Hi there!

I didn't realize there was a forum attached to this website!

My name is Kassie... I am 33 and live in MD currently (husband is in the military).

I've taken control of my life & am on the road to a healthier me! :)


  • Mruiz82
    Mruiz82 Posts: 6
    Thats Great!!! Good luck with everything! I just signed up today as well, My Boyfriend is in the Military too!! I think that will be my motivation... To stay on track so when he comes home he will be surprised with a whole new me!!!
  • mak_101
    mak_101 Posts: 28
    Congratulations to both of you for starting on your new life. Your husbands will be so pleased when the see the "new you". There are so many things on the website that make this such a fun journey.