Am i the only person who despises WATER



  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I too have the love/hate factor going on when it comes to water. I can't do the fake sugar stuff like crystal light, or even MIO, so I simply use koolaid, LOL. But it works with me because I can add less sugar than it really needs. Plus sometimes I add sliced strawberries and lemons to it to spruce it up!
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    I've seen people put lots of different things in their water to spruce it up. Personally I stay away from crystal light because of the aspertame. Someone I work with puts frozen berries in her water. -I've been meaning to try that, it looks delicious. Someone else I know does slices of cucumber. You could try lime, or orange slices...

    I'm with you though, drinking water is my struggle for sure! For me, I've discovered that just having ice was enough to make drinking more tolerable.

    This is what I was going to say as well, try other fruits! The salon I go to actually puts cucumber slices in theirs, and it's surprisingly refreshing and delicious! And good for you, I gave up soda a week ago and have never been a huge water drinker, but i've definitely found i'm eating less and feeling much better! Water does need to be ice cold for me to be able to drink it though.
  • rhirvo
    rhirvo Posts: 162 Member
    I also hate water... sometimes i like it with cucumber... but I am allergic to splenda so its hard to find good sweetners.
  • khstafford
    khstafford Posts: 19
    not a huge fan of water so i cary those mio things around with me.. being southern i love the sweet tea mios!
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    Iced fruit tea is delicious, especially the berry ones. Make double strength then pour over ice when it is steeped.:smile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    i haven't had soda for 2 weeks (yay) & i think im going through caffeine withdrawals I am shaking as i type this LOL............but i seriously despise water!! how do you spruce up you H2o bc it's becoming a chore to even drink it..( i've tried lemon is still grosses me out)

    The water obsession of most people on this site is odd and sometimes even disturbing. If you don't like water just drink something else to stay hydrated. I'm not a fan of all the artificial ingredients in soda, but from a hydration standpoint it does EXACTLY the same job as water. Even if you drink caffienated cola, you will still be hydrated. Check with your doctor if you don't believe me.
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    i haven't had soda for 2 weeks (yay) & i think im going through caffeine withdrawals I am shaking as i type this LOL............but i seriously despise water!! how do you spruce up you H2o bc it's becoming a chore to even drink it..( i've tried lemon is still grosses me out)

    The water obsession of most people on this site is odd and sometimes even disturbing. If you don't like water just drink something else to stay hydrated. I'm not a fan of all the artificial ingredients in soda, but from a hydration standpoint it does EXACTLY the same job as water. Even if you drink caffienated cola, you will still be hydrated. Check with your doctor if you don't believe me.

    I also find it disturbing, to me saying that you hate water is like saying that you hate to breath. To each their own, I'm not going to judge anyone but I would think about why you don't enjoy water before trying to figure out a way to spruce it up. Not enjoying water is primarily a mental block and I'd venture to say that you have some other hang ups on non healthy items in your diet (again no judgement just similar behavior).

    In any case, my view is that water is for hydration, anything else added is indulgence and you need to reprogram yourself to enjoy water for it's hydration benefits. The easiest way to start is just don't drink anything else... eventually your going to be thirsty enough you won't care what you're drinking. Just remember this a game of self discipline.

    All that said, I drink water at room temperature.
  • This is going to sound weird but cucumber in your water is AMAZING and SO REFRESHING. My boyfriend's roommate started me on it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    i haven't had soda for 2 weeks (yay) & i think im going through caffeine withdrawals I am shaking as i type this LOL............but i seriously despise water!! how do you spruce up you H2o bc it's becoming a chore to even drink it..( i've tried lemon is still grosses me out)

    The water obsession of most people on this site is odd and sometimes even disturbing. If you don't like water just drink something else to stay hydrated. I'm not a fan of all the artificial ingredients in soda, but from a hydration standpoint it does EXACTLY the same job as water. Even if you drink caffienated cola, you will still be hydrated. Check with your doctor if you don't believe me.

    I also find it disturbing, to me saying that you hate water is like saying that you hate to breath. To each their own, I'm not going to judge anyone but I would think about why you don't enjoy water before trying to figure out a way to spruce it up. Not enjoying water is primarily a mental block and I'd venture to say that you have some other hang ups on non healthy items in your diet (again no judgement just similar behavior).

    In any case, my view is that water is for hydration, anything else added is indulgence and you need to reprogram yourself to enjoy water for it's hydration benefits. The easiest way to start is just don't drink anything else... eventually your going to be thirsty enough you won't care what you're drinking. Just remember this a game of self discipline.

    All that said, I drink water at room temperature.

    I have to respectfully disagree with this. Personally I like water. But to try and "reprogram" yourself to like something that you just plain don't like could add to the likely hood that you'll fail at your weight loss efforts. Find something that works for you. Plain ole water does not need to be a part of a weight loss plan. The simple fact is that you'll die of dehydration without water. But it does not have to be in a form you don't enjoy.
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    you're most definitely not alone there - I detest water, it makes me gag, I buy sugar free flavoured water sometimes & other times I just add lemon, which luckily I like.
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    Iced fruit tea is delicious, especially the berry ones. Make double strength then pour over ice when it is steeped.:smile:

    ^^ I LOVE iced tea!
  • bex879165
    bex879165 Posts: 121 Member
    I have Robinsons No Added Sugar in mine. There's loads of flavours now, Orange, Orange & Pineapple, Strawberry & Kiwi......I really struggle to drink water as it is and could not drink tap water to save my life!! I have to buy bottle. Hubby thinks i'm mad but I don't care what anyone says, there is a totally different taste between the two!
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    buy flavored water or use crystal light. I also don't like water that much but force myself to drink it, especially when exercising. If you're eating enough fruits then you get water that way, so you really don't need to drink the full 8 glasses per day.
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    Herbal teas are wonderful and can have added health benefits. I have trained myself to drink unsweetened tea, and now can't stand the syrupy taste of most sweetened teas. I would prefer to consume those calories from somewhere else.
  • mendogirl
    mendogirl Posts: 87
    water hater as well lol. people think im crazy and whenever i drink water i pretty much have to force it down. so crystal light allllll the way! that & tea:)
  • I also recently gave up drinking soda. I am trying to not use any artificial sweeteners as well. I use a drink mix called true lemon. They have a raspberry lemonade sweetened with stevia that is only 5 calories (my favorite!). They also have lemon, lime and orange flavors. You can also add a few slices of any citrus or berries to a pitcher of ice water to flavor it, or some cucumber or mint.

    Tea is also good. I love most fruity herbal teas. It's gotten to the point where I can drink them with no sweeteners added and it tastes great. Hang in there!
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    I hate water, but since trying Mio I can get at least 3 glasses down.
  • Hi,
    lemon, splenda (1-2 packs), strawberry, orange or lemon slices, and mint leaves give a great taste. Use lots of ice!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I hate water, too...unless it is cleverly disguised as Diet Mountain Dew. :laugh:
  • I must be the only one who likes water!

    It took awhile for me to get there, but I can honestly say I like it. I drink it with the Crystal Lite stuff as well, but sometimes a big glass of ice water is nice...or I even drink it room temperature.
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