For Post-Menopausal Ladies.....

Hi Al!. Life is different after menopause! FOR SURE! I had surgical induced menopause sevral years ago and now that I am 55, it really doesn't matter b/c I'd be there anyway! So, I have noticed a tremendous difference in the ability to lose weight and to make muscle! Any of you have that issue! Things I use to do to lose were successful and not a probblem. But I can't say that now! This time around on my diet NO SO MUCH "merry-go-round" I decided to do the Slim-Fast 1-2-3 plan. Wasn't sure if I could really on have 1 meal a day, but surprisingly, I have. There have been a couple of days that I ate 2 meals...but healthy choices! I'm on day 10 and have lost 6 lbs and really increaed my activity. I am doing the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels, which is a killer, but love the success I feel once I have done it! Well, just wanted to share a little and would like for you to share back! Tell me your story! Thanks!


  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Surgical induced menopause here as well. Not only is weight loss different but my body is different. Because of the surgery I had a front butt, something I never had before. I am doing okay eating clean but the weight loss is no where near as fast as when I was in my late 20's. It's happening, it just takes far more effort.
  • I *officially* hit post menopause 2 years ago ( on my own- at age 48). It's kinda crazy how I have to "argue?" with someone who says that's NOT possible....(whatever.....guess the hot flashes and the fact that TOM is DEAD is just my overactive imagination then?) I was an early bloomer ( age 10) so I guess it makes sense why I'd hit it sooner than others???

    Obviously it affects the metabolism as well. But it just makes it a little harder- NOT IMPOSSIBLE- to get the belly fat outta the way.
    I so very much LOVE this site- following the calorie counting- and keeping track of everything as well ( carbs, fat, sodium, sugar, etc).... making good food choices and feeling so freed up in making progress.
    So very much love the friends I've gained along the way as well- their encouragement is SO appreciated.

    BTW, I have found- on the advice of my doctor- that watching my caffeine intake ( including chocolate <sigh>) and taking Vit E supplements ( follow recommended dosage on bottle- don't OD on it) has HELPED TREMENDOUSLY with the severity and frequency of the hot flashes.
    I also AVOID soy- for me, THAT affected them too.
    And I also take Dong Quai- which I've taken for years- it keeps my hormone levels on an even keel ( it helped with PMS prior to menopause).
    I still am plagued with hormonal-related migraines- which still hit at what would be my TOM- and if I run out of Dong Quai, I can guarantee I'll get one for sure.
    Just sharing what's been working for me and passing the info along to anyone else.
  • SueEllen7
    SueEllen7 Posts: 32
    But look at your progress!!! WOW...23 lbs is awesome! Good job and thanks for responding!!!
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    I went through menopause early as well. Started at age 40 and a year or so later, boom....I was done. So I was only out of my mind for about 14 months or so.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I now take estrogen. The estrogen only one. (not the one with progesterone too) It has kept my skin looking way younger than I am. Having said that, some women can't take it because of a history of breast cancer. I'm lucky in that regard, my mother took estrogen for damn near 40 years and she looks young as well. NOT mess with my estrogen pills. If I do not take them, watch out! It's not pretty.....LOL
  • SueEllen7
    SueEllen7 Posts: 32
    Thanks for the insight! I've been on HRT since my TVHin 2005. Was concerned about heart issues and trying to save my skin! But, I am considering coming off but keeping the vag tab/cream 3 x week. You have certainly done well in losing your weight! Congrats! I need to set some mini goals for myself likeyou have done. But I become so easily discouraged. Thanks for the info!
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I'm 48 and done too...and I have to argue with people about that as well. LOL It has clearly changed the way I lose weight. Previously a little portion control and more exercise and I could lose weight no problem. This time around, with a little research and tracking calories here, I have reduced my carbohydrates (really tough as I have never met a carb I didn't like) and have found success again.
  • SueEllen7
    SueEllen7 Posts: 32
    Unfortunately, Carbs are my best friend and worse enemy! I'm not so much into meats, nor vegies....but I do love some pasta, Breads...the works! But is is amazing how much more slowly the weight comes off. IF I don't mix exercise with lower calories....well, it just won't do it anymore! Thanks!
  • SueEllen7
    SueEllen7 Posts: 32 are making me re-think dropping the Estrace 2mg! I was really concerned about my skin a well. And I think (according to others) that is has indeed worked for me. Thanks for the insight!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I was an early bloomer ( age 10) so I guess it makes sense why I'd hit it sooner than others???

    I was hoping this was true, but my doctor says it isn't. I have now been menstruating for 30 years. I'm kind of tired of it...
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    I'm so happy to see that I'm not the only one who had an early menopause (I'm 47 and haven't had a period for two years)! When I tell people I'm post-menopausal they tell me it's impossible (that annoys the heck out of me). Anyhow, I haven't noticed too many changes in my weight gain or loss. Then again, when I was perimenopausal, I was looking after my mother who was ill, raising two kids, working, - you get the picture - the "sandwich generation" and under a tremendous amount of stress. Is the weight gain attributable to menopause or stress - who knows? The fact of the matter is that I have to lose 20 - 30 pounds and with this site it's working so far. Would love to be friends with other ladies in this situation.
  • SueEllen7
    SueEllen7 Posts: 32
    Great! My menopause was at 48 but sugical induced....shocking how many of you gals are there at such a young age! puts us all in the same boat! Nice to get to know you.....
  • dizidaisy
    dizidaisy Posts: 68
    This is my problem right now! In fact, I blogged about it only yesterday - it's so much harder to lose weight at this age (48) than it was in my 20's or 30's - I would LOVE to be able to take HRT but I can't - My periods are irregular - I go 6 months straight without one (though I get 'signs' every month!) and then suddenly I go for a few months with regular periods or sometimes I have two a month. I feel quite low at times, I get THE worst headaches I've ever experienced and I get water retention and chronic irritability - night sweats have been quite difficult for me but I don't tend to get too many hot flashes.

    I'd really just like it all done with now!!!

    Ohhhh and lets not even talk about the tyre that grows around the middle!!!!
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    I just had surgery about 7 weeks ago and honestly I feel so much better... I havent had any hot flashes, no night sweats and weight is coming off slowly.. but am almost 50 LOL.. and I do cheat every now and then..... I havent had one headache since I had the surgery. good luck to all..
  • 5kforme
    5kforme Posts: 23
    Another early menopausal lady here! I started having hot flashes, etc. at around age 43. When I was 44 I had a severe illness and couldn't take my birth control pills. Once the illness passed, I figured I'd strat the pills again right after I got my period. Much to my surprise, I never got it again, and a visit to the Ob/gyn confirmed that I was post menopausal! The illness was difficult, but "skipping" the majority of the traditional menopausal symptoms was a blessing!

    I have definitely noticed that taking weight off is MUCH harder. I used to be able to watch what I ate for a few weeks, do some crunches, and the "tire" would be gone. I joined WW several times, and was able to lose 15 pounds pretty easily. Now, it's a whole different story! About 3 months ago I got serious with my exercise rountine (cardio & strength training 3x/week) and I've definitely noticed a difference. At first the scale didn't budge, but things fit better. A month or so ago I found MFP, and adding the food accountability has been amazing! The weight is definitely coming off slower than I would have pre menopaus, but I'm making progress. If you find yourself in this boat, stay focused. It might be a slow journey, but it feels so good to be in control of my body once again!!!
  • SueEllen7
    SueEllen7 Posts: 32
    I admire your ability to do the 5K!!! I think I really would like to give it a try....but lack discipine in training.....way to go for you!!!
  • I'm 41 and in pre-menopause. I have had signs for a few years, but now it is worse. One day I was bloated really bad to the point of my left side swelling to where I couldn't wear jewelry. The swelling is better but still there. I didn't realize that a weight gain came with menopause! Any advice for a newbie would be great. I am not taking any hormones. My doctor wants to see if I can make it with out them. MEN! I am learning to watch everything I eat. I have always watched the sodium due to high blood pressure. Has anyone had luck loosing a belly after 40? For the hot flashes, I consume a lot of cold water and popcicles and slushies. I don't eat or drink anything hot. It helps a little.
  • SueEllen7
    SueEllen7 Posts: 32
    Oh girl...bless you! I am on HRT ever since my hysterectomy. I truly believe the swelling/water retention/bloating is the worse part of menopause! I can gain 5 lbs in a flash...and mostly due to fluid! Weight gain is a huge problem after menopause b/c our hormone levels drastically change. Our metabolism slows to a crawl b/c of this! So not fair!!! But...such is life! Now, we MUST exercise to build muscle so that we can increase our metabolism up to a normal range! And, since we need to do strength and resistance exercise for our bone health...well, we might as well get to it! You're smart to start this process early! Be Wise...EXERCISE!
  • livlovlaf
    livlovlaf Posts: 25 Member
    Besides being post menopausal, I have dealt with hypothyroidism for ten years and will for the rest of my life. There are times that I feel like I am running up a slippery slope. Exercise does not come naturally for me and I get very discouraged when I do not see results quickly. I know I must practice patience, make good food choices and exercise. But that "what the heck attitude" slips in there every so often. It doesn't take much to destroy what you have accomplished.
    On another note, going to try that 30 day shred.Thanks for sharing your experience about the 30ds and it was a welcome to hear from people I can identify with. I do believe exercise is the key at this stage in my life.
  • kymevans
    kymevans Posts: 2 Member
    I hate to say this, but its nice to know that i'm not the only one, running, walking, riding a bike, doing aerobics, watching what i eat and still don't see the scale moving. But I've made a decision not to give up. Thanks ladies for sharing your stories, they have really help me to see with a little patiences and a lot of prayer (God helps us all :-) that this can and will be done in due season.
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