what's your favorite scary movie...

_A_Real_Mouthful Posts: 4,708 Member
...and the reason why? It getting to be halloween time and i need some spookfests. I like pretty much all of it except for the Japanese/Korean stuff.


Personal fave ^ Pumpkinhead- directed by the late great Stan Winston. My pops actually took me to see this when i was a kid.


  • JSurita3
    JSurita3 Posts: 10,177 Member
    I hate scary movies and I'm not coming back in this thread because I'm skeeeeered. The scariest movie to me was The Exorcist.

    *runs out screaming*
  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    The Omen, the original. Damian was so creepy! Also Rosemary's Baby.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    The Conjuring
    That shiz made me jump so many times and freak the F out in the movie theater. No movie has ever done that. The grown men in the row in front of me were screaming like little girls. It was just as scary watching on dvd, and my ex bf laughed at me until I put claw marks into his arms from grabbing so hard.
  • dhygirl
    dhygirl Posts: 137 Member
    My all time fave is the original Halloween
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    ThomasW13 wrote: »
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    The Conjuring
    That shiz made me jump so many times and freak the F out in the movie theater. No movie has ever done that. The grown men in the row in front of me were screaming like little girls. It was just as scary watching on dvd, and my ex bf laughed at me until I put claw marks into his arms from grabbing so hard.

    i thought that one was pretty good. i like the hide and clap moments. i haven't watched the spinoff yet...Annabelle, about the doll. I'm wondering if it was any good.

    I started to one night and it was really slow going and I fell asleep. I heard it was really good though. Sounds like you and I need to watch it this weekend.
  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    ThomasW13 wrote: »
    jsummd wrote: »
    The Omen, the original. Damian was so creepy! Also Rosemary's Baby.

    classic. has held up well too. pairs really good with The Ninth Gate that he did back in like 99 or so.

    Haven't seen The Ninth Gate! Something new to check out this Halloween.
  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    ThomasW13 wrote: »
    jsummd wrote: »
    ThomasW13 wrote: »
    jsummd wrote: »
    The Omen, the original. Damian was so creepy! Also Rosemary's Baby.

    classic. has held up well too. pairs really good with The Ninth Gate that he did back in like 99 or so.

    Haven't seen The Ninth Gate! Something new to check out this Halloween.

    Johnny Depp back before he was phoning everything in too

    He was so awesome then....definitely must watch!
  • lauraleefaith
    lauraleefaith Posts: 578 Member
    The Corpse Bride. Not exactly scary but a classic.
  • lauraleefaith
    lauraleefaith Posts: 578 Member
    ThomasW13 wrote: »
    The Corpse Bride. Not exactly scary but a classic.

    i think that one's a age thing cause i hear it all the time from people in their 20's, but those of us in their 30's always seem to go with Nightmare Before Christmas.

    That's my second favorite (:
  • White_hibiscus
    White_hibiscus Posts: 1,594 Member
    JSurita3 wrote: »
    I hate scary movies and I'm not coming back in this thread because I'm skeeeeered. The scariest movie to me was The Exorcist.

    *runs out screaming*

    I agree

  • RJ0274
    RJ0274 Posts: 4,173 Member
    I agree also - still can't watch that one. My favorite, although not truly a scary movie is Young Frankenstein! Classic!
  • blissliz89
    blissliz89 Posts: 21 Member
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    The Conjuring