Weekend Temptations

Anyone else have a hard time staying on track over the weekends? I am so good during the week with eating healthier and working out. Then there is Saturday. Sweet, sweet, Saturday. Anyone have tips on how they keep themselves from going off track? This is a lifestyle change and weekends aren't going away anytime soon lol - what do you do to stay focused?


  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    I actually make weekend temptations a part of my lifestyle. I intentionally plan on eating more on weekends.... somewhere between 2500-4000 calories per day. But I make sure to get right back on track during the week... between 1500-2000 calories per day. I average about 2000 calories per day each week.

    I managed to lose 60 lbs, and reached my dream weight 4 months ago, and so far have been successfully maintaining while incorporating those foods as well.

    Maybe this could work for you too.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    edited October 2015
    I enjoy my weekends...I'm way more active on weekends in general and am able to spend a bit more time in the gym and take long rides, etc so I don't really worry about the fact that I eat more/drink more on weekends.
  • eissacf25
    eissacf25 Posts: 151 Member
    I actually make weekend temptations a part of my lifestyle. I intentionally plan on eating more on weekends.... somewhere between 2500-4000 calories per day. But I make sure to get right back on track during the week... between 1500-2000 calories per day. I average about 2000 calories per day each week.

    I managed to lose 60 lbs, and reached my dream weight 4 months ago, and so far have been successfully maintaining while incorporating those foods as well.

    Maybe this could work for you too.

    Great job reaching your dream weight!!! That's fantastic. I never really thought to look at my average calories for the week, I've been so focused on the day to day. I might try this and see how it goes. Thanks for the suggestion :)
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I keep the same goal on weekends. I just preplan and prelog my meals, so all I need to do is follow the plan, same as every day. The only real change is usually a bigger lunch on weekends.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    I know that I go over on the weekends so I bank calories through the week to help offset. Also, like @cwolfman13 mentioned, I have more time weekend mornings to be active. So I'll go for a long run, come home - and now that it's football season - change into my jersey and enjoy the game over some good food and beers.

  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    How far over are you planning to go? Still being reasonable or just off the wall binging? Being reasonable shouldn't cause much of a problem. Remember your allotted calories include your weight loss deficit allowance. If you're over your goal but under that allowance, you're still at a deficit.

    My goal is 1710. But taking into account my planned (hopped for) pound a week loss (500 calories a day) I'm still in deficit until I'm over 2210 calories.

    Enjoy, don't go nuts, but enjoy.
  • eissacf25
    eissacf25 Posts: 151 Member
    pondee629 wrote: »
    How far over are you planning to go? Still being reasonable or just off the wall binging? Being reasonable shouldn't cause much of a problem. Remember your allotted calories include your weight loss deficit allowance. If you're over your goal but under that allowance, you're still at a deficit.

    My goal is 1710. But taking into account my planned (hopped for) pound a week loss (500 calories a day) I'm still in deficit until I'm over 2210 calories.

    Enjoy, don't go nuts, but enjoy.

    Thanks everyone!! All really great ideas and support. I don't plan on going crazy every weekend, but some weekends it happens w/o me realizing (like this past weekend lol). I think as @rankinsect mentioned, maybe planning out my weekend ahead of time, including the beer and football food, would really help. That's one thing I do during the week that I don't do for the weekends.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Bank some calories throughout the week and use them at the weekend for your treats!
    That's how I've been handling my weekends and it's been amazing!
  • KT_3009
    KT_3009 Posts: 1,042 Member
    If I know I have plans for the weekend I'll save some calories throughout the week and use them for the weekend.. I'm on 1200 calories per day at the moment but on weekends I give myself 1700-2000 if I really crave something yummy
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I eat 1200-1300 during the week and 2000 on the weekends. I worry about the overall weekly deficit more than the daily.
  • kat_princess12
    kat_princess12 Posts: 109 Member
    I actually make weekend temptations a part of my lifestyle. I intentionally plan on eating more on weekends

    I also plan for more food on the weekends. I don't go overboard, but I plan to end up consuming more calories. Generally I eat around maintenance on weekends, and go back to eating in a deficit on Monday. Might slow my weight loss a little bit, but it helps me keep things balanced.
  • eissacf25
    eissacf25 Posts: 151 Member
    i stay away from grandma's house - she pushes sugar foods
    Hahaha probably a good plan