How do you like yours?

Coffee, I mean :wink:

So tell me, how do you take your coffee? I like mine with a dash of semi-skimmed milk, and 3 teaspoons of sugar! (THREE teaspoons!) I've tried all sorts of sweeteners, they put me off coffee altogether. I also HATE unsweetened tea or coffee.

I love sugar. And when I'm eating healthily, I crave bad sugars. It's useless telling me to eat fruit and nuts and whatever else, it doesn't satisfy that bad-sugar craving :neutral: . NAKD bars are quite good, but after a while, you get a bit sick of them!

Do you have any advice for a girl who LOVES her sugary beverages, but knows how bad sugar can be?

Also, feel free to add me, I've had MFP for ages but I've barely used it until now. :blush:


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Do you have a medical reason to limit sugar?

  • eroseus3056
    eroseus3056 Posts: 8 Member
    No, but I'm limiting my calorie intake. Which means I'm cutting out junk food. Sugary coffee stops my cravings for things like chocolate. But with three teaspoons per coffee, and multiple coffees per day, that's a lot of sugar!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I decided that I can't do without my coffee but I can't waste precious calories on sugar and cream, so I learned to like it black.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    No, but I'm limiting my calorie intake. Which means I'm cutting out junk food. Sugary coffee stops my cravings for things like chocolate. But with three teaspoons per coffee, and multiple coffees per day, that's a lot of sugar!

    As long as you're accounting for the calories, you can have sugar and control your calorie intake. If you log the sugar and you see how much it's cutting into your daily calorie count, you may find the motivation to cut back. I found that I craved things less when I realized how much they were cutting into my ability to eat more filling foods.
  • eroseus3056
    eroseus3056 Posts: 8 Member
    I always record the calories from sugar, but I still want it. I will try your advice, keep the sugar but take notice of how much it affects my calorie limit. At the moment I'm just struggling with the transition from eat-whatever-I-want to be-sensible! Lol
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    For me, I just had to wean myself off gradually. I started by cutting down on the sugar and switching to milk, then skim... now I take mine black.

    I used to drink 2-3 double-doubles (2 cream, 2 sugar) a day and, yeah... the calories do add up.
  • eroseus3056
    eroseus3056 Posts: 8 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I decided that I can't do without my coffee but I can't waste precious calories on sugar and cream, so I learned to like it black.

    I hope I can do this! :p
  • eroseus3056
    eroseus3056 Posts: 8 Member
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    For me, I just had to wean myself off gradually. I started by cutting down on the sugar and switching to milk, then skim... now I take mine black.

    I used to drink 2-3 double-doubles (2 cream, 2 sugar) a day and, yeah... the calories do add up.

    Thanks, that's a good idea! I didn't used to like coffee at all, but I taught myself to like it, maybe I can teach myself to like it black.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Sugar = sugar, it's not separated into bad or good. You have to decide what is most important to you, what you want to "spend" your calories on. If sugar in your coffee is worth it, make cuts elsewhere.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You don't have to drink coffee. Do it if you like it. You can learn to drink it black (I did) or you can spend some of your daily calories on sugar in your coffee. That is your choice!

    I wonder what bad sugar is, and if there is good sugar, and what the difference is, and why?

    If you have strong and unpleasant cravings for something you know isn't really healthy, and giving in only make the cravings grow, it may be best to avoid those foods completely, or indulge very occasionally. Again, that's up to you to decide.
  • eroseus3056
    eroseus3056 Posts: 8 Member
    You don't have to drink coffee. Do it if you like it. You can learn to drink it black (I did) or you can spend some of your daily calories on sugar in your coffee. That is your choice!

    I wonder what bad sugar is, and if there is good sugar, and what the difference is, and why?

    If you have strong and unpleasant cravings for something you know isn't really healthy, and giving in only make the cravings grow, it may be best to avoid those foods completely, or indulge very occasionally. Again, that's up to you to decide.

    When I say 'bad sugar', I just mean the type you get from junk food, I'd class 'good' sugars and those you get from fruit. I'd never feel guilty for the sugar in fruit.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    You don't have to drink coffee. Do it if you like it. You can learn to drink it black (I did) or you can spend some of your daily calories on sugar in your coffee. That is your choice!

    I wonder what bad sugar is, and if there is good sugar, and what the difference is, and why?

    If you have strong and unpleasant cravings for something you know isn't really healthy, and giving in only make the cravings grow, it may be best to avoid those foods completely, or indulge very occasionally. Again, that's up to you to decide.

    When I say 'bad sugar', I just mean the type you get from junk food, I'd class 'good' sugars and those you get from fruit. I'd never feel guilty for the sugar in fruit.

    You don't have to feel guilty for eating any type of sugar.
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    I checked and the sugar-free had sae calories as my beloved sweet cream.

    So there u go!
  • brimin101
    brimin101 Posts: 31 Member
    I drink my coffee or tea unsweetened, I prefer to eat my calories! The only time I ever sweeten any beverage is if I'm sick and have a sore throat, then I'll have green tea with lemon and 2 teaspoons of honey 3-4 times a day until I'm feeling better.

    I don't necessarily limit my sugar, I'm just not a big sugar eater, but for you unless there's a medical reason to limit it, then stay under your macro goals and you'll be fine.
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Sugar is only 15 calories per tsp. I used to take 2-3, now I am down to one. Try and cut back slowly and you may surprise yourself. The other day, I forgot sugar and drank it with just fat free half and half (which is not the best I know, but I need "body" to my coffee). I couldn't believe it. I also drink flavored coffees or add a sprinkle of cinnamon or a dash of vanilla extract.

    Think of your calorie allotment as cash. You can spend it however you like, but if you spend say 150 calories per day on sugar, that's just 150 calories you can't spend on something else. If you are ok with it - so be it. If you'd rather have 150 calories of _____ (bacon, cheese, vodka, peanut butter, curry...), then you might want to try and reduce the sugar.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    I like a little coffee in my sugar.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    To add, I used to drink iced tea with 3/4 cup sugar for 3 quarts of tea, or 580 calories per 3 quarts, or ~72 calories per 12oz cup (my cups hold 12oz plus some ice).

    When I decided to lose weight, I decided that the calories weren't worth it, so I just started drinking tea straight. On occasion I will drink iced tea with sugar, or even hot tea with creamer and sugar. I just make sure that I want it and log it.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    I used to drink my coffee with a lot of sugar. One day I ran out of sugar (of course it was during final exams so I didn't have time to stop for a coffee out) but had been up all night so I had to have coffee, and just had it black. It wasn't great but it wasn't terrible. I decided to progressively use less sugar, until I was drinking it black. I know love black coffee, but have found I can no longer buy the big bulk coffee because the flavour of the bean absolutely matters lol. Try getting some good medium coffee (I used to buy bold but without sugar the flavour was to intense for my taste) and trying a sugar taper. Smell the different coffee packages and find one that is appealing to you and try it.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Coffee, I mean :wink:

    So tell me, how do you take your coffee? I like mine with a dash of semi-skimmed milk, and 3 teaspoons of sugar! (THREE teaspoons!) I've tried all sorts of sweeteners, they put me off coffee altogether. I also HATE unsweetened tea or coffee.

    I love sugar. And when I'm eating healthily, I crave bad sugars. It's useless telling me to eat fruit and nuts and whatever else, it doesn't satisfy that bad-sugar craving :neutral: . NAKD bars are quite good, but after a while, you get a bit sick of them!

    Do you have any advice for a girl who LOVES her sugary beverages, but knows how bad sugar can be?

    Also, feel free to add me, I've had MFP for ages but I've barely used it until now. :blush:

    I don't like coffee. I drink water or unsweetened teas mostly. I like mint tea or apple cinnamon.
    I've always been more of a salt fiend. I try to watch my sodium intake but I'm always going to be a bit over the recommended amount because salt makes things taste good. I'm better than I used to be.
    Maybe gradually reduce the amount of sugar in your coffee each month until you are only adding 1 teaspoon instead of 3. Work your way down to 1 sugary drink/food a day. Give your tastebuds time to adjust to less sugar gradually instead of going no sugar overnight.