Work Treats



  • gilliebee63
    gilliebee63 Posts: 94 Member
    Indulge in moderation. Log what you eat, and try to make it fit (drop that extra slice of bacon or bread from dinner) and if you can't make it fit in a single day, see if you can make it fit over the course of a week.

    Since I've been logging, it's easier for me to resist, because I understand the tradeoffs. But when I don't resist, I am usually able to make it fit.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    Most of our "teas" take place right outside my office.

    So I get up, listen to the little speech that the manager makes regarding the birthday or whatever the situation is, smile and nod for a few minutes, maybe congratulate the person being celebrated, and then go sit down.

    So far, I have eaten nothing at these things.

    However, when I hit maintenance, I will probably have one small thing rather than my morning snack or whatever.
  • adamjb88
    adamjb88 Posts: 8 Member
    Suppose the biggest difficulty is that I can't just not go in the room.. I'm in an open office.. And to make things worse they put it on the bench which is two seats away from me.

    So even if I'm getting up to get another cup of water or heading to a meeting il just pick at passing.

    Worse when they get pizza in - the smell!
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    Lunches out are fairly easy to manage if you go for something fairly light on the menu.

    I'm afraid willpower is your friend for office food. I'm a big planner. I plan my meals for the week and buy only what I need at the supermarket. I pre log my food most days so I know where I can fit anything extra in, or not.

    Are you an emotional eater? I found the work environment awful when I was stressed or bored and I would eat biscuits and all sorts. I ended up changing jobs because it was an unhappy work environment. Now I'm much happier even when cakes are available. I don't feel the need to reach out for them.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    adamjb88 wrote: »
    Suppose the biggest difficulty is that I can't just not go in the room.. I'm in an open office.. And to make things worse they put it on the bench which is two seats away from me.

    So even if I'm getting up to get another cup of water or heading to a meeting il just pick at passing.

    Worse when they get pizza in - the smell!

    Yes! omg... I can pass up cookies, especially store-bought ones because they're not really good. But bring in anything with a smell, especially pizza and all bets are off. Fortunately that doesn't happen often where I work, or it's pizza that other people ordered for their team or office so it isn't offered to me anyway. Sure does smell good though.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    adamjb88 wrote: »
    Fail to plan, plan to fail. ;) Bring your own food, or have a big glass of water when faced with treats, instead. Willpower.

    I do bring my own.. I then feel guilty that i also need to eat what i bought so i don't waste it

    Eat one meal. Throw away the meal you brought from home. Once you have made the decision to lose weight, you have also chosen the path that allows you to let go of guilt. :)

  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I think it's like this at most companies. There is always food and snacks placed on my desk since I am sort of the hub of QA and communications in my office. My department alone has over 70 people so... yeah, I hear you! It all comes down to discipline. Nothing more nothing less. Learn how to say no and stick with it. By now the running joke is "Oh you can leave it on her desk, she doesn't eat that garbage anyway!" There's ownership LOL... so I have to stick to my plan :smile:
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Work treats being so readily available would be a nightmare! Thankfully I don't have that issue, its usually me that supplies the treats on a Friday and only because I bake every Thursday (its my bake off and unwind day :smiley: ) - I don't eat the treats but I enjoy the pleasure others get from my baking :smiley:
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I'll eat something every once in a while. I prelog it and decide if it's worth the calories. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. I feel better when I make an informed decision.

    Most of the time, the treats are not as yummy as I thought they would be (especially store bought stuff) and I'm disappointed that I wasted the calories on it. I try to think about that the next time I see anything. Seriously though, most store bought cakes and donuts are just not worth the calories (to me).

    I also get weirded out by all the hands in the pot, so to speak. Just thinking about people who don't wash their hands regularly touching everything makes me not want to eat it.

    If there's a candy jar, I'll usually grab one or two pieces and log them.

  • LooseyGoosey12
    LooseyGoosey12 Posts: 95 Member
    adamjb88 wrote: »
    Suppose the biggest difficulty is that I can't just not go in the room.. I'm in an open office.. And to make things worse they put it on the bench which is two seats away from me.

    So even if I'm getting up to get another cup of water or heading to a meeting il just pick at passing.

    Worse when they get pizza in - the smell!

    Then maybe you just aren't ready. And that's okay too. If you aren't ready to stand up for your own health/weightloss/personal goal then you are going to fail no matter the circumstances. If it really is as simple as walking on by and you can't do that, you just may not be ready. Sit down and evaluate yourself. Find your "why". Why do you you want to lose weight? I know that sounds cheesy but you have to have that in your mind to refer to, it makes the willpower a bit stronger. You can use that time to learn when and where you can fit in the treats, if you choose to, and make it work in your favor. Eventually it will be habit.
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    I also get weirded out by all the hands in the pot, so to speak. Just thinking about people who don't wash their hands regularly touching everything makes me not want to eat it.

    ^^^This plays a big part for me...

    Otherwise, we have donuts (from a nice bakery) every Friday in winter. If I have been meeting my goals all week, I will have one (ONE) for my breakfast - enjoy it slowly with a nice cup of coffee. It is a treat. Or if someone brings something I know is "worth it" - I will have a small piece and trade off on something else later. If we are having a group function, I tend to help set up, get people things, etc. so I am social and busy but not just filling my own plate or grazing. For lunch out - I go very rarely and I usually pick the place so I know I can get something that will fit and that I will enjoy.
  • kthompson601
    kthompson601 Posts: 174 Member
    This is something I really struggle with at my office. I started a new job in February, and my new office is very food-friendly, and we often have donuts, cakes, cookies, potlucks, etc. I'm especially worried about the upcoming holiday season--apparently from Halloween until New Year's it's non-stop eating, with baking contests and special holiday meals and so on.

    I'm so bad about being tempted about food. Whenever an email goes out announcing pastries or whatnot in the kitchen, my mind just zeroes in on the food. "Food it..." Even if I'm not hungry, even if I just ate, knowing that food is available for anyone, it sets off this buzzer in my head that I need to eat, eat, eat.

    One thing I thought I'd try would be to bring in some sugar-less gum. If I'm chewing gum, I won't eat, because my mouth is already engaged, and the flavors won't mesh. Another strategy might be to allow myself one bit of treat (half a cookie or donut, one piece of fudge candy, etc.), logged as best I can (it's hard because with all that unlabeled food of dubious origin, you have no idea about the calories), so that I don't feel deprived. But I'm extremely nervous about the holiday season and I don't want to get off track!
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    This is probably way off course from others but it's what I do to avoid all the excess food in general.

    I think about where the food was prepared, I try to think that it's always in a dirty or messy kitchen or maybe the person who prepared it is a finger licker.

    I don't like to waste my tastebuds on things like packaged cookie dough so those perfect looking cookies I know I'll taste the packaging and skip them.

    The packages of donuts, my mind goes to once again, how many hands have touched those things?

    Birthday cakes, simple to skip for me because I don't care for chocolate cake and most cakes around here are chocolate or marble and if I'm going to have frosting it better give me a real good sugar rush, no "cream" frosting for me.

    Again it all goes back to not being willing to waste my tastebuds on food that won't satisfy me. Hopefully my words helped and didn't create germophobes out of anyone.

    I should mention that there are days are do enjoy a treat and sometimes it is that donut but if it doesn't hit the spot on that one bite I don't bother with another.
  • FenderK8
    FenderK8 Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2015
    I am such a sucker for the snacks and where I work, the snack table literally touches my desk so I am always seeing the treats that people bring in. To prepare for this, I usually bring a few pounds of chopped veggies that I prepped/pre-bagged/labeled in grams the weekend before. Its so much easier to just grab them on the way out the door and since they are pretty voluminous they can keep you munching for hours without any damage done. Today with breakfast included, I have just over 2 pounds of veggies with me and I am still on track to log below 450 calories before I head home at 5 pm. I especially like to bring slightly sweet veggies like jicama and snap peas so its not all just fibrous blandness.

    Of course there are still times you might still give in, but if it is infrequent it shouldn't do much to hinder your loss if you do so in moderation and log honestly. Also, I keep a full gallon of water on my desk and try to get through at least one a day. With all that going on, your mouth might not even have time to munch on snacks :)
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    We get so many terrible things brought to our office. Starbucks 3 times a week, donuts, cupcakes, lunch once a week, chick fil a breakfast, cookies, etc. I just weigh out in my head weather it's worth it. Donuts are a no-go simply because for the next 4 hours I burp up a fried taste that I hate. Starbucks is always a no, we have a kuerig and I keep delicious creamer on hand. Cookies are usually not good enough to take away my precious calories, there are only a few that I KNOW are worth it. Same for cupcakes, there's only one place we'll get them from that I know are worth it. All others are too dried out. I always eat the free lunch, just small portions. The non donut breakfast items can really get me though. I love those little chicken biscuits from Chick Fil A. I usually let myself eat two, instead of my morning snack. And we get these little pigs in a blanket things (not sure why these are considered breakfast), and they're so good with mustard, so I'll usually eat one or two. For the most part I just say no to everything, except for the few things that I know I won't regret because NOM! It's all will power. If I have PMS and these things are brought in, then it's usually a free for all, lol.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    That sounds like my job too. I used to always eat it 'cause I felt like I had to.

    Then I realized, just because it's there doesn't mean I have to eat it. So I stopped.

    Actually, this was one of my first NSVs: Walking by the food desk at work every day for a week without eating any of it. Then it was two weeks. Then a month. Eventually I just realized that I didn't even want it anymore.

    At first, my colleagues would offer me chocolate or cookies or cake and would be really surprised when I turned it down ('cause I never did before). They'd say "no really, have some!" or "live a little!" or "just have one!" I just smiled and continued to say no thank you. Eventually they caught on and stopped encouraging me to eat it.

    Free food isn't "free". It doesn't cost money, but it costs calories. They're your calories; you have to decide whether you want to spend them on junk food at work or on other stuff. You just can't spend more of them than you have.

    Just say no. It's that simple.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    It happens a lot at my job as well. I almost always grab something. I will cut a donut in half or grab a single cookie, log it and fit it into your caloric goals. Is the cookie worth not having as much snack after dinner? Pre logging also helps, and lunch is my time I spend it at home with baby or walking and burning off the half donut I ate.


    Maintenance will be much the same. I can't go back to some of this, and some of that (mindless snacking) .....ever. I prioritize. Not every work snack will be worth it. Yesterday was quick bread (from Wal-Mart)......I certainly can do better. But, this morning was "pumpkin poke cake" from a guy in the office who is a superb cook. You guessed it. I had a small serving of cake.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    if i do not want cake i just say no thanks...i can go hang out and have some coffee and chat or whatever...i can be sociable and wish someone a happy birthday without cake. at my office, these things are typically in the morning so i usually just tell them the truth...i just ate breakfast and i'm not hungry.

    sometimes i will have cake...sometimes i won't. i've yet to see anyone get offended because i didn't eat cake on their birthday. i also tend to only attend these types of things if they are occurring within my immediate department...i don't attend all 95 employee's birthday celebrations at work.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    adamjb88 wrote: »
    Suppose the biggest difficulty is that I can't just not go in the room.. I'm in an open office.. And to make things worse they put it on the bench which is two seats away from me.

    So even if I'm getting up to get another cup of water or heading to a meeting il just pick at passing.

    Worse when they get pizza in - the smell!

    Tell your manager or the facility manager you have seen a mouse, cockroach, etc in the area. Could the food crumbs be attracting them? Maybe should move the stuff.

    Or just ignore.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    adamjb88 wrote: »
    Suppose the biggest difficulty is that I can't just not go in the room.. I'm in an open office.. And to make things worse they put it on the bench which is two seats away from me.

    So even if I'm getting up to get another cup of water or heading to a meeting il just pick at passing.

    Worse when they get pizza in - the smell!

    To me, this is the same as when people complain that they can't stand to have certain foods in their house while they're losing weight, because the temptation is too great.

    We have free will, though. We can choose to consume them or to not consume them. We're not helpless slaves to smells or temptation.

    You're changing your lifestyle, not temporarily dieting. There will always be tempting foods around. You have to be an adult about it and just say no to the things that don't fit in your plan. You don't have to deprive yourself of everything you like -- even while sticking to a 1325/day diet while losing weight, I made room for chocolate every day -- but you do have to have enough self-discipline not to indulge just because it's there.

    Look, if you're married, you don't go out and sleep with any attractive person you meet. If you work in a retail store, you don't embezzle from the cash register just because the money is there. Well, it's the same with food. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to eat it.