Need buddies to help me get back and stay on track!

I am in need of some motivational and supportive buddies to help me get back on track. From January of this year to July I lost 35 pounds. I have since gained back 15. My goal is to lose 65 pounds. I need some motivation and support to help me stay on track. I will give motivation and support in return! I am 44 years old and my current weight is 245. Please help!!!


  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,320 Member
    I'll help! I am 49 and need to lose 30 pounds. I have lost it and gained it back before, and this time I really want to lose it for good. I am on every day, so I can offer support whenever you need it. Feel free to add me.
  • tinaking140
    tinaking140 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too. Last year I weighed 154lbs. Right now I weigh 180.4. Dear God I need help.
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I'm 54 and started on here last January and lost most of the 30 lbs I set out to lose, but I've done some backsliding in recent months and am really hoping to get back to eating with care and logging. I'm thinking some new friends might help motivate me as well. My ideal would be to lose about 10 lbs, but really I'd be quite happy at this point with 5. MFP made the initial weight loss so fast and interesting. Need to generate some shared gusto!
  • HealthySweet
    HealthySweet Posts: 123 Member
    Count me in! I have gained and lost the same 20 pounds over and over for about 5 years now...Am trying now to put the brakes on a backslide yet again. As they say, it doesn't matter how many times you fall down - it matters how many times you get back up. I'm 50, have found that WW works best for me, and also Diet Bets. (A website a friend recommended, that really helps me - money is a great motivator!!) Am looking to lose the 10 I've put back on since August, and I need some support and accountability!!
  • MelaRayne
    MelaRayne Posts: 14 Member
    I am in need of some motivational and supportive buddies to help me get back on track. From January of this year to July I lost 35 pounds. I have since gained back 15. My goal is to lose 65 pounds. I need some motivation and support to help me stay on track. I will give motivation and support in return! I am 44 years old and my current weight is 245. Please help!!!

    I just sent you a request! I find that setting small goals (daily, weekly, monthly) and focusing on "one day at a time" has helped me. This is truly a journey and a lifestyle change. Pinterest recipes have changed my life!! I try something quick, and low calorie weekly and then before you know it you whip up something healthy and quickly that you already know how to fit into your plan. Diet is most important for me. A little bite of something and not logging it...can be disastrous.
  • emma97e
    emma97e Posts: 11 Member
    I'd love to be friends! Feel free to add me. Been doing mfp for only 10 days now, but the support and accountability have been great! Lost 1.6lbs already :)
  • michanda2015
    michanda2015 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone! The support really means a lot. I really would like to get my cholesterol down and have a normal bmi that says I'm not "obese. "
  • MelaRayne
    MelaRayne Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone! The support really means a lot. I really would like to get my cholesterol down and have a normal bmi that says I'm not "obese. "

    You can do it! Staying consistent is key!
  • michanda2015
    michanda2015 Posts: 30 Member
    I do good for a while, but I think I get bored with the same routine. I need to change some things up.
  • fi_b
    fi_b Posts: 121 Member
    I do good for a while, but I think I get bored with the same routine. I need to change some things up.

    I am the same especially with food! I am fortunate in that I actually enjoy cooking and eating clean, but I am always on the look out for new, clean and easy recipes! Here are a couple of websites I find really useful for easy meals, they even have "cheat" foods - clean versions of many junk foods.

    I've sent you a friend request, I'm annoyingly optimistic/positive and am more than happy to be a cheerleader for you :smiley:

    Good luck!
  • jamie_0815
    jamie_0815 Posts: 44 Member
    Looking to lose 60lbs or more. So far I have 8 days on MFP lost 7.2 lbs already. More friends and motivation always a plus. Feel free to add me.
  • NutritionHealth4Life
    Hi everyone, looking forward to supporting each other!
  • thefitpandaproject
    thefitpandaproject Posts: 94 Member
    Hi guys I'm going to or already send FR to all of you. I just manage to climb back up the wagon after three months of falling out. So new friends are very much welcome to provide some fresh ideas and extra motivation :) Feel free to add me if you wish. My goal is to lose 30 lbs.
  • alsarve
    alsarve Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all! I have been using MFP for 3 months along with my fitbit and the gym and have lost almost 30 lbs, taking me to around 227. Still have a long journey ahead. Having friends on here w open diaries and who are willing to like and make comments really seems to motivate me. Feel free to add me!
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,132 Member
    I've sent out a load of friend requests to you all. I can do with the support too, have made friends with thefitpandaproject - see above - already and just her 'liking' it when I've completed a day's food or exercice report is already a huge help and motivator!
  • HealthySweet
    HealthySweet Posts: 123 Member
    Hi guys I'm going to or already send FR to all of you. I just manage to climb back up the wagon after three months of falling out. So new friends are very much welcome to provide some fresh ideas and extra motivation :) Feel free to add me if you wish. My goal is to lose 30 lbs.

    Looks like a lot of us here are in the same "restarting" boat!! I hit goal in late June, managed to maintain until August, then went on vacation...and just never stopped vacation mode. Hello, 10 pounds back - maybe even 15...but it stops today. I am taking in some caffeine, will do a workout (I am partial to Ellen Barrett's barefoot workouts - tough but non-impact with a lot of stretching incorporated for the spine, which I need) and get back to what works for me: TRACKING and EXERCISE. Period. Time to put on my big girl panties and get moving!!!
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,132 Member
    Brilliant, all you guys who accepted my friend request! Will try and be as supportive to you as you, no doubt, are going to be to me!
  • HealthySweet
    HealthySweet Posts: 123 Member
    Ellen Barret "Power Fusion" workout - check. Feel really good! Just have to be careful not to overdo it after not working out consistently for a while, nothing like an injury to derail all my good intentions...
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I have 40 lbs to lose, feel free to add me!
  • luceyb
    luceyb Posts: 3 Member
    I had lost 21.5 but gained 6 over the past three weeks. I got completely derailed. Could use some support and encourage as well. Add me too! Need to lose 40 or so pounds