New to the site, Hello!

SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
Hi all new to this site, joined about a week ago and finally taking it seriously as I'm now combining exercise with my diet.
This consists of the 30 Day Shred which I will be doing daily and some workouts on the Kinect like Zumba and Mel B.

Great to hear of how many of you have stuck to your regimes and what you've thought of the Shred. Did first day today level 1 and was pretty good, I'm a big girl size 18, 248lbs but I did sweat alotand enjoyed it.

Looking forward to hearing from others and making new fitness buddies.


  • tommys
    tommys Posts: 61
    Serene, congratulations on taking ownership of your health! This journey will not be easy but it will be well worth it in the end. I have my good days and bad but when I mess up I fess up and do my best to get back on track! I keep telling myself that the only one that can make this happen this time is me! We are all here to encourage you and offer accountability and we welcome the same from you!
  • kmccall42
    kmccall42 Posts: 13
    Hi i'm new too this aswell from last week :-) im 252lb :-( very unfit ! this site is so inspiring but i just never lose any weight at all. how do you add people as friends would you like to add me:-) xx
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Nice to meet you both.
    Like you if I don't see the results straight away I start to give up but now I'm determined so don't get down keep up with it and eventually it will show. Remember the scales are evil and muscle weighs more. Taken me a long time to learn this lesson.

    I'll try to add you now x
  • kmccall42
    kmccall42 Posts: 13
    hey thank for the adds im the same i give up too easily but im fed up being this size i need to do it nothing fits me any more its so depressing..xx
  • Teenytich
    Teenytich Posts: 3
    Hi all i'm new too to the site, but been using the app on my iphone for over a month and ive already seen changes in my weight which is amazing, i didnt realise that sticking to 1200 calories a day would show such amazing results. I hope it is going well for you all :-)
  • katyrowan12
    katyrowan12 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to the site as well. I have been on here for 2 weeks and have already lost 5.8 pounds. I wish you the best of luck. Feel free to add me for additional support :)

  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Those results all sound great and giving me the strength to persevere, I hope we can all get to our goals together.

    I'm aiming for 1 stone a month loss and after doing the shred 1st time tonight I can already feel it in my legs, arms and abs. :)