Am I doing it right? Can you suggest improvements, please?

albali Posts: 225 Member
Five years ago I was reasonably fit, played a little sport, ate healthily and was a little overweight. I then had my son and for nearly five years, I haven't done any fitness work, have eaten badly (huge portions and lots of takeaways) and drank quite a bit of wine! I became 40lbs overweight!
So now I have been doing MFP and getting healthy for 7 weeks. This is what I have done: stuck to, or just below, calories and carbs, stopped drinking, have smaller portions and cook from scratch. None of this is a problem. I have enjoyed it and don't feel like I am depriving myself. Also, I have exercised EVERY day! Either a 30-40 minute brisk walk or a 30 minute brisk bike ride. This has been done every day except two!! Also, every other day I do 80 situps, some push ups and leg raises etc, for about 10 mins in total.I have lost half a stone (7lb) which I know is good, but I haven't lost anything this week. Also, though I see a difference in by chest and chin, there isn't the loss I would have liked to see yet from my tummy! I kind of expected, having gone from doing nothing and eating rubbish, to eating great and exercising madly, I would see huge results early on!! I am not really demotivated...what I am after are suggestions as to what, if anything, else I should do to speed up inch and weight loss. Is my fitness regime ok? Should I be doing more? I don't have anymore time to spend on doing exercise but I could do something else I guess! I was way too hungry on my first profile (loss of 1.5lb a week) so put it up to 1lb a week! Do you think I should drop it down again??


  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    It looks like you're doing very well. The fat on your belly seems to be the last to go. Most people seem to notice it first in their face. To be sustainable and long-term, it should be gradual like this. Just keep doing what you're doing and have patience. You'll get there! :flowerforyou:
  • Floridabound1242
    Floridabound1242 Posts: 2 Member
    I just found this site 2 days ago and there is so much here. I am really trying hard to go with more fruits and veggies but there is so much sugar:smile:
  • trosewine
    trosewine Posts: 88
    You said it yourself - you've been doing this for 7 weeks and have a goal of 1 pound a week. You've lost 7 pounds. How great is that??!!! :happy:
  • BusyMomma2012
    BusyMomma2012 Posts: 41 Member
    Sounds like you are doing great! Make sure you are switching up your exercise so that your body doesn't hit a plateau. Also, are you drink pop? Once I stopped drinking it the weight started really dropping. Also, sodium could sometimes be a problem (it definitely was for me) and make sure you are drinking lots of water!! Keep up the good work girl!
  • kuarta
    kuarta Posts: 65
    Hello. I guess we all get a bit impatient and want to see a massive improvement when we start on our weight loss journey. However, just remember that it took you five years to gain all that weight! I think you have done great losing as much as you have in 7 weeks. Just be patient and consistent and you will continue to lose weight - slowly but surely.
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    Thank you everyone. Having read your posts, I am feeling more positive. I think I am just expecting too much. Got on the scales this morning and have lost another pound! Slowly does it, is my new mantra! Thanks all.