Oh. My. God. Baaaad day.

I went to a wedding today & realised I had chosen my meal when I RSVP'd (they put a menu selection in with the invitation) which was well before I started caring about what I eat. Of course it was a terrible choice (for dieting, the food was beautiful) but it was that or nothing...over 1000 calories later...I did however give my dessert & entree to someone else & drank water with lemon in it instead of having wine. Now I'm having lettuce for dinner & cursing past me for being so indulgent!


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    You cannot uneat the food, so stop cursing yourself. You ate a little extra on one day. It won't be the last one!

    Try not to let your emotions get caught up in what you eat. Enjoy it, log it (as best you can) and then move on. :)
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    One meal will hardly make or break your goals. There will always be weddings, holidays, etc. Plus it sounds like you avoided alcohol and skipped dessert - so how about reframing this experience. You ate some beautiful food at a celebration of a new marriage and you made some smart choices to minimise your calorie intake. Forget the lettuce for dinner as 'punishment'. Just eat something you would normally and then keep going tomorrow.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    You went to a wedding though! No matter where someone is on their weight loss journey, everyone deserves to be able to enjoy themselves at a wedding without worrying about calories. You'll most likely eat above your maintenance for the day and possibly retain water for a few days after, but unless you ate the entire wedding party's food, you're not going to gain several pounds from one day of indulgence. It's better to have enjoyed yourself for the day than to wonder what that piece of chicken or piece of cake tasted like at a wedding that will never happen again. Unfortunately you gave away most of your food, but there's no reason to curse yourself for what you did eat. Losing weight should be about having a healthy balance in your life. Being able to eat reasonably on a daily basis, but feeling confident and stable enough to indulge on occasion without feeling guilt or regret.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Having a day where you splurge, especially if it's for a special occasion (weddings, birthdays, holidays) is okay. You can cut a few calories off the next couple days to even your deficit out. If you're planning ahead to a day, you can save a few calories leading up to it. Enjoy the event and food, and get back on track with the next meal/day. It's treating every day like those special occasions that brought many of us here.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I went to a wedding today & realised I had chosen my meal when I RSVP'd (they put a menu selection in with the invitation) which was well before I started caring about what I eat. Of course it was a terrible choice (for dieting, the food was beautiful) but it was that or nothing...over 1000 calories later...I did however give my dessert & entree to someone else & drank water with lemon in it instead of having wine. Now I'm having lettuce for dinner & cursing past me for being so indulgent!
    One meal will hardly make or break your goals. There will always be weddings, holidays, etc. Plus it sounds like you avoided alcohol and skipped dessert - so how about reframing this experience. You ate some beautiful food at a celebration of a new marriage and you made some smart choices to minimise your calorie intake. Forget the lettuce for dinner as 'punishment'. Just eat something you would normally and then keep going tomorrow.

    ^^This. Log it and move on. :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Wow, personally, I would have enjoyed my meal, logged it and moved on. This is about living life and learning to be conscientious and use moderation. Not deprivation.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    With all due respect: you're being overly dramatic.

    I'm also a bit confused....if you gave away your desert and entree, and drank nothing but water, what DID you eat that made you put yourself in Lettuce Exile?

    Whatever the case.....it was ONE meal. Do you plan on doing this for the rest of your life, giving away deserts and entrees and then punishing yourself with nothing but lettuce?

    Obviously, do what you want. But IMO such an approach is not sustainable. Make room in your life for treats and special occasions. You can still lose weight that way, I promise.

  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    With all due respect: you're being overly dramatic.

    I'm also a bit confused....if you gave away your desert and entree, and drank nothing but water, what DID you eat that made you put yourself in Lettuce Exile?

    Whatever the case.....it was ONE meal. Do you plan on doing this for the rest of your life, giving away deserts and entrees and then punishing yourself with nothing but lettuce?

    Obviously, do what you want. But IMO such an approach is not sustainable. Make room in your life for treats and special occasions. You can still lose weight that way, I promise.

  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I recognize that "now I've gone and blown it" thinking. For me it came from wanting to lose weight quickly. Now that I have recognized the longterm benefits of losing weight slowly, one day makes no difference at all.

    PS I assume you meant appetizer when you said entrée.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    No dessert at a wedding makes me sad.

    It's one day. Don't sweat it. I'm going to a wedding in 2 months (right between Thanksgiving and Christmas, gonna be fun!) and I'm not too worried about it, even if it involves two buffets...
  • tkfunkyfrogg
    tkfunkyfrogg Posts: 58 Member
    I went to a wedding today & realised I had chosen my meal when I RSVP'd (they put a menu selection in with the invitation) which was well before I started caring about what I eat. Of course it was a terrible choice (for dieting, the food was beautiful) but it was that or nothing...over 1000 calories later...I did however give my dessert & entree to someone else & drank water with lemon in it instead of having wine. Now I'm having lettuce for dinner & cursing past me for being so indulgent!

    It is one meal. Consider that your cheat :wink:

    I missed breakfast last week and instead ended up having a late brunch in a restaurant that after calculating was 1,200. I had to workout so I wouldn't feel guilty. I dont do that everyday much like you dont eat... Prime rib with mashed potatoes and whatever else set you over the limit. You got this. It is a wedding, next time eat the cake!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I went to a wedding today & realised I had chosen my meal when I RSVP'd (they put a menu selection in with the invitation) which was well before I started caring about what I eat. Of course it was a terrible choice (for dieting, the food was beautiful) but it was that or nothing...over 1000 calories later...I did however give my dessert & entree to someone else & drank water with lemon in it instead of having wine. Now I'm having lettuce for dinner & cursing past me for being so indulgent!
    I went to a wedding today & realised I had chosen my meal when I RSVP'd (they put a menu selection in with the invitation) which was well before I started caring about what I eat. Of course it was a terrible choice (for dieting, the food was beautiful) but it was that or nothing...over 1000 calories later...I did however give my dessert & entree to someone else & drank water with lemon in it instead of having wine. Now I'm having lettuce for dinner & cursing past me for being so indulgent!

    Is your diary set to lose weight? If so remember that your weight loss goal allowance is within your calorie goal.

    So if you are set to lose 2lbs a week then you can go 1000 calories over and be eating at maintenance level. If you are set at 1lb a week loss then you can discount 500 calories.
    Add up every thing you have been under over the week and you probably not going to even see any effect.

    This has to become a long term solution. You had a nice time at a wedding, don't stress it :)
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Alright, I'll bite. I'm confused.... You knew you were going to a wedding and left yourself no calories to eat dinner? Entree selection aside, you ate lettuce and drank water? And are feeling guilty?

    This doesn't make sense to me. I went to nine weddings this season and never once logged in under my calorie goal. I still maintained my weight. One day is not going to break you. Log and move on.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    When I go to events like that, I remind myself that there's more to it than food ...... gotta mingle and, of course, dance to burn off any extra calories ...... you did well, considering ...... hope you had a remarkable time !
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I never try to hit a calorie goal at a wedding. I typically eat smaller at the other meals of the day, and I try to log as best I can, but it's a special occasion. As long as you're not constantly celebrating the longest consecutive number of days that you've been alive, celebrations won't derail you physically. It's up to you to not let them derail you mentally.

    I was at a wedding not long ago, I ate the food, drank the wine, ate my slice of cake, and had fun, and then got up the next day and kept working on weight loss.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    Life is what happens while you work on getting healthy. You're getting healthy to be able to live. Weddings, birthdays, parties, holidays, all of these things are part of life. You have to find a way to be able to ENJOY the journey while you're on it, because it doesn't stop until you're no longer with us. One meal doesn't UN-do all the rest of the time. Enjoy it. Log it. Move forward.
  • SB_Australia
    SB_Australia Posts: 7 Member
    kkenseth wrote: »
    Alright, I'll bite. I'm confused.... You knew you were going to a wedding and left yourself no calories to eat dinner? Entree selection aside, you ate lettuce and drank water? And are feeling guilty?

    This doesn't make sense to me. I went to nine weddings this season and never once logged in under my calorie goal. I still maintained my weight. One day is not going to break you. Log and move on.

    I sent the RSVP for the wedding WITH MY MENU SELECTION months ago (they sent menus out with the invitation & asked us to pick our meal ahead of time). I only started this on Friday so I'm still very new & bumbling my way through.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    So in your mind trade the wedding day for Friday, meaning you started one day later. No biggie. Good for you for making the decision to get healthy.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited October 2015
    I sent the RSVP for the wedding WITH MY MENU SELECTION months ago (they sent menus out with the invitation & asked us to pick our meal ahead of time). I only started this on Friday so I'm still very new & bumbling my way through.

    Ah, you're new to this.

    The best advice really is just log it and move on. Weight loss is a long journey, you'll make plenty of missteps along the way. (Although again, I wouldn't even consider this a misstep - not every single day is going to be at a deficit, even though the vast majority will be, and a wedding is a time to celebrate, not count calories.) The important thing to do is learn from whatever mistakes you make and build good habits.

    Think back to when you learned to ride a bike (assuming you did). How many bumps, bruises, scrapes, and skinned knees did you have? Dieting is a lot like that, you feel bad for a bit and then you get back on the bike and try again.

    The more you beat yourself up for it, or try to deprive yourself of something else because of a real or perceived failure, the less likely you are to succeed. You have to accept the road to better health is not a perfectly straight line that you will never deviate from, but a path that will sometimes meander or double back before making its way onward. That's enough analogies for now :smiley:
  • rockingranny45
    rockingranny45 Posts: 30 Member
    I have found it helps to eat whatever you like but in moderation. This works well for me. Also it is wise to consider it a life style change rather than a diet. Just hang in there and as long as you are at a deficit you will lose. Don't forget working out helps alot.