stuck since 8/14

Hello all you knowledgeable people who have been there! I started my path to wellness 3/28/2015. I am a nurse and had my a-ha moment watching patients I loved decline in health at young ages. I have three children and want to be around and active with them for a LONG time! I weighted 240lbs.I decided I want to weigh 140lbs. Signed up with MFP and started logging everything I ate, bought a food scale and use it to weigh out everything I eat. MFP put me at 1520 cal/day. I choose not to eat extra due to exercise as I was worried about accuracy, both mine and MFP. I started do an hour of Zumba at home on the Wii six days a week. I started losing 2lbs a week on average. The first weeks of June took a family vacation to FL, did not eat as strict but did continue to use the elliptical at the hotel and was swimming for hours daily and maintained my weight loss while on vacation. Came home and got right back to being strict with my calorie intake. As I know the importance in gaining muscle in the process to make maintenance easier down the road I also started using Fitness Blender's Total Body Barre workout on YouTube with 2lb weights to do body weight resistance strength training 3 times a week along with the continued cardio. I weigh myself every Friday AM at about the same time on the same scale at work. I ONLY weigh once per week. As of 8/14/15 I saw a glimmer of 199lbs on the scale, I stayed at that for 5 weeks then back up at 200lbs as of 9/18/15 and have been there since. Two weeks ago I decided to try to change things up and went and signed up at my local gym. Then as of last Friday MFP dropped my daily calories to 1280/day. The calorie drop makes sense to me and I though "oh, now I will start to drop again as I weigh 200lbs and need less calories." Granted it has only been a week but I really did expect to see some weight change after this week but not even ounces happened the scale happily beeped a 200.0lbs. I have a FitBit Charge HR I wear faithfully and is connected to MFP. My current workouts are Sun. Les Mills Bodystep (60 min) at the gym. Mon: Walk (light not killing it as this is my rest day) in total 3-4 miles. Tues: Fitness blender total body barre workout (39 min) Brisk walk (3.5mph) (30 min) or same walk and Zumba Toning at the gym (60 min) in place of Barre Wed: Brisk walk 5 miles (1 hour 15min) Thurs: Fitness Blender Barre (39min) and 30 min walk Fri: Walk 30 min and Zumba at the gym (60 min) Sat: Aqua Zumba at the gym (60 min). I feel like I am getting plenty of exercise in. Until yesterday I had still not been eating extra calories to make up for the burn. As of yesterday with the scale being the same I decided to eat a little more still leaing room for error on both my part and MFP/FitBit. My diary is open. Any thoughts? I feel like I am still getting tone in my muscles, do I be patient as can I consider some of this muscle gain? Thoughts? Thank you in advanced!!!!


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Are you using a food scale to weigh your food? If not, it sounds like you're eating at maintenance.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    If you haven't lost in two months, most likely you're eating at maintenance (and, therefore, more than you think).
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    As mentioned, if you're not losing, then you're eating at maintenance. Check the accuracy of your logging, thus use a food scale. Stay with that drop for a few weeks and you should see results.
  • CrystalBurns1
    CrystalBurns1 Posts: 13 Member
    Just a quick update. 2 things EVERYTHING is weighed on the food scale as I said. Right down to my 30grams of cereal, 32 grams of PB ect. My apple is that specific verity and may actually weigh 110 grams but the closest I can get is 115 on MFP so I err on the side of caution use the higher calorie. The scale at work is digital. Just for grins I got on the manual scale at the gym today and it has me at 197lbs. Going to see what next week looks like between the two but maybe the manual is more accurate? Thank you all again. No matter what I am doing good things for me and this makes me happy!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited October 2015
    Looking your diary, you do not weigh everything. Peanut butter needs to be weighed. Cereal needs to be weighed.

    watch this video
  • CrystalBurns1
    CrystalBurns1 Posts: 13 Member
    Yep! Know about weighing everything I can tell you my food scale so far has been my best friend. MFP database does not always give me the log option by weight though I know I have again weighed out the 30 grams to equal 110 calories of my special k cereal. 32 grams of JIFF peanut butter is 190 calories. 28 grams of my natural Peanut Butter Co. Smooth operator peanut butter is 180 calories. I have a sweet tango Apple that weighs out at 110 grams but 115 grams is the closest I can log on MFP so I go with that always over never under. I weigh out 1 oz of roasted plantain chips for a snack at work and just the measured portion goes with me the rest of the bag stays home. Put everything individually on the food scale then into the bowl for my taco salad. I really am very diligent. When I have a lean cusine meal or a packet of oatmeal that states it is 240 calories or 130 calories I trust it. I really am getting in 8 plus hours of physical activity in per week as well. I walk 30 min at a good pace (15 min mile) with an average heart rate of 149 BPM by the FitBit still do classes both at home and the gym. Until yesterday was not eating more due to exercise my deficits have been there. Thank you all for checking in! Going to see what the next few Friday's look like at both work (digital scale) and gym (manual scale). It may be time for biomed to come do a calabration! Thank you so much for taking the time to
  • Samantha21784
    Samantha21784 Posts: 16 Member
    Are you measuring yourself? Sometimes the scale won't budge but you're actually losing inches. If you're not losing inches either then you have to change things up. This worked for me when I had plateaued. I ate MORE (1800-2400 calories-lots of protein) for 3 days then went back to my regular MFP calorie restrictions. Boom. Down 2 pounds in a few days. You have to keep surprising your body otherwise it gets used to things. The other thing is make sure you are logging every bite, every condiment, every beverage. If you're eating little nibbles of this and that and not recording it, it could be adding up and stalling your weight loss. Good luck.
  • Samantha21784
    Samantha21784 Posts: 16 Member
    P.S. As far as the walking, you need to change things up. Power walk or jog if you can for a couple of minutes then slow down for 30 seconds and back to the power walking. Going at a steady pace all of the time won't do much for weight loss.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    seska422 wrote: »
    From lemonlionheart:
  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,977 Member
    P.S. As far as the walking, you need to change things up. Power walk or jog if you can for a couple of minutes then slow down for 30 seconds and back to the power walking. Going at a steady pace all of the time won't do much for weight loss.
    It won't do anything for weight loss, walking is about fitness and cardio.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited October 2015
    P.S. As far as the walking, you need to change things up. Power walk or jog if you can for a couple of minutes then slow down for 30 seconds and back to the power walking. Going at a steady pace all of the time won't do much for weight loss.


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    AlphaHowls wrote: »
    P.S. As far as the walking, you need to change things up. Power walk or jog if you can for a couple of minutes then slow down for 30 seconds and back to the power walking. Going at a steady pace all of the time won't do much for weight loss.
    It won't do anything for weight loss, walking is about fitness and cardio.
    Then why is my TDEE 3700 but my BMR 2100 and my exercise is walking and jogging?

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    AlphaHowls wrote: »
    P.S. As far as the walking, you need to change things up. Power walk or jog if you can for a couple of minutes then slow down for 30 seconds and back to the power walking. Going at a steady pace all of the time won't do much for weight loss.
    It won't do anything for weight loss, walking is about fitness and cardio.
    Then why is my TDEE 3700 but my BMR 2100 and my exercise is walking and jogging?

    I really hope it's not true, as walking is my only exercise. I cant imagine walking 10 miles a day "wont do much for weight loss"

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    AlphaHowls wrote: »
    P.S. As far as the walking, you need to change things up. Power walk or jog if you can for a couple of minutes then slow down for 30 seconds and back to the power walking. Going at a steady pace all of the time won't do much for weight loss.
    It won't do anything for weight loss, walking is about fitness and cardio.
    Then why is my TDEE 3700 but my BMR 2100 and my exercise is walking and jogging?

    I really hope it's not true, as walking is my only exercise. I cant imagine walking 10 miles a day "wont do much for weight loss"
    It's utterly false. A burned calorie is a burned calorie. It's a question of walking enough to burn enough to do much for weight loss.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    AlphaHowls wrote: »
    P.S. As far as the walking, you need to change things up. Power walk or jog if you can for a couple of minutes then slow down for 30 seconds and back to the power walking. Going at a steady pace all of the time won't do much for weight loss.
    It won't do anything for weight loss, walking is about fitness and cardio.
    Then why is my TDEE 3700 but my BMR 2100 and my exercise is walking and jogging?

    I really hope it's not true, as walking is my only exercise. I cant imagine walking 10 miles a day "wont do much for weight loss"
    It's utterly false. A burned calorie is a burned calorie. It's a question of walking enough to burn enough to do much for weight loss.

    That makes much more sense :smile:

  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    Hmmmm, interesting theory about walking.......I guess all the walking I have done didn't have ANYTHING to do with my personal 45 lb weight loss......
    I did not look at your diary, but will tell you what has worked for me.
    I do not eat the same level of calories all the time, I eat when I am hungry, my biggest weight losses come when I eat clean and get in my daily walks. I drink ALOT of water and rarely drink any other type of liquid.
    If you want to read an interesting book about clean eating, check out "it starts with food". Wishing you the best on your weigh loss journey!!!
  • tracoleman99
    tracoleman99 Posts: 51 Member
    MFP default settings are too low of a calorie intake. Period. They are good for initial weight loss, but after a short time, your metabolism will slow down and you won't lose weight.

    I changed my calories and macros under "Goals." You should increase your food intake. It's contra-intuitive, but if you are exercising and you weight about 200 lbs, you need more calories. (I was eating 1700 - 1900 calories when I was 200 lbs. and I was steadily losing 2 - 3 lbs. per week.)

    Check this article:

    It's very accurate about how much you should be eating and even gives you guidelines after you enter your pertinent information (age, height, weight).

    I am maintaining my weight now and MFP default settings tell me to eat 1400 calories per day. I set it to 2100 calories and I eat probably 200 - 300 more than that and am still losing weight. (About 1 lb. every other week or so.)
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    If you've just increased your workouts, I would still give it another week. I'd also take a day off of exercise, and I mean really, a full day off.

    If you still haven't lost within another month, I'd suggest booking an appointment with your doctor for a full blood panel including TSH, Free T3, and Free T4. Make sure that your results are in the optimal range, not just in the 'not abnormal' range that your doctor will be willing to settle for.

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited October 2015
    Yep! Know about weighing everything I can tell you my food scale so far has been my best friend. MFP database does not always give me the log option by weight though I know I have again weighed out the 30 grams to equal 110 calories of my special k cereal. 32 grams of JIFF peanut butter is 190 calories. 28 grams of my natural Peanut Butter Co. Smooth operator peanut butter is 180 calories. I have a sweet tango Apple that weighs out at 110 grams but 115 grams is the closest I can log on MFP so I go with that always over never under. I weigh out 1 oz of roasted plantain chips for a snack at work and just the measured portion goes with me the rest of the bag stays home. Put everything individually on the food scale then into the bowl for my taco salad. I really am very diligent. When I have a lean cusine meal or a packet of oatmeal that states it is 240 calories or 130 calories I trust it. I really am getting in 8 plus hours of physical activity in per week as well. I walk 30 min at a good pace (15 min mile) with an average heart rate of 149 BPM by the FitBit still do classes both at home and the gym. Until yesterday was not eating more due to exercise my deficits have been there. Thank you all for checking in! Going to see what the next few Friday's look like at both work (digital scale) and gym (manual scale). It may be time for biomed to come do a calabration! Thank you so much for taking the time to

    @CrystalBurns1 you are just fine I think. I dropped a few pounds under 200 for the first time in 22 years in June and stay there for a few months and was at 202 the last few days. If we let our weigh stabilize for six months then start the next leg down we have reduced our odds of a 100%+ regain I have read. At my age one more regain could take me out. I know how to lose weight so being at 200 for six months helps my head know I can finally maintain for the first time in my 64 years. :) Straight line losses can mess with our brain/hormones/etc.

    I have to eat at 2600 calories to lose but I maintain at 3000. To restart my losing I just need to eat my last meal by 5 PM and not again until 8 am which will put me at 2600 calories those days.
  • leahkite
    leahkite Posts: 47 Member
    You seem to be eating a lot of carbs and little protein. I would try reducing some of the carbs (not low carb, but lower than you are eating) and higher protein. I know the big thing on here is calories in vs calories out. But if you can set yourself up for optimal fat burning by dialing in macros, then why wouldn't you?