What curbs your cravings?

I know for me, there are a few things that work well most of the time, but I'm always looking for new and creative ways...

I LOVE sparkling water (seltzer, club soda, etc.) with a little fresh lime squeezed in
Unsweetened Iced Tea with fresh lemon
Hot tea (Earl Grey and Mandarin orange are my favorites)
Decaf coffee (hot or iced) with a splash of milk

If these fail, pure distraction- I'll get on the internet, leave my house, make a phone call...

What about you?


  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    chewing mint gum helps me
  • macynjones
    macynjones Posts: 1 Member
    Peppermints. I work in a bakery and I have to have Peppermints in my pocket. My willpower is not THAT strong to resist warm cookies all.day.long.
  • pakanoir
    pakanoir Posts: 14 Member
    For me, a small cup of chilled coffee (with whole milk) usually does the trick. No sugar though.
  • jamie_0815
    jamie_0815 Posts: 44 Member
    For me it's a cup of black coffee or a bottle of water sometimes with Mio water enhancer.
  • sarab920
    sarab920 Posts: 68 Member
    Chewing gum or just telling myself I'll be fat again haha
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    About any food that is mainly Fats.
  • MrsPhillips_x
    MrsPhillips_x Posts: 9 Member
    A hot herbal tea
  • GoatMumma
    GoatMumma Posts: 3 Member
    cup of tea sweetened with stevia, looking at my fat pics, and drinking glass of water usually help a bit.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,527 Member
    What curbs my cravings?


    I know that if I crave potato chips ... I'm really craving salt. So instead of eating potato chips, I eat a pickle or salted cucumber slices.

    If I crave bread ... could be I need a few more carbs. So I have a slice of toast or a whole wheat rye cracker. Just one, that's all.

    Those are really the only two things I have craved since I started here 8 months ago, and since I started eating pickles or salted cucumber slices within the first couple weeks of being here, I haven't craved potato chips.

    Otherwise, I space out what I eat throughout the day. I know there are some who eat one meal a day, and some who stick to 3 meals a day ... and that works for them. But I can't do that. I graze. But I graze carefully, logging everything, and keeping my calories below my calorie limit. However, it helps me to know that at 10 am, I will have a small amount of crackers and cheese. At 11:30 am, I will have a banana. At 1:30 pm, I will have lunch. Then at 3:30 pm, I will have a small low-cal yogurt. And then at 4:45 pm, I will have a kiwi fruit or mandarin orange. And then when I get home from work at 6 pm, I will have 100 grams of cottage cheese and either that pickle or the cucumber slices. Then dinner and my evening snack. So I know that I don't have wait very long before I will eat again.

    And while I'm waiting for my next snack ... I keep busy at work, at university, doing homework, going for walks or bicycle rides, or climbing the stairs at work. :grin:

  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I measure out a serving and have it. If it's something I don't normally keep in the house to avoid habit snacking (like chips for me), I'll go to the gas station and get a small bag. That way, I get to eat what I'm wanting to eat, but it's easy to fit it into my day.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Eating food tends to make me less hungry. Occasionally I have something to drink to take my mind off of it as well.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    A large glass of freshly brewed iced tea helps me. I also use sugar-free lemon drops to help me through sweet cravings. Be careful with sugar-free candy, though. If you have more than a couple of pieces you risk very painful gas. Trust me on this one.
  • CaliDollFace
    CaliDollFace Posts: 27 Member
    Water helps me. Also, I just keep an awareness of when my next meal is. It's a matter of telling my internal petulant child, "You can wait!"
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Low calorie hot cocoa with a dollop of low calorie cool whip curbs sweet and chocolate cravings. Making sure I don't wait too long to eat also helps as if I do wait too long I become the carb monster and will rip open a loaf of bread and eat it with no hands (well not really but you get the picture).
  • natyack
    natyack Posts: 56 Member
    this may sound weird but having a full water bottle with a straw helps me a lot. I think much of my cravings have to do with mindless eating, and being able to mindlessly sip from my water bottle helps me keep my mouth occupied. I find I snack significantly less when I have a water bottle handy all day.
  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    I give in to my cravings, but responsibly. I make them work with my plan. I'd rather walk an extra half hour to enjoy a glass of wine than deny it and wish I got to enjoy it.
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    My cravings are for sweets 99% of the time, and recently I discovered these (not so) bad boys:


    They're individually wrapped, so I can easily just grab ONE. 60 calories, 3 grams of sugar, DONE. B)
  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    Water with fresh squeezed lime.