Friends + Instagram

hey everyone (:

I'm a bit of a yoyo dieter and I'm really fed up with it all. I have a lot of bad habits I need to break!

I want to lose around 35 kg and could do with some support and motivation, so feel free to add me so we can all help each other stay on track (:

I also have an Instagram account called that I'm using to hold me accountable to this new lifestyle choice! If anyone else tracks their progress on there as well, leave your account below so I can follow you and watch all the transformations take place!


  • valzoka
    valzoka Posts: 12 Member
  • Cheeseandcats
    Cheeseandcats Posts: 143 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hey! I will definitely follow you! I would like to lose about 70lbs (I thunk that's almost equavelent to 35kg but it's been awhile since I've lived in another country, sorry!) My instagram isn't solely for fitness/weight loss but I am Primuskoshke.

    Edit: I no spel so gud.