Help! Please check out my food diary...

I've been on this site for about a month and am going in baby steps. The first challenge was just logging in daily and putting in my food. Then trying to get under my calorie count. Then adding exercise regularly (which I missed today). Now I'm focusing on the next step - getting my protein up & carbs down. I have tried low-carb diets in the past and find them to be a non-sustainable lifestyle for myself, so that's not a goal. However I am diabetic, and it's best that I keep the carbs under control and get the protein to the levels mfp suggests. I have nothing against meat, but have not eaten much of it in the past due to it being expensive. But right now I am making the choice to focus on my health, if I can just figure out what to do. I have met with many dieticians & nutritionists in the past, so I have the knowledge but somehow I'm not putting it all together. Please check out my food diary and make suggestions on ways I can increase my protein and decrease my carbs. But keep in mind a few things:

1) I will not cut out the fruit
2) I am not interested in going NO carb
3) Not concerned about sodium or anything else on my counts at this time. Baby steps.

Thanks!! :)


  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    You could trade oatmeal for eggs at breakfast. That would lower the carbs while increasing the protein. I see you eat eggs later one day though. Maybe move them to breakfast and have lean meats then such as chicken.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    How's your fiber? And, you do like your fruit! Good for you!! I try to replace some carbs with beans/fiber. I have cut out plain white bread and pasta and found (which took a while) some multi-grain replacements that really taste good. My blood sugar has dropped huge since cutting way back on carbs and adding more fiber. Never realized how much fiber I WASN'T getting in my diet. Good Luck to you.
  • SVencel
    SVencel Posts: 1
    This being my first day on MFP, I don't exactly feel like I've earned the right to advise, but here it goes...How about swapping out the morning oatmeal for 1% cottage cheese (less carbs, more protein)? Or, adding a scoop of protein powder to your morning oatmeal?
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    You could also add walnuts or pecan to your oatmeal to get some extra protein in. I'd drop the processed granola bars and take one of those servings of frozen fruit and add a couple of scoops of whey powder to it, a little milk, ice and make a smoothie.
  • searbear1980
    searbear1980 Posts: 110
    You should also take a look at your sodium levels that could be doing it. I have found high protien and high fiber helps. Lots and lots of water. :-)
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I looked back a few days. My suggestions are;
    ~switch form the yogurt you are eating to greek yogurt and add your own fruit in. It will up your protein and if you get the 0% when you are ready to look at sugars it lower in sugar.
    ~if you eat eggs, try having an egg or 2 for breakfast. Eat the yolk unless you have problems with cholesterol. That's where most of the protein is.
    ~Instead of a hamburger bun, try lettuce wraps. I prefer either romaine or butter lettuce. It won't up your protein, but it will decrease the carbs.

    I'm ovo-vegetarian, feel free to look at my diary, it's public.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Unless you are an endurance athlete your carbs are way to high. Your choice how to drop them. I'd start with anything refined. Your protein looks fine most days. Add fat tracking to your diary, let's see if it's too low. If you want to drop carbs you need to watch the protein too since the body can and will convert it to glucose. There is a such thing as protein related insulin resistance. What is your current weight? It's OK, only an *kitten* will judge in a forum of this nature.
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    I appreciate the responses! I have thought about switching back to eggs for breakfast (I cycle my meals every month or 2, for variety). The problem is, I can't have eggs without toast - which adds the carbs back in. :(

    I tend to have cereal bars or such for snacks - which is where a lot of the carbs/sugars come from. I love them! I could give them up as long as I had SOMETHING for my sweet tooth besides fruit... but what??

    Funny that the fiber topic came up - I am under docs orders to increase my fiber. Besides drinking metamucil (YUCK) I'm not sure what to do. I have a few salads a week...
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I was the same way with my toast. For me it ended up being butter on the toast. So, I just drizzle some butter on my eggs. Let's see what your fat numbers look like, there is no reason to avoid fats, except for trans fats, hydrogenated oils. You have to set some boundaries somewhere and stick to them. I thought I could never get used to no english muffin with my eggs. It was the last grain I gave up and I don't miss them now.
  • Mommyof3texans
    Chicken or turkey breast, salmon, tuna, sushi, are great sources of meat proteins.
    Eggs, beans, nuts are other good sources.
    Greek yogurt w/ honey and peanut butter is a good protein source I like for a snack.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    seeing as ur diabetic, u should really be eating no added sugar (in an ideal world, right ;-) ?).

    The fiber bars you are eating, try swtiching to Larabars that only have just a couple ingredients in each one--like one im thinking of called apple pie is cinnamon, apples, almonds, walnuts, dates and raisins. It might be considered high sugar, but its all natural sugar.. u dont see flour or salt added or any other ingredient, not even fake sugar. 5g fiber, 4g protein, 24g carbs... it might be higher than the fiber bars ur eating now in a category or two, but when its all natural its worth it... i know the fiber bars i eat r loaded with all these ingredients i cant name. (im switching to larabars next pay day)

    Nuts & seeds--almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, etc.

    Adding natural peanut butter on an apple. Or pb on celery.

    Tuna, chicken, beef, pork, salmon, are all high protein low carb.

    Milk, yogurt r also ways of doing this---instead of string cheese that can block up your system. Yogurt with fruit is great.

    Eggs--can add boiled eggs to salads and eggs in various meals...

    Tuna on celery.

    Low sugar beef or turkey jerky.

    Since you like your fruits; you can make citrus salsa and serve on meats to make them fruity to you, like citrus salsa on chicken or on salmon, maui maui fish, etc. I had it at a resturant once--it was just fresh pineapple cut really small, orange cut really small, and tiny diced onion; can put peppers in it if you like spicy, cilantro, or even some other fruits like mango, lemon juice if you want it more tart---great addition to any summer dish.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I'm with you on the toast with eggs. I cut down from 2 slices to 1 slice and now at half a slice. In time it will go I'm sure.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I was also going to suggest you track fiber and fat.

    I also noticed you ate a hamburger bun...I have cut most of those types of breads out by using lettuce leaves. When I eat bread it is whole grain and I have one piece. Or I use a whole wheat wrap.

    Good luck!
  • searbear1980
    searbear1980 Posts: 110
    Apples are a great natural source of Fiber!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Careful with things made from flour from whole grains.
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    Ok I've added the Fiber & Fat categories. As I scroll back over the last few days I am often over in EVERY category but protein (and of course cals). The category it seems I'm ALWAYS over in is sugar. As a diabetic that's thrilling... Well I thank everyone for the input! When I am out of oatmeal I will switch to eggs for breakfast and see if I can do it without a slice per egg. Is it ok to have sausage or bacon to add protein? Or is the cals in that over-the-top?

    I LOVE the peanut-butter on celery suggestion! A great way to get fiber & protein in a yummy snack that will also satisfy my sweet tooth!! Any additional suggestions are greatly welcome!! :)
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    MFP's protein is usually set a little low actually so try to reach it AND surpass it. I shoot for double what MFP says (because I'm too lazy to change it to be "correct" for me).

    I do protein shakes for lunch especially now that it's warm out. One scoop of protein powder into my fruit shake (low fat vanilla yogurt, all natural applesauce and frozen fruit) really help me to get enough protein.

    Center cut bacon isn't too bad for you actually if you're only having one or two slices and I love turkey sausage. My husband didn't even know when I switched from regular sausage to turkey sausage ;)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    ur over on sugar due to natural sugar though, ur not over from icecream and candy.. does that matter to a diabetic or is sugar sugar? when i eat fruit im always over sugar, even after just half an apple and a orange, along with normal other food i am always over.

    Sausage and bacon are ok for protein, but be careful cuz some of them add carbs; I only have just 1 or two pieces.

    What about low carb bread; just one piece; cut it in half so its like ur having two?? Can u cook ur eggs differently and like to eat them without the bread? Or even eat them differently---like one bite sausage with egg on the fork, makes it taste different. ? Or maybe if u seasoned differently or...idk, just trying to throw ideas out there.. I wont eat any breakfast egg except scrambled--hate all other kinds. Like it better if I throw in a tbls of cheese and garlic powder/pepper/red pepper flakes. what about omelettes with veggies? do u still need toast?

    If you like deviled eggs you can make a small batch and use plain yogurt instead of mayo with pickles, etc, and throw one in wherever u want (with lunch, dinner, whatever).

    Meat is a huge amount of protein--4oz of chicken is 35g whereas a egg is only 6g. Nuts are around 8g. 6oz steak is like 42g, etc.
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    ur over on sugar due to natural sugar though, ur not over from icecream and candy.. does that matter to a diabetic or is sugar sugar? when i eat fruit im always over sugar, even after just half an apple and a orange, along with normal other food i am always over.

    Sausage and bacon are ok for protein, but be careful cuz some of them add carbs; I only have just 1 or two pieces.

    What about low carb bread; just one piece; cut it in half so its like ur having two?? Can u cook ur eggs differently and like to eat them without the bread? Or even eat them differently---like one bite sausage with egg on the fork, makes it taste different. ? Or maybe if u seasoned differently or...idk, just trying to throw ideas out there.. I wont eat any breakfast egg except scrambled--hate all other kinds. Like it better if I throw in a tbls of cheese and garlic powder/pepper/red pepper flakes. what about omelettes with veggies? do u still need toast?

    If you like deviled eggs you can make a small batch and use plain yogurt instead of mayo with pickles, etc, and throw one in wherever u want (with lunch, dinner, whatever).

    Meat is a huge amount of protein--4oz of chicken is 35g whereas a egg is only 6g. Nuts are around 8g. 6oz steak is like 42g, etc.

    I LOVE the idea of having omelets! With a li'l bit of cheese & loads of veggies I wouldn't need the bread. Great idea!!
    As for the natural sugars, though they are healthier than refined sugars, they still effect blood-sugar the same way. :-/
  • SUSANB37
    SUSANB37 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey Mel, No real advice cuz I'm new too-just letting you know I'm supporting you:)