Diverticulosis / Diverticulitis

hoots_00 Posts: 4
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I am starting this topic for those who have been diagnosed with diverticulosis or diverticulitis. Some of you with this disease have had the colon resection surgery. Most of us changed our diet for the rest of our lives and monitor what we eat everyday. We change our fiber intake depending on how we feel. Some take probiotics daily. We all should drink plenty of water. There is a theory that nuts, seeds, and popcorn cause flare ups. This has never been proven. I still avoid them because I will do whatever it takes to stay out of the emergency room, even if it's just a theory. I also avoid iceberg lettuce, corn, and spicy foods.

I have yet to find a decent book on Diverticulitis or a book with just recipes for us. I did find a decent website with a newsletter at http://www.end-diverticulitis.com. There are materials for sale here, but I haven't purchased them.

What are your experiences? Have you discovered what causes your flare ups? Did the resection surgery work for you? Do you avoid certain foods? Have you found any decent reference books or websites? What advice can you share?

Looking forward to some dialog!



  • Satya_Ayurveda
    Satya_Ayurveda Posts: 91 Member
    No diagnosis for me...former health care professional and went on to do undergrad for DC. I noticed that a SIGNIFICANT amount of ER cases that came in were stress related and not as a result of a high residue diet. Have you noticed that stress plays a factor in this for you as well? One of my close friends has made this very comment to me as well... and he to has diverticulitis.
  • hoots_00
    hoots_00 Posts: 4
    I do believe stress is a big factor, but in my cases where I ended up in the ER (2 times before resection and 1 time after), I believe it was because I wasn't watching my diet and ate corn on one instance and popcorn on another. I REALLY watch what I eat now. It's been just over a year since my last ER visit.
  • Satya_Ayurveda
    Satya_Ayurveda Posts: 91 Member
    Wow, glad you have been doing well for so long! Diet is hugely important for sure! I just noticed on your profile that you live in Peru, IL. My sister lives in Lima, Peru. She sent me a funny link from youtube. If you understand Spanish, go to youtube and search "Peru visits Peru"... it's very funny!!! :)
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    About 2 yrs ago, I had my 1st and only (knock on wood), flare up. It was Labor day weekend and we had a bonfire one night. I just remember not feeling up to par and just thought it was going to be that TOM soon. By that night the pain started getting worse. As the night went one, the pain was unbearable. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't stand up straight, I was in and out of bed, I just couldn't get away from this pain I was experiencing. I have given birth to babies that were over 9, 10, and 11 lbs...this pain was much worse! Saturday morning I told my husband, who slept through it all, that I needed to go to the docs. office. By then I was running a temp. So we go and she first game me a urine test and there was no infection there. The temp. concerned her so off I went to get a CT scan. It was then it was discovered I had Diverticulitis. I was on 3 different antibiotics..one made everything I ate taste awful. The recovery took about a couple of weeks...I was just so darn tired. I was told to stay away from nuts and seeds and I do my best. I also take probiotics on a regular basis. I panic a little whenever I feel a twinge of pain in that area..but so far, I have been doing good. I never want to have to go through that again....ever!
  • In 2000, we discovered I had issues with dairy slowing down my system so I cut back or balanced with other foods. Then in 2009, I was diagnosed with diverticulosis after bad diverticulitis flare up. My doctor said I could eat anything as long as it didn't irritate me. I gave up ALL dairy that day and now I can eat corn, spicy foods, seeds, etc. I am not lactose intolerant--the products for folks who are lactose intolerant slow me down, too. Stress has not seemed to be as much as a factor as dairy for me. I am the only person I know with diverticulitis who avoids dairy. Anyone else have this issue?
  • I was diagnosed with this in 2001- and while I do believe stress may be a factor ( this was right after the sudden death of my mother), I know that the flare ups I've had are almost always diet related. I had another flare up this last year, right after the holidays- and was back on a low fiber, low residue diet for 10 weeks...can you say WEIGHT GAIN????? [groan]

    It occurred to me later on- while I was avoiding nuts and seeds ( or at least I THOUGHT I was), I wasn't considering the homemade eggnog I was making ( and- of course- drinking) with NUTmeg ( which sinks to the bottom of the milk jug....Hmmmm?!)
    and it wasn't occurring to me that peppercorns are the same little demons as sesame seeds. Besides the peppercorn ranch dressing ( which, BTW, is the only kind I could eat that doesn't have MSG in it- which kills me w/ migraines), I don't use a lot of salt as seasoning, and I love fresh ground whole peppercorns instead. Yeah...not too smart, huh?
    Then, of course, let's not forget the little tomato seeds that show up in the chips and salsa dishes I was overlooking too......

    Now, if I can just figure out how to enjoy strawberry shortcake without the seeds in it.........

    On a side note: I would have never taken this so serious if I hadn't found the secondary cause of death listed on my mother's death certificate was Acute Sigmoid Diverticulitis. She died of sepsis when it ruptured.
    I don't play games with this and am seriously considering a resection. I won't deliberately eat the little pests on purpose, but I
    am still relatively young and in good health otherwise- and I'm tired of these flare ups running my life. I missed a LOT of work during the last bout.
  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis about 10 years ago. After what i thought was the most excruciating stomach ache ever sent me to the emergency room. This turned out to be a flare-up. Doctor's also told me to avoid seeds, nuts, popcorn, etc but I have been eating all of these things for years and havent had any issues. I did stop eating red meat as it seemed to be the thing causing my flare ups. At first I didnt listen to the doctors. They told me that because of the diverticulitis and what it had done to my system that i was unable to break down meat but silly me continued to eat red meat until I landed in the emergency room again. I havent had a flare up since i've stopped eating red meat almost 9 years ago. Occassionally, I'll have a slight discomfort /cramping on my left side after eating a bunch of junk..fried foods, etc. but nothing major. I take probiotics with every meal and pay attention to my fiber intake. I think everyone is different as far as the extent and severity of their condition and what they can and cant eat.
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