After pregnancy

Hi looking for some advice and tips.
I had a baby 5 months ago, I find it really hard to stop eating lots, I used to be able to go through a whole day in till night time without eating nothing, now I can only last a couple hours till I'm shaking with hunger can anybody give me advice or tips on how to control bad eating habits? And also make yourself more motivated?


  • BreC86
    BreC86 Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2015
    Are you breastfeeding? I just had my daughter 9 months ago and your appetite really does increase. I know if you're breastfeeding that you should add in an extra 500 calories to you diet. Haha, and they say you're suppose to lose weight while breastfeeding. If you're not breastfeeding maybe it's your body trying to get back to takes a while. If you find yourself constantly hungry have you tried making readily available healthy snacks? Maybe some apples and peanut butter, a veggie platter, fruit and yogurt? I'd say prepare them ahead of time. There's nothing wrong with being hungry just make sure that you're making healthy eating choices.
    As far as being motivated that's a hard one cause you're going to have good and bad days. Some days you're going to be able to get a workout in and other times not but don't beat yourself up if you can't go to the gym that day. Youtube always has great workout videos for just those circumstances. At the end of the day remember it took nine months to grow a baby so don't be so hard on yourself, you will get to your goal. Good luck to you!
  • raganduncan1997
    raganduncan1997 Posts: 2 Member
    No never breastfed, and I find it really hard to eat healthy cause I've been eating so much junk throughout my pregnancy and to this day, I buy some healthy stuff when I shop but never eat it and go for the bad choices, can't get to the gym because I'm a single mum and don't speak to family so can't get someone to babysit and also I find it really hard to get out and about due to confident issues etc. Thanks for you're reply though, very much apreciated :)