Giving away my big clothes...

MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
So I was home from work today and spent a little bit of time trying on some jeans...I put on the bigger ones that I haven't worn in weeks because it's been too hot here. They felt comfortable...but even weeks ago by the end of the day they were so stretched out I was pulling them up constantly. Today I decided that I would give them to Goodwill. I don't want to keep them because I don't want to have the awareness that I have clothes that will fit me if I gain weight again. I don't want them! Who's with me...let's give those old baggy clothes away :)


  • cindy_leonard
    I completely agree with you. It's too easy if you know you have clothes to 'fall back on.' I can't wait to have this problem!! :)
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Yard sale! Make some money at least to buy the new stuff.
  • chill0315
    chill0315 Posts: 19 Member
    I started doing this. If the clothes were there then I had the option to go back up in weight. If not then I have to go buy new ones that fit. Way to go!
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    giving them away prevents you from gaining the weight back because you would have to buy new fat clothes & who wants to do that?! :oD
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Yard sale! Make some money at least to buy the new stuff.

    I have yet to find the patience to prepare and price things for a yard sale in my entire life...I wish I could, but...I could be out running instead of doing that!
  • meljr66
    meljr66 Posts: 29 Member
    Right on! I just dropped off two bags at Goodwill. I realized that I was saving sizes 18, 16 and 14...but why? I have worked too hard to ever go back. They were just sitting in my closet, taunting me. Good riddance!
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    Fun! I can't wait to get rid of my too big clothes! I gave away a few things and it felt GREAT! The rest I get to wear anyway.
  • Famzav8
    Famzav8 Posts: 97 Member
    I started bringing my stuff to a consignment store here in town..... I can get in store credit to go towards new, smaller clothes!! Win-Win.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    For the first few months when I was losing weight fairly quickly, I kept all the clothes that I couldn't wear anymore in a pile that kept getting bigger and was great motivation to watch it grow! I've since given all them away, except one pair of the biggest jeans so I can take success pics when I'm at my goal. Just for fun, I put them on the other day and couldn't believe how big they were!

    I also agree the consignment shop idea is a good one. Unfortunately, the shops around where I live are really picky and want expensive brands, which I don't have a lot of. I do like shopping for smaller clothes there though!
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    Give then away. Being fat is bad enough, give them away for free. You must know SOMEone who could fit them. Maybe give it to someone who will have to lose a little bit to fit them. Best solution is to find someone who is losing and they would wear them for "in-between" clothes. If you don't know someone who could make use of them for free... Good will them.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    I have a sack full which is going to the charity shop this weekend, room to buy new stuff when i hit my goal.
  • nuttytart770223
    nuttytart770223 Posts: 43 Member
    I have a big pile of clothes in the spare room of clothes that do not fit me anymore, I was going to pack them away 'just in case' like I have done in the past................but this isnt a diet, it is a complete lifestyle change, so I WILL NOT be needing them again.
    They will be going off to the charity shop!

    The feeling of dropping a couple of dress sizes is AMAZING and I am now wearing clothes that I have not been able to wear for 5 years

    2 stone down - 3 more to go!!:happy:
  • lauraashley614
    I did that around memorial time and unbeknownst to me, Goodwill was giving a GAP coupon to those donating clothes..Win/Win
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Just dropped off a huge bag of jeans and shorts yesterday! I'm only down one size (8 to 6) but decided to make it too expensive to go up again! LOL
  • ealbers
    ealbers Posts: 16 Member
    Give them away! I just did a total closet clean-up and dropped all the big girl clothes at Goodwill this weekend. So happy to have them out of my place :happy:
  • Farmgirl67
    Farmgirl67 Posts: 54
    I can't wait to have that problem! I do have some of my "smaller clothes" and I'm looking forward to wearing them again. I just hope they are still in style. :happy:
  • jackiekjames
    For the first few months when I was losing weight fairly quickly, I kept all the clothes that I couldn't wear anymore in a pile that kept getting bigger and was great motivation to watch it grow! I've since given all them away, except one pair of the biggest jeans so I can take success pics when I'm at my goal. Just for fun, I put them on the other day and couldn't believe how big they were!

    I also agree the consignment shop idea is a good one. Unfortunately, the shops around where I live are really picky and want expensive brands, which I don't have a lot of. I do like shopping for smaller clothes there though!

    I LOVE this pile idea!! I'm going to start doing that :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    That's my plan! And I'll never buy any stretchy or loose fitting clothes again. I bought a lot of those nice dress looking pants (that are all stretchy) when they were in style...and well I went up like 8 sizes and they still fit! No warning at all! So this next time around only pants that button and zip! That way if I start to gain again I have some kind of warning before I'm 150lbs over weight!
  • ajmz319
    ajmz319 Posts: 128 Member
    Yay for you!!!! I finally bagged up everything and my husband took it all to the mission today!! I have a few more that i hope to shrink out of before it's all said and done :) I am also being much more selective about what i will buy- i only want pieces of clothing I love to wear, I 've worked hard and I want to celebrate my health, my life, my body with clothes that look good, feel good, and make me happy!!!
    happy summer!!!
  • nskerr
    nskerr Posts: 91
    I know how you feel. I have lost 107 lbs so far. I have been a yoyo dieter so I have had clothes in various sizes. My wife did (is doing) Weight Watchers. We are also preparing to move at the end of the month. As I would move from a larger size to a smaller size I would put together piles for Goodwill. Another pickup coming on the 14th. I have avoided buying more clothes knowing I want to lose about 20 more but as I close in have started buying clothes I know will fit as an incentive to keep pushing forward while giving away the larger stuff so that I don't have those fall back clothes. It definitely makes a difference because when you know there are larger shirts or jeans available you won't care as much as when you need to buy bigger sizes. That is when you wake up and get back on track.
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