Support, Advice & Motivation would be appreciated



I am very new to this so I'm really confused about where to begin. I decided to weigh myself in Boots today on one of those "Healthy Weight machines" & got such a shock when i found out I weigh 15st 4lbs. This is the heaviest I have ever been & I'm feeling really upset about it. I knew I had put on weight but i was honestly so shocked today to see how much weight.

But I'm not going to sit and cry over it. I am determined to have a full lifestyle change.
First thing for me will be cutting out sugar & learning portion control. I think these are my two biggest issues. I really need more self-discipline.
I'm trying to think of how to start my weightloss journey, I haven't a great support network & my partner is just not helpful at all. Hopefully I will find some inspiration from MFP as I think support from people in the same situation as me would really help. I hope to find some weight loss buddies :D

Also, any advice for someone just starting losing weight & getting fit would be so appreciated. I'm really quite clueless on how best to start.


  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi Ashleigh, my healthy eating regime stemmed from a big shock from a Boots weighing scale too!! I weighed more than i did whilst pregnant, many years go! That was in June 2014, and since then, I've managed to lose 2 stone. I bought a new set of kitchen scales and started weighing everything I ate. I've cut out bread, butter, chocolate etc., and have tried to eliminate processed foods. I try to walk at least a mile every day. It's been a slow process but well worth the effort! So, good luck and keep at it, you will be very happy that you did it, as I am.
  • KaylaMack0215
    KaylaMack0215 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey lady!
    You got this! The first step is realizing that you need to make some changes! I started by making sensible choices and cutting the junk out of my diet. With that said don't totally cut it all out! You're allowed to enjoy the yummy treats and naughty foods just in moderation. Believe me- if you completely cut it out it's easy to crave and fall back into a unhealthy life style.
  • AshleighCRose
    AshleighCRose Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ashleigh, my healthy eating regime stemmed from a big shock from a Boots weighing scale too!! I weighed more than i did whilst pregnant, many years go! That was in June 2014, and since then, I've managed to lose 2 stone. I bought a new set of kitchen scales and started weighing everything I ate. I've cut out bread, butter, chocolate etc., and have tried to eliminate processed foods. I try to walk at least a mile every day. It's been a slow process but well worth the effort! So, good luck and keep at it, you will be very happy that you did it, as I am.

    Part of me is still hoping the boots weighing scale is broken today but somehow i doubt it, I'm still sitting in shock hours later. I think some part of me is in denial. Well done for losing 2 stone, a scales is first on my shopping list....for the kitchen that is. I'm not a huge believer in weighing yourself because muscle weighs so much more than fat. But my body fat percentage is terrible :( 36.6% is fat. I don't eat much bread but I was crazy for chocolate & anything fizzy but I have cut out the fizzy & chocolate FOREVER now.

    Part of me is really happy for the shock I got today because I will be too scared to eat anything now :D I'm loving my fitness pal, the people are so encouraging and supporting which is something I really need. Thank you for replying. Good luk on your journey <3
  • AshleighCRose
    AshleighCRose Posts: 6 Member
    Hey lady!
    You got this! The first step is realizing that you need to make some changes! I started by making sensible choices and cutting the junk out of my diet. With that said don't totally cut it all out! You're allowed to enjoy the yummy treats and naughty foods just in moderation. Believe me- if you completely cut it out it's easy to crave and fall back into a unhealthy life style.

    Hello hun, yes thank you. I think I got the huge shock I needed. Chocolate & fizzy drinks were like my ultimate downfall, also takeaways because I've been travelling all around europe & scandinavia since February so I've had no set home or routine until now. I'm going to try going cold turkey now & just cutting out all sugar for a start maybe a small bit as a treat. Portion control is also something I really, really need to learn.