How did you choose your goal weight??

I' 5' 2"
I don't like the idea of looking at some chart and it saying you should weigh X amount of you are of X height and X old.

For my start weight (267 or more) I was wearing about an 18-20 in pants and large-1x shirts.. So even though I weigh so much my clothing size is much smaller than what it is for others my weight. I've seen most people say that they wear 24-28.. So what gives??

I've been able to feel my ribs since before I started this journey. I do have a large and round (yet very firm) butt.. And aside from that most of my weight is on my stomach. I have a muffin top and the pouch thing going. My thighs need work too. But over all, I don't understand where all the weight is. I can even look at pictures of others my weight and it is shocking that they look so much bigger than myself.. My father is about 10 pounds more and I'm like "WHAT?", he looks huge.

But anyway, how did you choose your goal weight?? I didn't want something unrealistic, and I didn't want to be too skinny. I chose 150 as my goal because that is about the same as my aunt and she looks good at that size.


  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    I just adjusted mine this morning to something more reasonable. I thought back to the last time I could put on clothes without worrying if things were bulging inappropriately and the last time I felt strong and fit and I can remember what I weighed then. SO, that is how I decided on my goal weight.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    I chose my goal weight to be what I weighted before my pregnancy. I gained A LOT of weight when I was pregnant with my son.
  • mikegohl
    mikegohl Posts: 68 Member
    I asked my doctor.
  • onefiveoh
    onefiveoh Posts: 8 Member
    I've also chosen my goal weight as 150 (hence my screen name!) :o)

    According to charts, I should probably be about 133, but I didn't want to use that for a few reasons.

    First, it just made it sound like so much further to go! Second, it wasn't a nice, round number like 150 and third, I figured I can always change my goal later. When I reach 150, I can reevaluate whether or not I need to lose more then.

    Right now, 150 sounds soooooooooo small so that goal totally works for me!

    Good Luck!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I knew I had to lose at least 3 stone, so when I hit 4st I adjusted to lose 1 more, at which point I will stop
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    Well, when I started this journey in 2009 I was @ 220lbs. I originally said I wanted to lose 40lbs to be at pre-pregnancy weight (and when I was in 12s). Once I hit that I figured I would keep going b/c I wasn't completely happy with my body yet.
    When I got married back in 2000 I asked my Dr what weight I should be and she said 150 would be a good weight for me b/c of my body frame size.
    When I got into 10s I was 165. I started getting hung up on numbers and so even though I was thrilled to be in my smallest size ever, I wanted to see if I could get to a healthy BMI weight.
    I hit 8s @ 155 and was stunned! 8!!! I never in a million years thought I would wear a size 8. I have big hips, always have. BUT, I am @ 150 and STILL not happy. So I changed my goal weight to 140. And I cannot freaking get there to save my life. I work out, change my diet, change my routine, eat more, eat less, cut down on sodium, drink lots of water, etc. Cannot get under 150. Still hate my body.

    So, I think this is a lesson. Stop when you like the way you look, when you feel great. Don't get hung up on the number like I am. It's frustrating and sad.
  • crazyears
    crazyears Posts: 50
    I picked the highest weight that would get me out of the "overweight" category. I think I will have to adjust as I go because I cannot imagine weighing 50lbs less than I do now and being able to maintain that weight.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I asked my doctor.

    Actually, one of the best pieces of advice seen on MFP
  • nikibob
    nikibob Posts: 165 Member
    i looked at the healthy range for a female my height and aimed to be right in the middle of that range. once i got closer to my goal i realized that was way too skinny for my body type and eventually my body quit losing the weight before i was done. pick a goal weight, but don't let that be your black and white, "must attain" number. once your body gets to the weight that it needs to be it will let you know and you will stay there. i hope this helps!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    My first goal weight is what is on my drivers license, and what I weighed when I got married! :) (190) Then I changed it to give me a 5 pound leeway (185) Well now I changed it again to (177). I chose this weight because it is what I"d have to weigh to join the military, if anything bad would happen and my hubs couldn't work anymore. (hes our sole income). Of course that is WORST case scenario.

    In all reality as long as I'm tone, and healthy, what the scale says needs to be secondary. Good luck on your journey..

    By the way I started at 246.2 and am down to 195.6 Im 5'9
  • Kitiara47
    Kitiara47 Posts: 235
    My goal weight is around 160 or so. But in the process, I'm making little goals to reach. Try that. Make little goals of about 20 or so pounds and see where you are. Use a measuring tape and taking measurements of your waist, thighs, and whatever else about every 2 or so weeks so you're not just relying on the scale. We are all built differently.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    My goal weight is my pre pregnancy weight, because that was a healthy weight for me. But I think that going by a chart is not such a bad thing....the reason healthy weight ranges are so broad is because they take into consideration the different body types. I think you should find out what your healthy weight range is for your age and height and then shoot for somewhere in the middle, or make an appt with your doctor and ask them what they think you shoudl shoot for.
  • dianichole73
    dianichole73 Posts: 49 Member
    I am also 5'2 and I know the goal weight is between 104 - 136 lbs. My goal weight is much higher. I carry the majority of my weight as the bottom (butt, hips & thighs). I am currently 165lbs and I am happy. I only want to lose another 5 -10 lbs. I don't pay attention to the BMI chart because it is a one size fit all and I don't fit into that box. I use other alternatives such has waist to hip ratio and different measurments to determine if I am on the right tract. My main goal is to get rid of the chub rub because this is my most problem area. When I reach that goal then this will become my goal weight.
  • booberj
    booberj Posts: 69
    I asked my Dr. he has a different view of weight than what a lot of Dr. do... he believes in taking into consideration someones natural build, bone mass, muscle mass and how you feel. He wants me to be between 250 and 220 he said any less than 220 would almost be impossible for me to achieve so why should I try to kill my self trying to be 165 like the BMI charts say I should be I'll never achieve it.

    So I chose 220
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I chose a weight at which I can recall being happy with my body. My goal is fluid though, I'll know it when I get there.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    My goal weight is 160 and I just chose a number between what the charts say is a healthy weight for my body type and height. When I get closer to that, I may change it but I just needed somewhere to start.
  • maritimemom
    maritimemom Posts: 192

    First, it just made it sound like so much further to go! Second, it wasn't a nice, round number like 150 and third, I figured I can always change my goal later. When I reach 150, I can reevaluate whether or not I need to lose more then.

    Right now, 150 sounds soooooooooo small so that goal totally works for me!

    Dito for me! I chose 150 for pretty much the same reasons. I also plan on re-evaluating once I get to that goal.
  • Shutterpillar
    i chose my weight based on what I used to weigh before I picked up 20 pounds in 6 months. :wink:
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I thought about the last time I felt comfortable with how I looked. My goal weight will likely change because the last time I was there was before 2 pregnancies and c-sections. It's at the high end of healthy BMI for my height but because of my build I think it's a reasonable goal. I'll re-evaluate once I get within 10 lbs of my goal though.
  • mlweaver89
    mlweaver89 Posts: 35
    I went off of what I used to weigh in high school, but I also don't have a particular set weight that I'm desperate to be at. I decided quite some time ago that as long as I can look in the mirror and just look good and toned, I'll be satisfied.