School lunch ideas?

emilyaller19 Posts: 4 Member
I need some low calorie, healthy, vegan lunch ideas that won't spoil in my bag?


  • zkhanman
    zkhanman Posts: 132 Member
    Well there is the good old peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It's not exactly low calorie but the peanut butter has a fair amount of protein and good fat.
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    I'm going to segue and say it sounds like you might need a small, soft side insulated bag like this:

    Insulated Lunch Bag

    Then you can pack soups, stir-fry, and a lot more range of foods.
  • thomasmegan900
    thomasmegan900 Posts: 6 Member
    My senior year of high school I was vegan for 7 months! Also I was pretty strict with my diet so you may not like these suggestions but here I go!

    1: salad!
    I would pack some leafy spinach in some Tupperware drizzle on a LITTLE bit of light balsamic vinegar dressing and if I didn't bring a fruit on the side I would sprinkle some shaved almonds on top.
    Also I would drink a bottle of water to keep me full after lunch until I got home in which I would inhale a Lara bar or avocado on toast!

    2: pb & banana!
    Ooooo I love peanut butter and I love fruit! So before school after I eat my oatmeal or my morning smoothie I would get two peices of my most low calorie whole wheat bread slap some peanut butter on it and bring a banana and cut it up when it's lunch time. On the side is a bottle of water, a fruit, and then I would get an after school snack for example a Lara bar or avocado on toast.

    3: on the sad days that I ran out of spinach and I wanted to skip eating bread I went raw vegan for lunch! I did this once a week and it did wonders for me. It made me feel lighter and helped flush me out. I ate raw vegan for lunch for two weeks before my prom & might I say I looked great!
    What I would do is pack a watermelon, some grapes in a ziploc bag, apple slices, and maybe some berries! I would also of course chug some water to help curb the cravings. But I do warn you doing this will make you have to go to the bathroom about an hour after eating. I hated using my schools bathroom but we suffer so the animals won't have to! Haha

    Finding lunches was near impossible to do. I usually stuck with these three. Also I liked to keep my food fresh so I had a friend who had a teacher with a fridge put my lunch there and take it out before lunch. Or I ate lunch during my 4th period opposed to after 5th because my food would still be good. (I had a cool teacher 4th period who let me leave my lunch in there) it's especially hard to keep your food from banging around in your backpack so try to keep it in a classroom and if you can a fridge! Our fruit is fragile! Haha I hope I helped!
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    edited October 2015
    Vegan's tough. Peanut butter will probably be your best friend. (Cheese, yogurt, fruit and wrap sandwiches are other options that I eat). Good luck! The fruits lowest in sugar are raspberries, blackberries and strawberries.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    edited October 2015
    Can you get an ice box to put in your lunch bag? That will give you a lot more options if you can keep things cold for a few hours. I also recommend getting a thermos and making vegan soups and carrying them hot. I make a great crockpot vegan chili and vegan lentil soup. Also cooked quinoa is really a good source of protein. I like it sweet so I cook it in almond milk and put a little sugar (whatever kind you like) and cinnamon and slice up a banana on top. So good! You can also take fruit, carrots and hummus, celery with peanut butter, dried fruits, nuts (don't eat a lot of nuts though), and seeds.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    edited October 2015
    Kullerva wrote: »
    Vegan's tough. Peanut butter will probably be your best friend. (Cheese, yogurt, fruit and wrap sandwiches are other options that I eat). Good luck! The fruits lowest in sugar are raspberries, blackberries and strawberries.
    Cheese and yogurt isn't vegan and there is nothing wrong with sugar, especially fruit sugar.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Also, you should not eat melon with other foods. It will cause gas and bloating. If I eat melon I just eat it by itself in the morning and wait at least an hour before I eat something else. This is because melon is so high in water content it basically goes straight through you. If you eat other food with it your body will try to run the melon through first but the other food will stop it from passing which will cause it to start fermenting. The last time I ate melon with another food it was pear and blackberries and I had a stomach ache all day long. I then looked at freelee the banana girls video about food combining and it made total sense. The melon caused the pain. So I wouldn't recommend eating it with other foods.
  • katie1318
    katie1318 Posts: 59 Member
    A side salad with a light vinaigrette dressing (I do mixed greens, celery, carrots, cucumber, and tomatoes with light Italian) and a Boca Original Vegan Burger on 1 sandwich thins roll with some spinach and tomatoes or low sugar ketchup.
    Should come out to around 350calories for the whole lunch :)