quick study breaks can actually help rejuvenate your mind to continue studying. I don't think anyone is questioning that you are busy. We all are. Nursing school is challenging mentally, emotionally, and sometimes physically (more so during clinical courses).

    Others yet have said that you don't need to workout to lose weight. This is also true. Being a nurse myself, I can say with absolute certainty that when I work out, I feel safer with my patients. It helps improve my sleep, in case you have not yet noticed, insufficient sleep can significantly increase the odds of making mistakes in patient care.

    Taking care of yourself increases your abilities to take care of others, patients and your children. Hopefully, you've read this far instead of writing me off as negative and miserable. Best wishes in your health and career goals.
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    You can lose weight drinking sugary coffees and eating fast food, you just have to stay within your calories.
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    I agree that losing weight is mostly about limiting you calories. If you want more calories to work with, exercise is good too. Sometimes when my kids are at activities, I drop them off and take a walk. Half an hour or an hour and then I pick them up!
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    edited October 2015
    For anyone with any negative comments or smart allic remarks, please stay off my posts. Its not wanted. Your life must miserable. Im looking for positive comments and people. Good luck to you. All negative posts will be ignored from this point on.

    For those who have nice words of encouragements, I thank you and wish you the best. Bless you!

    First, what nutmegoreo had to say was spot on. Secondly, when you lash out at people like this you are not doing yourself any favors. It kind of ruins any sympathy people have for you and their willingness to help you. Please take a step back and realize that you're likely just upset because someone else might have pointed out something that is accurate, it's not necessarily negative or being a smart alec, but it hits a nerve and you don't like it.

    Exercise doesn't have to take hours. It can be a 20 minute walk just to take a breather while studying. My husband walks around the kitchen table while he cooks dinner. He did jumping jacks for 60 seconds after getting out of the shower yesterday. You are the only person that can take the initiative to change your priorities, and if exercise is important to you then you will find a way to work it into your day.

    ETA: I should add that we both work full time, and he has been doing college/university courses part time for the last few years, and will continue to do so until he has his masters. That leaves me to handle all aspects of taking care of our two daughters as he is out the door at 6am and when he's in school is not home until sometimes as late as 10pm. My children are also both active both in sports and with their friends on the weekends, so I do a lot of running around as mine are both still rather young. I will be starting weight lifting later this month - going to the gym 3-4 days a week - because it's important that I make time for myself and my health. If I end up down for the count in the hospital (again) then that messes up my work, my husband's work and schooling, and our daughters activities. Ain't none of us got time for that.
  • forruths
    forruths Posts: 197 Member
    I think it's great that you have decided to make a change. I fit in exercise by walking during my day as much as I can and I'm sure in your nursing you would be surprised how many steps you are doing without realising! Good luck.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    I agree with many posts here. First, diet is number one. You can easily drop a pound a week just by figuring out your loss calorie requirements and then sticking to them and logging everything. MFP makes that part as easy as it could possibly be.Second, I agree with @PrizePopple; if exercise is important, you will make the time. You're not the only person having multiple priorities. I personally lost 96 lbs while working full time, doing school on evenings and weekends, and raising my kids, learning to play tennis, and being a hockey fan. It was hard sometimes, but it can be done. You find the time when you can, you plan - meals, groceries, and exercise. I have a friend also that worked out daily while working full time and doing her masters degree, and she had to use her weekends to drive a hundred miles to classes.

    Making excuses burns zero calories.

    Coming here was a great first step to reaching your goals. Please don't let honesty be taken as an attack. We're all here to help each other achieve.
  • Reeree70001
    Reeree70001 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone for your response. I did take the time to read them all and take what you have said into consideration.
    I must say... it is easier said than done. Your talking to someone that 3-5 years ago would travel all over metro Atl for fitness. I wish I did have 15-20 mins but I dont. I travel 3 hours a day with work, days I am in school puts on another 2 hrs on travel... by the end of the day, I am pooped and then there is my kids and reading for school. Sleep.... oh yeah. Forgot about that. In school, there is no such thing until your mind and body just gives out on you. Anyways.... I am really not looking for sympathy, just support and encouragement.

    I am going to keep pushing forward and hopefully one day, there will be a 20 min opportunity to work out.

    Thanks for reading my post.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    You don't need to exercise - you can be successful at weight loss without. Exercise, of course, will help improve your overall health, so if you can find any way to do it, I would.

    For me, I don't use a gym, I do it at home. Strength training by a combination of a Bowflex + free weights, and then HIIT on an exercise bike.

    The HIIT in particular is under 15 minutes for a workout - which is basically less than the time it would take me to get to the gym and back. In terms of bang for your buck, it's a great way to maximize small amounts of time.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    For anyone with any negative comments or smart allic remarks, please stay off my posts. Its not wanted. Your life must miserable. Im looking for positive comments and people. Good luck to you. All negative posts will be ignored from this point on.

    For those who have nice words of encouragements, I thank you and wish you the best. Bless you!

    Public forum.
  • desibear2013
    desibear2013 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to this as well! I don't have any children, so I could not relate factoring that in. I will say that ads college student and someone who has struggled with weight since high school, if you can make time. The person who wants it the most needs to be you. I have been there many times before on the whole health kick and it is hard! Nothing in this world was meant to be easy. I just started again with wanting to reach my goal with my job and school in play I found it to be difficult, but I found the right workout for me. You find them anywhere as many have mentioned YouTube, Hulu (I believe the sponsor one), and beach body. Which I prefer beach body I am in no way trying to pimp their product, but I will say you should look into the T25 program.
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    edited October 2015
    Diet to lose weight, exercise to keep it off. Data I've seen strongly suggests that those who incorporate regular exercise into their routines are more likely to keep excess pounds off over the long term.