Vacation Worries

I joined the My Fitness Pal community 1 week ago today, and have lost 6lbs! I'm very happy with that, and know that the 1st week is abnormally high...and I'm OK with that. I would love to stick to my guns, but am nervous about my upcoming vacation. Starting tomorrow night, I will be in Las Vegas for a week. I love Vegas! But, I love to eat & drink too. Has anyone successfully vacationed and maintained their weight loss efforts?? Would love some feedback...
Thanks! Shannon


  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I just got back from a 6-day cruise. The food was unlimited. I did gain a few, but using the knowledge that I have gained from MFP, and being motivated enough to use the gym in the morning, kept me from gaining what I usually do. Plus, it is coming off faster than normal. A vacation is for fun, so in moderation, do what you want to do!!!
  • johcum43
    johcum43 Posts: 4
    Many restaurants provide nutritional information for menu items (you need to ask). Also, MyFitnessPal may provide information on specific restaurants, or at least menu selections. I check out options before selecting (to get the right combination of nutritional elements - it takes time, but your family will understand). You cannot control what you do not record (and checking beforehand spares you the agony afterward, and it is a good discipline). Restaurant food usually is very high in salt (which adds pounds with water retention). You can enjoy your vacation and eat healthy too.
  • BobbieJo_1977
    BobbieJo_1977 Posts: 197 Member
    I have had many a vacation on my journey! I drank a ton of water to start with. And then I focused on all the fun I was having. I also made sure I walked everywhere or did activities that burned a lot of calories. When it came to food, I ate the things I knew were going to keep me on track. For example:

    breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, oatmeal, or a veggie omelet w/salsa

    Lunch; any kind of LEAN meat like chicken breast, fish, pork loin. salads, baked potatoes w/ salsa instead of the regular toppings, & steamed veggies. Remember you CAN ask for your food to be prepared the way you want it! Unless of course it is buffet! ;)

    And then I would eat whatever I wanted at night within reason. I used to stress about what I would eat and when I started not caring about food so much I really saw a change in myself. remember food is fuel. just make sure you watch your portions. that is the biggest issue for most people,myself included! I just wear my belt tighter so I know exactly when I am not hungry anymore.
    Anyway these are the things that helped me, and I have been successful! I am not far from my goal weight goal. I have 43 # and most of it is extra skin. I am having a thighplasty don on July 28 and my surgeon said he could take up to 20#! I still have to have the skin removed from my arms lower back and stomach, I am almost there!!

    Good luck to you and have fun!
  • jgover
    jgover Posts: 23 Member
    Use the gym at your hotel and you will be able to eat more :)