Evening and night binges

I have been using MFP for 20 days now and I Love this site. I like to read some of the forum topics. My biggest problem is the evening and night time binges. I am a waitress during the day, so I am on my feet all day. At night I enjoy sitting on the couch and playing on the laptop. I sit here and just seem to want snacks all of the time. I try to eat popcorn, watermelon and such that is not lots of calories, but some times I just eat more and more. I know I should get up and do things to keep on the move, but that is just not what I want to do. Can anyone give me some good ideas that will help me lessen the night binges.


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    there has been many a night i have gone to bed early with tummy rubblings,your body will get used to it and very soon(if you are being good) you wont acually want anything!
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    These are oldies but they work for me:

    brush your teeth
    keep some water next to you and sip it instead
    do something else other than the computer/tv
    go to bed :)

    I also like to close my day of food tracking on MFP.

    Eventually you will get out of the habit. It sucks to ruin a day that you did so well on eating with stuff you aren't even really hungry for.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    The problem is you're eating carbs. Carbs are quick energy and tend to make you crave more and more. The more you eat them the more you want them. Instead of snacking on carbs try cooking up a fish fillet and salad. make it a meal. You know you're hungry so go ahead and eat a small meal. Protein will help keep you satisfied through the night. Some carbs are important and great even, but have them with protein so you don't keep reaching for more carbs. I've noticed myself that any day I have my normal carb load I end up searching the cupboards for anything to eat, but if I balance them with good proteins I stop.
  • wenlot7
    wenlot7 Posts: 17 Member
    Eat small meals throughout the day to limit the evening / night binges. To be really "on the ball," you want to try to eat your last meal at least 3 hours before you go to sleep.
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    Sit at a table. Or barstool and counter. It's to easy to keep the bag-to-mouth machine going when you're distracted. If you make a purposeful meal and sit down purposefully at the table with a napkin and silverware you get more satisfaction quickly and you won't eat as much. You have to be fair to your brain--don't confuse it with conflicting activities.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I have been using MFP for 20 days now and I Love this site. I like to read some of the forum topics. My biggest problem is the evening and night time binges. I am a waitress during the day, so I am on my feet all day. At night I enjoy sitting on the couch and playing on the laptop. I sit here and just seem to want snacks all of the time. I try to eat popcorn, watermelon and such that is not lots of calories, but some times I just eat more and more. I know I should get up and do things to keep on the move, but that is just not what I want to do. Can anyone give me some good ideas that will help me lessen the night binges.

    I work as a mechanic during the day, and have school in the evenings. I plan my meals, still. Additionally, by eating throughout the day, I'm NEVER hungry (I'm usually so full the thought of snacks makes me want to hurl lol)...and that helps me make better food choices.

    That being said...motivation, willpower, and self control are the biggest factors in all of this. If you can't stop yourself from eating more and more on your own, it's going to be difficult at the least to stop yourself regardless of any 'tricks' you might get here.

    I think you can do it...you just have to choose to!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I have been using MFP for 20 days now and I Love this site. I like to read some of the forum topics. My biggest problem is the evening and night time binges. I am a waitress during the day, so I am on my feet all day. At night I enjoy sitting on the couch and playing on the laptop. I sit here and just seem to want snacks all of the time. I try to eat popcorn, watermelon and such that is not lots of calories, but some times I just eat more and more. I know I should get up and do things to keep on the move, but that is just not what I want to do. Can anyone give me some good ideas that will help me lessen the night binges.

    After talking to my Nutritionist, I allow myself snack calories for the evening. This will I keep my intake in check and not feel deprived (or go to sleep hungry) Best of Luck to you!!!

  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Evenings were/still are the worst for me too- I have to combat it the same way I did when I quit smoking 25 yrs. ago-
    by distancing myself from all the triggers. For me, the mindless snacking and the cravings for sweets were the worst when I stayed up after everyone else went to bed, then I'd dig out my "secret stash" and binge away.... ( not so secret since my girls knew where to find the chocolate)

    When I started this journey, I had to confess my addiction- I was SO afraid my husband would look at me with utter disgust/repulsion. When I told him that I hid food, he was *smart* to not say much- his only response was " you REALLY hide food?" funny thing- it was so freeing to have confessed that...it's not as if he hadn't noticed the 40/50/60 lbs weight gains over the course of our married life.........

    I have also found that logging the binges ( yes, EVERY bit of it) has helped me. And my diary is public- which makes me more accountable to myself and the friends I have who have been so supportive.
    One day I was stressed and pigged out on a bunch of chocolate...but seeing where I'd fallen and facing it, I was able to get back on track the very next AM- instead of feeling like "what's the use.......might as well KEEP binging now......"
    THAT was a huge turning point for me.

    And continuing to add to the daily water consumption really helps too- it, for me, literally waters down the temptations.

    If I'm feeling the cravings hit, the last thing I need to do is sit down and watch TV, because that will not distract me. So I shut the TV off, and FORCE myself to go to bed. Gotta break that cycle in my mind.

    Later on, I'm finding if I eat some protein, I can squelch the beast.

    I have also found that I can eat a guilt-free chocolate indulgence as well- caramel rice cakes w/ 1/2 portion of Peanut Butter and Co. Dk Choc. Dreams is very satisfying- and I NEVER thought I'd ever find something to replace a candy bar for me.
    There's a lot of protein and nutrients in it- and although it's not Sugar Free, it's very little sugar and very satisfying ( for me anyhow).