10lbs by june 8th

This is my newest challenge...i want to lose 10lbs by june 8th and wanted to see if anyone would like to join...just put your current weight and what ur goals are.


  • Taylora94
    Taylora94 Posts: 43 Member
    I would love to join. My weight right now is 118.1. And my goal weight is 108 by June 8th ( my birthday) and be 100 by June 26.
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349

    Me too - 10lbs by the 8th at least and maybe a few inches :) On holiday on the 12th of June so would be great to make it 10lbs down if not a bit more by then :)

    Oopps - edit to say im 198lbs now so 188lbs by 8ths of june :)
  • XxXstars9967XxX
    great! i've also got another challenge going on.."600 minute walking challenge"it's in the forums
  • dekachin
    dekachin Posts: 1
    I want to join as well :) Right now I'm about 133 :ohwell: which sounds good but it's bad for my height of 5 feet so I look very big so it'll be nice to be about 125th on june 8th though I don't know if I can work to the best of my abilities because of heavy work load of school but i'll try my best :smile:
  • jeseka619
    jeseka619 Posts: 21
    I'm in!
  • George1942
    George1942 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in also.
  • DTatum
    DTatum Posts: 15
    Doesn't sound like you need to lose any weight hun. What is your age/height?
  • XxXstars9967XxX
    Doesn't sound like you need to lose any weight hun. What is your age/height?
  • XxXstars9967XxX
    it's part of my 5 month weight loss xD
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm in too
  • XxXstars9967XxX
    sweet! thanx for joining everyone
  • DTatum
    DTatum Posts: 15
    Sorry.... Taylor doesn't sound like she needs to lose weight... Might blow away.. :-)
  • XxXstars9967XxX
    Sorry.... Taylor doesn't sound like she needs to lose weight... Might blow away.. :-)
    kind of agree with you there
  • soon2bmrsc
    soon2bmrsc Posts: 41
    I'm in!! I want to lose my remaining 8 pounds by June 8th for my June 10th wedding! Current weight: 138. Height: 5'2"
  • ziggle_7
    ziggle_7 Posts: 81 Member
    im in! my 20th birthday is on the 7th and would love to be 10lbs lighter
  • joec53
    joec53 Posts: 8
    I'm in start weight 221 may 6
    Goal weight 211 June 8
  • Taylora94
    Taylora94 Posts: 43 Member
    Sorry.... Taylor doesn't sound like she needs to lose weight... Might blow away.. :-)

    Actually I'm only 5"3 and am 11 years old.
  • joec53
    joec53 Posts: 8
    Did anyone hit your goal. I went from 221 to 217 not what I wanted but better than gaining.
  • XxXstars9967XxX
    Did anyone hit your goal. I went from 221 to 217 not what I wanted but better than gaining.
    yep :) lost 12lbs