Looking for buddies who weigh in every day



  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    I weigh every morning and log it. It's the trend over time that matters the scale with jump up and down on a daily basis.
  • I know it's not recommended but I need to weigh myself everyday to keep motivated. Anyone want to log results every day so we can give each other moral support?

    Yes, Please
  • ebouchie
    ebouchie Posts: 124 Member
    I weigh everyday as a well. I have been on a pre-diabetes program through Omada health and a digital cellular scale is included. It automatically transmits my weight via cell. It has been great to see the daily fluctuations and how my food choices make an impact. I love it. I have traveled everywhere with it. In fact, I took it to Paris for 2 weeks in April. It helped to keep my on track and despite all of the bread and wine I managed to lose 4 pounds.
  • tayloralanj
    tayloralanj Posts: 137 Member
    jaywirth88 wrote: »
    I weigh in everyday on MFP... same time every morning! Feel free to add me!

    Same time everyday is important, I'm sure like most of you, I'll gain and lose +/- 5lbs in a day. I'll weigh in at say, 155lbs in the morning when I wake up (and in my birthday suit) and be 160 when I get home at night, then I'll lose a pound before I go to bed. I am trying to abstain from doing that, and just stick to right after I get up and that's it. It's all mental!
  • watkins81685
    watkins81685 Posts: 2 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »
    I weigh every day but log it only once a week on mfp. I keep a calendar and write the number down. Then if I get discouraged, I refer to a calendar from 3 months ago....and it helps me keep my head in the game. I log here every day...so you may add me if you like.

    This is a great idea!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    I weigh 4-5 days per week and log each new low. Keeps me motivated and informed about my body's fluctuations. I started this fairly early on in my journey after my trainer told me early on that a 2 lb gain was water weight and I didn't quite understand what he meant. I had to prove it to myself. Now I know that after each low I bounce back up and down for 3-10 days before hitting a new low. It's become a game for me each day, before I step on the scale, to guess if it will be up, down, or the same.