One week on MFP and NO loss :(

Hi everyone,

I've been doing MFP for a week now...
Of course, I didn't thought I would of lost 4-5 pounds in a week...But at least 1 or maybe 1.5...

Well I only lost 0.2, for the last few days I go up and down the same 2 pounds, everyday...

I can only eat 1200 calories... And I also go to the gym...

Some people will say oh, its muscles, but believe me, in my case, they aren't muscles! LOL

Whats happening with me? :(

I only have 30 pounds to loose... I am 159 pounds :((

I also did WWatchers for a while, lost 12 pounds, gained 6 back... So I know what to eat and in what portion.

Also I'm always under my calories (except fridays lol)


  • Revoxley501
    Far be it from me to judge but I don't think you need to lose any weight at sound perfectly healthy.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    It takes time!
    Don't give up!
    It took me about 2-3 weeks to really get in the habit of what I was doing here on MFP.
    Make sure you are logging everything you eat.
    and make sure you are eating back your exercise calories (or at least some of them)
    I definitely recommend reading lots of the "newbies" posts for lots of FAQ and answers :)

    good luck and you can do this!

    and how tall are you? cause 159 might be an okay weight for your height! idk!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've been doing MFP for a week now...
    Of course, I didn't thought I would of lost 4-5 pounds in a week...But at least 1 or maybe 1.5...

    Well I only lost 0.2, for the last few days I go up and down the same 2 pounds, everyday...

    I can only eat 1200 calories... And I also go to the gym...

    Some people will say oh, its muscles, but believe me, in my case, they aren't muscles! LOL

    Whats happening with me? :(

    I only have 30 pounds to loose... I am 159 pounds :((

    I also did WWatchers for a while, lost 12 pounds, gained 6 back... So I know what to eat and in what portion.

    Also I'm always under my calories (except fridays lol)

    You should be eating 1200, plus eating back the amount you burn. You may not be eating enough and you system is getting shocked that you cut out so many calories (assuming you just started)
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    If you open up your diary, maybe we could share some more advice as well - but what eric said is true... make sure to eat back your exercise burn and give it a little time (2-3 weeks) before "switching it up".

    My other piece of advice would be to make sure you are drinking tons of water and watch your sodium intake
  • JeneeAllan
    Hey hun...I'd give it some time...I'm not sure that I lost weight quite at first, I mean the first wk is getting your body used to all the changes, it kind of stunts your system as it's getting acquainted with your new food and exercises and such! Don't get down on yourself and just keep doing what your doing... Also, even though you don't believe .2 was a loss but it is, congrats, even on the tiny stuff!
  • jenlayport
    jenlayport Posts: 154 Member
    try eating at least half of the calories that you burned at the gym. And DON'T GIVE UP! Ive been stuck at the same weight now for 2 happens!
  • mamaredhead
    mamaredhead Posts: 112
    hmmmm ...
    maybe your body wants to hold on to those pounds to make sure you don't disappear?! ;-)

    honestly, if you don't have much to lose, it might be harder to get started. if you stick to your calories, you WILL get going. just don't give up :-))))
  • bnewnam
    bnewnam Posts: 15
    You are not eating enough calories your Metabolism has probably slowed because your body is going into starvation mode...Eat more
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Depending on what your it that TOM for you? If not make sure to drink plenty of water because it can be from water retention as well. There are so many factors and the way your body might take it for the first week as well.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    one week really isnt long enough to determine anything ..try it for 30 days and see if you get at least a 4lb loss with staying accountable food and exercise wise
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    try doing what I do. I've been getting coached by a personal trainer at a local gym twice a week. we go over my food diary and talk about any questions i have, etc.

    what my coach has me doing, is counting FAT grams, instead of counting calories. Keep it between 20-30 a day, although i haven't gone over 20 more than a couple of times.


    1 month: 7.8 pounds down

    that's pretty good, i was happy with that.

    now check this out...

    I didn't work out at ALL the first 3 weeks. the 4th week I did some tennis and went on walks...

    1 month results for INCHES lost: 17!!!!

    I was floored!!

    this is the only thing that has ever worked for me!!

    try counting the fat grams... MFP does that for you too!!

    I hope this helps!!
  • loseatonlady
    loseatonlady Posts: 160
    Agree with everyone - you have to give it more than just a week. Also - how is your carb intake? Limit or eliminate the bad carbs and that will help too if you have them in your diet ... Stay the course though =)
  • tiffanepiphany
    tiffanepiphany Posts: 58 Member
    You really should be eating more than 1200 calories a day, especially if you work out. And you should definitely never go under 1200. Up your calories and you should see a difference.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    try doing what I do. I've been getting coached by a personal trainer at a local gym twice a week. we go over my food diary and talk about any questions i have, etc.

    what my coach has me doing, is counting FAT grams, instead of counting calories. Keep it between 20-30 a day, although i haven't gone over 20 more than a couple of times.


    1 month: 7.8 pounds down

    that's pretty good, i was happy with that.

    now check this out...

    I didn't work out at ALL the first 3 weeks. the 4th week I did some tennis and went on walks...

    1 month results for INCHES lost: 17!!!!

    I was floored!!

    this is the only thing that has ever worked for me!!

    try counting the fat grams... MFP does that for you too!!

    I hope this helps!!

    Fat is not the enemy. Eating more calories than you burn is. Fat is essential and your diet should consist of 20-30% to total calories from fat. But they should be healthy fats, not trans fats. So at 1200 calories/day your fat should be between 27and 40 grams, more on the days you workout.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    You're getting good advice from others. Just keep at it, it will happen for you.
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks evryone!!! :)

    I am 5ft2, so 159 is not a healthy weight..

    I am in the ''overweight'' category with a BMI of 29.1.

    And I know what it is to gain 5 pounds and tell everyone Im fat, believe me, thats not the case haha

    I am healthy around 120-125 pounds. My goal for now is 130 pounds.

    159 is really skinny for people but for me it is not... Belly fat, thighs etc... I dont look healthy at all right now.

    On the days I dont work out, I eat my 1200 calories and thats it..

    On the days I do workout, I eat a little bit more too...

    As for the carbs etc, I try to never see the red numbers...
  • Marcus19
    Marcus19 Posts: 24
    Also, your weight can fluctuate 2-6 lbs ON A DAILY BASIS! Don't check your weight everyday..try to limit it once a week, and try to check it in the morning within 30 minutes of waking up. Checking everyday can and WILL be very misleading
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    Yep thats what I always do, in the morning...

    Since last week, same day, I didnt lose nothing...
  • AKAnderson785
    I weigh in today too and I'm not sure I've lost any weight either, so you're not alone!!

    A few tips from my trainer were these:

    No alcohol

    Change up your workouts - interval training - muscle - cardio - muscle - cardio etc.

    And be sure you're eating throughout the day to keep your metabolism up.

    Good Luck! And give it time. Don't think of it as a scale thing, do you FEEL better? Is your skin better? etc.
  • sechere710
    well the first week is going to be a little hard. But the important thing to know when you are starting is just WRITING DOWN what is going into your body. Once you see what you are eating, you can tweak it from there. Also if you have been consistently under your calorie intake that makes it even harder for people who only have a little to lose, to lose weight. I know I only have about 20 lbs to lose and I was consistently OVER my first weekand I lost 4 lbs. It's all about balancing calories from carbs/fat/protein going into your body. You can't bog it down with just one thing.