lose 20 pounds by new years



  • amyb12015
    amyb12015 Posts: 25 Member
    planetneda wrote: »
    I started at 195 now 191. Losing 20 lbs by New Years is achievable & I be so happy if I get there. My goal is to be 150.

    Same here trying to be that weight ah how did u do it
  • amyb12015
    amyb12015 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in! Let's so this ! Don't be afraid to add me
    Let's start ou
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2015
    I started one week ago today I wprking hard to achive my goal of 20 lbs by New Years
    I am working the zone diet

    My weigh chart for this week
    10/8/15 193.4 ***Starting date
    !0/9/15 191.3
    10/10/15 190.5
    10/11/15 190.8 .......HAD A GAIN OF .3 OZ
    10/12/q15 190.0,,,,,, 8 0z lost...... yea no gain
    10/13/15 189.4 I made it now for it to stay there.
    10/14/15 189.4 end of the first week. and I could not be happier
    a 4 lb lost I may not make the 20 lbs but will be closer than I am now.

    My minty goal is to be in the 170's as soon as I can.

  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    Good luck everyone you can do it!
  • Londonx
    Londonx Posts: 2 Member
    I want to join in. I'm either pregnant or just getting fat, I been eating up everything, no control, f*** BPing.
  • Jodiemdws
    Jodiemdws Posts: 2 Member
    Is it to late to join?! I'm at 155 and would love to get down to 135 by the new year. All the motivation and having to be accountable would be a huge help. I'll be turning 50 in January and that would be a great birthday present to myself. Thank you!!
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I started one week ago today I wprking hard to achive my goal of 20 lbs by New Years
    I am working the zone diet

    My weigh chart for this week
    10/8/15 193.4 ***Starting date
    !0/9/15 191.3
    10/10/15 190.5
    10/11/15 190.8 .......HAD A GAIN OF .3 OZ
    10/12/q15 190.0,,,,,, 8 0z lost...... yea no gain
    10/13/15 189.4 I made it now for it to stay there.
    10/14/15 189.4 end of the first week. and I could not be happier
    a 4 lb lost I may not make the 20 lbs but will be closer than I am now.

    My minty goal is to be in the 170's as soon as I can.

    nice loss
  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member
    im curious, is anyone on this board primal? In other words, eat clean, non- processed foods (80-85% of intake)
    if not, what works for you?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am on the zone plan A complete balance diet. A carb, a protein and fat at every meal Plus all the non Starchy vegies I want. Working for me.
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    im curious, is anyone on this board primal? In other words, eat clean, non- processed foods (80-85% of intake)
    if not, what works for you?

    to be honest i eat everything i always have just in moderation and fruit and veggys
  • mrskbryant
    mrskbryant Posts: 9 Member
    Keep going everyone..the New Year will be here before you know it! We got this!
  • funkymunky12
    funkymunky12 Posts: 19 Member
    Starting weight 264 now 259 - 5 lbs lost this week absolutely over the moon with that loss :smiley:
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    Starting weight 264 now 259 - 5 lbs lost this week absolutely over the moon with that loss :smiley:

    way to go
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Weigh in was yesterday.....I'm down 3 lbs!
  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member
    Weigh in was yesterday.....I'm down 3 lbs!

  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member
    Starting weight 264 now 259 - 5 lbs lost this week absolutely over the moon with that loss :smiley:

  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member
    ok...super happy over here!
    Started- 161 (10/5)
    Today- 153 (10/16)
    Goal 1- 145
    Goal 2- 140 (Dec-Jan)

    Im hoping to shed some weight so that my body doesnt suffer on long runs and to get prepared for next season's trainings....is that too much to ask for????? Geez, so hard!!!
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    Weigh in was yesterday.....I'm down 3 lbs!
    way to go
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    Starting weight 264 now 259 - 5 lbs lost this week absolutely over the moon with that loss :smiley:

    wow great loss
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Starting weight 264 now 259 - 5 lbs lost this week absolutely over the moon with that loss :smiley: