Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars - healthy?



  • SlimJacqui
    SlimJacqui Posts: 29
    I love the Oats and Honey and have them for breakfast within my calorie allowance.
    If you take them into allowance, I dont see it as a problem, its your lifestyle, your health, your weight loss programme, then again you did come on here and ask the question.
    Enjoy them..
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Interesting topic, interesting replies. My own opinion: Checking the nutritional label on the bars on the "manufacturer's" website, it appears the second ingredient listed is sugar. I would reckon that simply means processed, refined sugar. And rather than get involved in a lengthy debate here on the dietary aspects of consuming that kind of sugar, I suggest merely doing just a little bit of research, perhaps start by using Google. Type in "refined sugar" with the quotes, and just check out some of the results. Not that EVERYTHING you read on the internet is truth, nor is it all lies. :smile: But you will get some interesting perspectives. Like this link:

    While my opinion is that anything that contains processed refined sugar is not healthy, to each his or her own. Whatever you do, and whatever you think, here's wishing you healthy, happy times!
  • dleithaus
    dleithaus Posts: 107 Member
    Sounds like you are counting the entire portion... you are counting the entire portion aren't you? Sometimes the labels are sneaky and a single package might be two servings.... in any case, if you are counting and staying within your limits, I would say enjoy it.

    I personally do not like the idea of eating things later in the evening (or after dinner) simply because I am winding down and so is my metabolism...less opportunity to burn and control those same calories....
  • backwood420
    I only eat the Oats & honey or Roasted Almond crunchy 1's........ BUT always with a Mott s Fruitsations Unsweetened kiwi / strawberry apple sauce cup! its AWESOME!!