Just so tired

I can't even keep count of the number of times a day my eyes glaze over.

Things have been incredibly stressful for the past two months. Everything is causing stress - work, home, everything.

I'm trying to break the pattern by going for light walks - I just need to do something good for myself.


  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Read books. I don't mean self help books but any books to take your mind elsewhere.
    Plan something to look forward to. A weekend trip for example.
    Go for walks like you said and listen to music while you are doing it.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited October 2015
    Stress will do that to me, too. There was a time in my life where I was completely stressed out at work and I had the same issue. If I closed my eyes for a second, I'd doze off, and I was in bed for at least 8 hours every night. I eventually went to my doctor and had him prescribe some low-level anti-anxiety medication and that helped a bit. What helped even more was eventually quitting the job that was causing me so much stress.

    Finding a way to lower your stress is key. Walks are good, as long as you aren't spending them thinking about the things that are causing you stress. I might suggest some headphones with upbeat music while you walk so you can focus on that.

    Also make sure that you are eating enough so that isn't also causing your lower energy level.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    I had a stressful commute...to a stressful job...then back through the commute again...then to a stressful homelife. Quitting the job also got rid of the commute, and the home situation became more manageable.

    @jumpybeans - are you getting enough sleep and nutritious food? I know it's tempting to medicate with food, but it's really the worst thing you can do. I've been successful subbing cardio for sweets when stressed.

    {{{{{ hugs }}}}}
  • jumpybeans
    jumpybeans Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for your support. I've been eating well, I don't tend to turn to junky food when I'm stressed. I've been turning to beer which I know isn't good either. Not that I'm drinking myself into oblivion, but those two beers a day add up to the calorie count for sure.