Anyone else?

:sad: past week its been hot & humid and from what the weather says this afternoon, tomorrow & friday are going to get worse and be in the upper 90's low 100's.

Ive been very tired, sluggish, and overall sick feeling. Ive been to the doctors, all my bloodwork came back normal & I also had a sleep apnea test done & everything was fine so he basically said its most likely the heat or im just not getting enough sleep at night. (I toss & turn all night & somestimes dont get to bed till 11-12)

I can be driving or just sitting on the couch & want to pass out. Does anyone else have this issue when its hot out?

My fiance seems to think its also from being on the laptop all day (im a online college student) so im on the computer most of the morning & afternoon. I researched this topic and found some articles on how staring at a computer screen for more then 30 minutes can cause someone to be tired. I would have to say with all my assignments and reading, im usually on my laptop 4-5 hours straight.

And yes ive had regular blood work tests and also fasting bloodwork etc etc everything came back fine. I do have really bad allergies and at the moment have conjunctivits in my left eye & I also have a bad case of sunburn at the moment on my entire body


  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    i am in philly & last week was terribly hot & felt lisless so its not only u. drink lots of water & push urself to keep moving
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    I feel the same way. I think its due to the heat & humidity.
    One minute I'm outside overheating then the next I'm either in the car's A/C or freezing my *kitten* off in the office.
    The two extreme's give me a slight migraine so I try to take it easy and stay hydrated.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Keep drinking the water and avoid over doin it. Make sure you are gettin plenty of rest. I love the summer but I find my self always wantin to sleep when it's hot.
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    the heat really gets to me..

    I will get light headed, nausous, tired... I won't feel like doing anything
  • Palache
    Palache Posts: 123 Member
    I agree, drink lots of water and push yourself! As for me, I am just excited to finally have heat. Our winter was to long this year and I am enjoying every min of this heat.

    Try to cool your room at night and hope that helps you sleep better! Good luck and hope you feel better soon!!!! :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Have you been checked for Epstein Barr Syndrome?
  • ratkaj
    ratkaj Posts: 166 Member
    I have this issue too, but I'm hypoglycemic. Did they have to take a blood sugar test (not part of a normal blood test). You would need to fast and then go to the dr or hospital to take the test. They have to drink syrup and then take your blood each hour. It take a while but that's how I learned what was wrong with me.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    also allergies and asthma are big this year for people who perviously never had issues. many doctors are having people come in with more allergy related issues which can make you feel run down and beaten too.

    one doctor said she has even seen many cases of allergy related conjunctivitus because people are rubbing their tired itchy eyes and giving themselves pink eye from touching things and rubbing their eyes.

    stay hydrated, stay cool, hope you feel better soon
  • rahewson4
    rahewson4 Posts: 10
    It could defintely be the heat and humidity. Sometimes you don't notice how much you are sweating when it's really humid out. Make sure you are drinking tons of water!!
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 318 Member
    Yep, just yesterday this happened to me when we were out running in the heat here in NC! :sick: Drink lots & lots & lots of water & make sure you have a snack before you workout since the sun is so draining!
  • ashleelinnea
    Its 102 here all week. Its not as much from the heat as from the laptop. I had the same lifestyle, toss and turn all night and laptop and tired all day. What works for me, may not work for you, but I will share none the less. I work out everyday at the gym for 60mins at least. I usually work out between 6 and 8pm. By 11pm I am out cold and wake up around 730 awake. This is really not me ata ll bc I suffer from insomnia and wasnt going to bed til 2 or 3am. Nope. The workout tires me out so much I fall fast asleep even before my husband which is crazy! Now if I work out at 10pm or later then Im up and energized. So I think it would have to be several hours before bed. I also dont eat after 6pm. Hope this helps. Being more active is always helpful for sleeping through the night. Be blessed
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    It's been very hot and humid here too (Georgia) and Saturday I felt very sluggish and ill too.
    I stayed in the AC and tried to hydrate the best I could and it seemed to help.
    I usually take the heat pretty well but it's gotten so hot so quickly I don't think my body had a chance to adjust.
    Drinks lots of water and stay cool! :glasses: