Beginning yet again

My name is christel, I'm 28 in Vancouver. I'm back on myfitnesspal because of the community and accountability. I've gone from 260 - 190, back to 260 then 220 and now uncomfortably up at 245 with a goal weight of 150.
I like to walk, sometimes gym and try and hack healthy meals in the kitchen!

I'm five two, and looking for new friends on the site that are on a similar journey or similar builds/over 50lbs to lose.

I know I'm not good with deadlines either but in March I'm going to Tokyo and Hong Kong and in May found a rad *kitten* deal for a flight to London and I want to be in great shape and able to take on the world!

Add me :)


  • coachgoebel66
    coachgoebel66 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck and remember, HARD Work pays off!!
  • marlown
    marlown Posts: 59 Member
    Add me. Looking for accountability and support and happy to give the same!
  • blinddog52
    blinddog52 Posts: 46 Member
    Add me if u like too.
  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Go canucks go!! Oh wait...maybe you're vancouver Washington. ..if that's the case...go apples go!!! Aren't apples a big thing there???if not...umm..uhhh please disregard
  • nursekirsty
    nursekirsty Posts: 110 Member
    i need to lose 100lbs - feel free to add me