Should I join the gym???

Hi all,

I'm looking for opinions and advice. Ive been using MFP since March 2015 and I have lost a total of 51lbs, going from 252lbs to my current weight of 201lbs. The progress I have made so far has changed my life in amazing ways and my confidence is going through the roof but there is always more I can achieve.
I'm 6ft 2inch if that information is needed.
I'm still looking to lose weight (approximately another 12lbs) but I want to change my shape and have some definition in my body.
I have been using fitstar at home for the last month and I can see small changes to my body since the last month but these are only small. I would like to know if I started to go to the gym would it be more beneficial for me overall with the gain I could achieve. Also if this is the case what routines would I have to do each session to work my entire body? I think with work I could go approximately 3/4 times a week.
So should I continue with Fitstar at home or go to the gym?

Thank you for your patience in reading this and apologies for the length.


  • wezaddison01
    wezaddison01 Posts: 40 Member

    Hi again,

    This is a picture of my progress so far. The before picture was how I looked in March this year.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    What changes are you talking about? Muscle getting more visible?
    That usually is an effect of fat loss, and perhaps retaining of existing muscle.

    What is Fitstar and what is your goal?
  • wezaddison01
    wezaddison01 Posts: 40 Member
    Fitstar is app for the iPad where you do exercises using your bodyweight as apposed to using weights.
    My overall goal is to lose some more weight and increase my muscle mass so I do have them being more visible. I'm not looking to bulk up just look more toned.
    At the moment the exercises I do are a conbination of cardio and strength using my body weight.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    Well, nothing wrong with bodyweight. If you enjoy it and it is working for you then there is no reason not to continue.
    The founder of Nerdfitness actually did nothing but bodyweight stuff for a year while he traveled the world, and managed to improve his physique doing so. And he was in a good shape to begin with.

    Does that app also include progressive overload (exercises get slightly harder each time?)
    Otherwise you could consider looking into:
    You are your own gym (app and book)
    Or convict conditioning (book).
  • wezaddison01
    wezaddison01 Posts: 40 Member
    It's a really good app to be honest. There are programs they set you on as well as freestyle sessions. You give feedback after each exercise (I.e. After push-ups or burpees) and it uses it to make the next session.
    I suppose I should keep with this then but seeing feedback from the discussions on here I haven't seen anybody doing this type of exercise but a lot of people are going down the gym route.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    It's a really good app to be honest. There are programs they set you on as well as freestyle sessions. You give feedback after each exercise (I.e. After push-ups or burpees) and it uses it to make the next session.
    I suppose I should keep with this then but seeing feedback from the discussions on here I haven't seen anybody doing this type of exercise but a lot of people are going down the gym route.

    I am sure they are out there.
    The thing is that lifting weights probably gets you results faster, but I'm not sure.
    Maybe @ninerbuff @ndj1979 @JoRocka could get you an answer to that. (Or tag someone that knows).
  • wezaddison01
    wezaddison01 Posts: 40 Member
    AsISmile wrote: »
    It's a really good app to be honest. There are programs they set you on as well as freestyle sessions. You give feedback after each exercise (I.e. After push-ups or burpees) and it uses it to make the next session.
    I suppose I should keep with this then but seeing feedback from the discussions on here I haven't seen anybody doing this type of exercise but a lot of people are going down the gym route.

    I am sure they are out there.
    The thing is that lifting weights probably gets you results faster, but I'm not sure.
    Maybe @ninerbuff @ndj1979 @JoRocka could get you an answer to that. (Or tag someone that knows).

    Thank you for the information hopefully somebody can help shed more light on the subject. I'll stick with this until I get more information. Thanks again for the help.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Do you want classes or the equipment that the gym offers? Are the hours and price good for you? Does your health insurance cover any of the cost?
  • wezaddison01
    wezaddison01 Posts: 40 Member
    Do you want classes or the equipment that the gym offers? Are the hours and price good for you? Does your health insurance cover any of the cost?

    I'd only be going to use the equipment. Don't get me wrong, I'd probably go to the occasional class but they are all incorporated into the price of the monthly fee anyway. The price is fair and I can fit in about 3 or 4 sessions a week. I live in England so we don't have health insurance as we have a free NHS service, but that's a totally different topic, haha. I could drive the price down a little as I could get a corporate price.
  • wezaddison01
    wezaddison01 Posts: 40 Member
    Anybody have any views on this? Thank you
  • mylittlerainbow
    mylittlerainbow Posts: 822 Member
    I just joined the local gym a month ago myself. I take four classes a week (because I enjoy them and working with a group keeps me going) and otherwise work out on the equipment. I like the cross-training aspect - moving from one machine to another. I pull out a mat and do some floor exercises, too, but that would be what you do at home using your own body weight for resistance, so you might not need that. I still work out at home but enjoy the variety available at the gym.
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    Personally, I love the gym. I love that I'm surrounded with people who have similar goals as me, I like the social aspect of it, if I miss a day or go at a different time people ask me where I was. I like having a place to go to workout at. I have a basement that I could work out in, but I would probably find excuses and have distractions at home. I like that there is so much equipment to use; I could never afford to purchase all the equipment I have access to at the gym. Even free weights, as I try to increase my weights every couple of months. I love spin class, so I would always find a gym with classes.

    You could try to find a month to month gym and try it for a little while.