Kris Gethin's 12 Week Muscle Building Trainer

Has anyone tried this? (

I'm thinking of giving it a go to spice up my routine. I need something different than what I've been doing to spark my motivation and shock my body a bit. Thoughts?


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Fist, you can't "shock" your body. If you are not getting results it is because your caloric intake or training is off.

    second - I looked at day one and noticed that there were no barbell squats on day one and this seems like an intermediate to advanced program based on the volume. If you feel that you can run this then go ahead and run it as structured. I am just wary of a program that does not incorporate barbell squats into leg day.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    What do you do know for your program?
    How long have you been lifting?

    If you are fairly new to lifting I would suggest going with 2-4 day/week full body routine instead of a body building split. check out starting strength, strong lifts 5x5, strong curves, new rules of lifting. If you have been lifting for a while check our Madcows stronglifts, or Wendler 5/3/1.
  • Steve_Paul
    Steve_Paul Posts: 23 Member
    A few years back I followed Kris Gettins DTP program and it is a good structured program. If you follow it to the letter you will get results. In that program he tends to ease you in and build intensity as you progress through the program. I'm guessing he is using the same principle for this program. If anything his videos are motivational and make you want to get into the gym.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited October 2015
    The big issue I have with many of the programs on is that they are too short sighted and are not sustainable for long-term muscular or strength development.

    Its like walking into a candy store and loading up with some of this and some of that. While you get your sugar fix, once that sugar buzz wears off and the bag is empty, you are left starting again from zero. Eat a steak instead -- your body will do more those calories than a gummy bear. (I raided my daughter's bag of gummy's on the way into work today. Whoops.)

    I have long-term strength goals (because I compete in powerlifting) I need to train for the long-term and plan a year or two out, and 6 weeks of this, 8 weeks there, or 12 weeks of that, doesn't have much carry-over.

    That being said, some type of programming is better than no programming at all.
  • L0VE3UG
    L0VE3UG Posts: 47 Member
    Shock was probably the wrong verbiage. I've had some results with what I've been doing so far but it's getting a bit boring and was looking at more intermediate plans for the challenge. Barbell squats come into play on day 8, although my gym doesn't have a hack squat machine so I may have to do them day 1 anyway...

    I looked at the 5/3/1 program but can't seem to find an article that breaks it down in a way that's easy to understand. Figuring out how to run it gives me a headache lol. Have you used any of the ones you have suggested?

    I saw the DTP program, thought about it since the duration is a bit shorter. I think I'll give this once a whirl and see how the first week goes....thanks all for the input
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    edited October 2015
    L0VE3UG wrote: »
    Shock was probably the wrong verbiage. I've had some results with what I've been doing so far but it's getting a bit boring and was looking at more intermediate plans for the challenge. Barbell squats come into play on day 8, although my gym doesn't have a hack squat machine so I may have to do them day 1 anyway...

    I looked at the 5/3/1 program but can't seem to find an article that breaks it down in a way that's easy to understand. Figuring out how to run it gives me a headache lol. Have you used any of the ones you have suggested?

    I saw the DTP program, thought about it since the duration is a bit shorter. I think I'll give this once a whirl and see how the first week goes....thanks all for the input

    As far as calculating the program I use
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    L0VE3UG wrote: »
    Shock was probably the wrong verbiage. I've had some results with what I've been doing so far but it's getting a bit boring and was looking at more intermediate plans for the challenge. Barbell squats come into play on day 8, although my gym doesn't have a hack squat machine so I may have to do them day 1 anyway...

    I looked at the 5/3/1 program but can't seem to find an article that breaks it down in a way that's easy to understand. Figuring out how to run it gives me a headache lol. Have you used any of the ones you have suggested?

    I saw the DTP program, thought about it since the duration is a bit shorter. I think I'll give this once a whirl and see how the first week goes....thanks all for the input

    I am running the PHUL program right now, and I like it a can find it on muscle and strength.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited October 2015
    L0VE3UG wrote: »
    I looked at the 5/3/1 program but can't seem to find an article that breaks it down in a way that's easy to understand. Figuring out how to run it gives me a headache lol. Have you used any of the ones you have suggested?
    I'm currently running 5/3/1. Best way to learn 5/3/1 it is to read the book (5/3/1, Beyond 5/3/1 or pick-up the free eBook 5/3/1 for Powerlifting) and download an app for your smart phone like BigLifts2, Wendler Log to track your progress and to plan your next workouts.

    With BigLifts you can choose what assistance template to run concurrently with the main strength component and the app dials in all the percentages for you. ezpeazee.

    Otherwise, there are many resources on the internet, like Black Iron Beast (as mentioned above) that can help get you started.

  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,404 Member
    L0VE3UG wrote: »
    I looked at the 5/3/1 program but can't seem to find an article that breaks it down in a way that's easy to understand. Figuring out how to run it gives me a headache lol. Have you used any of the ones you have suggested?
    I'm currently running 5/3/1. Best way to learn 5/3/1 it is to read the book (5/3/1, Beyond 5/3/1 or pick-up the free eBook 5/3/1 for Powerlifting) and download an app for your smart phone like BigLifts2, Wendler Log to track your progress and to plan your next workouts.

    With BigLifts you can choose what assistance template to run concurrently with the main strength component and the app dials in all the percentages for you. ezpeazee.

    Otherwise, there are many resources on the internet, like Black Iron Beast (as mentioned above) that can help get you started.

    I will echo NakedMatt, I use BigLifts2 myself and LOVE IT!
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    jmule24 wrote: »
    L0VE3UG wrote: »
    I looked at the 5/3/1 program but can't seem to find an article that breaks it down in a way that's easy to understand. Figuring out how to run it gives me a headache lol. Have you used any of the ones you have suggested?
    I'm currently running 5/3/1. Best way to learn 5/3/1 it is to read the book (5/3/1, Beyond 5/3/1 or pick-up the free eBook 5/3/1 for Powerlifting) and download an app for your smart phone like BigLifts2, Wendler Log to track your progress and to plan your next workouts.

    With BigLifts you can choose what assistance template to run concurrently with the main strength component and the app dials in all the percentages for you. ezpeazee.

    Otherwise, there are many resources on the internet, like Black Iron Beast (as mentioned above) that can help get you started.

    I will echo NakedMatt, I use BigLifts2 myself and LOVE IT!

    I can't take all the credit for that, it was Jimmer who turned me onto it.
  • L0VE3UG
    L0VE3UG Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks everyone! I looked at the app and it seems like it would help loads with following the program. I'll check out the BIB site and see what that's about.

    I did the day 1 of the muscle building trainer and it kicked my *kitten*. Nutrition wise though I'm feeling pretty shaky, the suggested starting calories are a bit lower than what I was eating previously (went from 2200 to 1900). Is there suggested nutrition to follow in the 5/3/1 or just lifting?
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    L0VE3UG wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! I looked at the app and it seems like it would help loads with following the program. I'll check out the BIB site and see what that's about.

    I did the day 1 of the muscle building trainer and it kicked my *kitten*. Nutrition wise though I'm feeling pretty shaky, the suggested starting calories are a bit lower than what I was eating previously (went from 2200 to 1900). Is there suggested nutrition to follow in the 5/3/1 or just lifting?

    Very cool.

    As far as nutrition, Jim Wendler recommonds eating big, to lift big and a gallon of milk a day. Basically, not the program to run while cutting.
  • L0VE3UG
    L0VE3UG Posts: 47 Member
    Woah! A gallon a day would not work for me, I rarely drink milk unless I ran out of almond milk or have it in coffee haha. I understand the eat big lift big part though, so it makes sense.

    Although, I'm not trying to run a cut but rather looking to gain muscle. Is the KG program considered a "cutting" program? Kinda confused on that....on day 4 and feeling pretty good about it. I do wake up hungry with the calories I'm eating right now so maybe I should up it?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    L0VE3UG wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! I looked at the app and it seems like it would help loads with following the program. I'll check out the BIB site and see what that's about.

    I did the day 1 of the muscle building trainer and it kicked my *kitten*. Nutrition wise though I'm feeling pretty shaky, the suggested starting calories are a bit lower than what I was eating previously (went from 2200 to 1900). Is there suggested nutrition to follow in the 5/3/1 or just lifting?

    what are your goals? Bulk, Recomp, cut? I am assuming bulking...
  • L0VE3UG
    L0VE3UG Posts: 47 Member
    Yep, bulking at the moment.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    L0VE3UG wrote: »
    Yep, bulking at the moment.

    set MFP to a .5 per week weight gain.
    get on a structured lifting program
    set macros to .6 to .85 grams of protein per pound of body weight; .45 grams of fat, and fill in the rest with carbs.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    L0VE3UG wrote: »
    Yep, bulking at the moment.
    L0VE3UG wrote: »
    Woah! A gallon a day would not work for me...

    And you say you're bulking. lol :p
  • L0VE3UG
    L0VE3UG Posts: 47 Member
    ^ I'd prefer to take a route that wouldn't result in pizza lovers trying to eat my face :D lol
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    I like SL 5x5, but not sure how to comment since I don't know how experienced you are with lifting. Also, how do you bulk on 1900 calories?
  • szeu118
    szeu118 Posts: 16 Member
    L0VE3UG wrote: »
    Has anyone tried this? (

    I'm thinking of giving it a go to spice up my routine. I need something different than what I've been doing to spark my motivation and shock my body a bit. Thoughts?
    I'm on its week 9
    Thank GOD!! gained 15 pounds